Home protection gun for wife...

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No training - no gun. Alarm or dog maybe better choices.
......... but if you must have a handgun, then 38 spec revolver like a S&W Model 10.
My wife has stated that she would be unable to shoot another human. She is just simply not in the right frame of mind to defend herself with a gun.

And that is fine. I know that, I can plan around that. You can bet she has Pepper Spray and a Taser!

But hey, she has occasionally asked me to take her to the range... likely because she loves me and wants to show interest in the things that interest me So maybe after enough years of humoring me... she'll feel more comfortable with firearms and the use thereof.

I suspect there are tons of folks that are this way. It goes against our hardwired software to kill another of our kind. It's that way with most of the animal kingdom. It's even disturbing to some to "prepare and practice" for such a thing. I don't blame them, or think there's anything wrong with them. It's natural behavior.

I (personally) feel like the survival instinct is a stronger natural instinct than not killing another of our kind, and will allow people like your wife to "kick into overdrive" when faced with kill or die. Most folks won't likely ever get to that point, and I would pray they never do because they either won't survive, or they will be emotionally wrecked from "being forced" to kill another. Either would be devastating, but only one of those 2 options allow for recovery.
First she has to show some interest and willingness to use the firearm. She could still come around, but it is too soon to buy a gun for her to use.

If and when she does, I would not at all recommend a 642. It is not an easy gun to shoot well, which will be discouraging to her. My wife and both daughters hated mine. They all prefer semis to revolvers, but they kind of like the Taurus model 80, which is a copy of the S&W model 10. [Note to Taurus bashers: it is been pretty darn reliable, but even if it wasn't I inherited it from my father, so it isn't going anywhere.]
So having said all of that, I am thinking of a SW 642.

"a snubby for the little lady"

For the purpose and user, too small and too light. Heck, with the stock grips, I find it bordering on painful to shoot.

Rather, go for a 4" S&W Model 10 or equivalent.
Yep. A model 10 or something of that style. A snubby is one of the hardest guns to shoot. There is no reason to have a hideout gun for HD. A full size is a much better choice. And wadcutters would work fine from a model 10. My house gun for the last 25 years has been a model 15 loaded with remington 158gr lead hollow points.

My wife doesn't care for guns either. But she knows where the gun is and how to pull the trigger. I have no doubt that if she really needed to she would get it even though she hates guns.

I once scared her and a friend while they were watching a movie late at night. I was gone but came back and came through the back yard and jiggled the patio door. You talk about two girls with big eyes. Anyway when I came in my wife was already headed for the gun. So don't count your wife out. Get the gun. Show her where it is and load it. The rest is up to her.

My wife would never kill an animal. But once long ago when we were first married we had a woodpecker that kept pecking on the house. I had a pellet gun loaded in case I got a shot at him. I came in from work and my wife told me to reload the pellet rifle because she had shot at the woodpecker and missed. You could have pushed me over with a finger I was so shocked. I never in my life thought she would try to kill a bird. But try she did and almost got him. I saw where the pellet hit the wood post he was sitting on. She didn't kill it but it wasn't from lack of trying.
I would not go with a hand gun for someone who refuses to train. I'd probably go with a SXS in 20GA with some #1 Buck. It will go boom when she pulls the trigger and a single shot has a high chance of stopping a threat.

(and she can always run out to the back porch and let off a of couple of shells if she hears a noise)

BUT she hates guns. She doesn't want to look at them. She won't practice. She won't do anything. She would NEVER go into a gun store. I have tried to explain training and such over and over again but she won't listen.
I think it may be you not listening. It seems she does not want anything to do with a firearm. Please respect her wish.
Decide what is important in your marriage. If you become a Johnny One-Note on trying to teach someone to use lethal force who doesn't want to, you will need a lawyer soon.

Anymore to be said besides the usual get her a Glot in 345 rimfire magnum? We aren't a marriage counseling business and gave the OP the sites that he could use.

That's a hint, folks.
True Kraig, but in the OP, me mentions how she HATES guns, won't go look at them, etc

I run across that every now and again.

Last winter had a lady who came to "watch" her daughter and neighbor who were attending the class.

Never shot a gun, was afraid of them, and didn't want nothing to do with them.

I informed her my defense shooting class wasn't a Spectator Sport. She had to shoot. First I had her pointing her finger only, then a plastic training gun, then a revolver. Got her to dry fire, then snuck a round in. She got off two rounds before she left crying.

A couple weeks later, her daughter and friends shammed her into coming back.

She won the lady's cat. of the last two bowling pin shoots. Her hubby says I created a monster.

That is just one example. I get them every year. I've been pretty lucky in convincing those who don't like, or are afraid of guns, to shoot.

As Gary Anderson told me, there are no hopeless shooters.
Replace the bedroom door with a solid wood version, reinforce or replace the frame, and add a good lock to create a safe room.

See if she would be open to a Taser or mace.

I wouldn't force a firearm on someone who doesn't want one.
As Gary Anderson told me, there are no hopeless shooters.

I have to disagree. As I said before, my wife wants little to do with guns. It's not that she hates them and not that she's afraid of them. Again, she likes to shoot the little 10/22. She knows how to shoot my handguns. While she loves to go along pheasant hunting and watch the dog work, does not mind watching me shoot birds and will help me clean and eat them....she has no desire to shoot one herself. Same goes for deer hunting. She loves to sit in the deer stand with me and watch the sun come up. Loves watching the deer and other wildlife from the stand. Gets excited to watch me shoot a deer, will help me gut it, drag it out, butcher it and cook it. But refuses to pull the trigger on one herself. I've been trying for 36 years without forcing. We have talked about what she would do if she was watching the grandkids and someone broke in and attacked them(I thought this would be the motivation she needed). I've offered to take her to classes taught by others. Both my DILs shoot handgun, as do my granddaughters. She enjoys watching them shoot, but very seldom will join. She claims she would use a knife, a club or the 10/22 and yes we have a very protective GWP, but she still refuses to practice with a handgun.
It makes no sense to buy a gun for one who clearly wants nothing to do with them.

Buy a couple of big dogs and some good door locks instead of something that will get her killed
If someone doesn't have the will to fight back with the best means possible, to save her own, or loved ones life's if necessary, having a gun there won't help. I never could understand why some people say they just can not bring themselves to kill another person trying to kill them, but at the same time have no problem calling the police to come and kill this same person for them. (if they get there in time) My wife is one of the the kindest most caring women alive but she grew up in a bad Camden neighborhood and learned a long time ago to take care of herself or go down fighting if need be. Get her a steel door, a good phone and a bible.
Just a few thoughts...
A wife with a mind set "I want something to protect me...that I don't want to practice shooting with" does not have the will to protect herself in an attack encounter. My best solution is buy her a mid-priced short barrel revolver with hammer in .38 caliber (point and shoot so to speak). Without practice, she has 6 shots that will most probably miss 4 times without practice (grip, stance, trigger squeeze, and aim.) Hoping the muzzle is pointed at the assailant who is armed and is under 10' - 20' and closing, she might survive the attack with a lucky shot, or scare them away (ha). Un-practiced, with eyes squinted and turned away protecting her ears with fear and a "I don't want to die" attitude is not a survival tactic. Oh, and the gun will come out of her hands with a weak grip. The assailant will otherwise kill her with her own gun, or beat her to death with it.
A gun is a poor choice for protection for your wife. People who don't like guns are dangerous around them as they're careless and have no interest in learning to use them. #1 on getting a couple of large breed dogs, German Shepherds would be my choice.

With all due respect, if your wife "hates" guns and "won't even look at them" then why are you buying her one?

What are the odds that, in a high stress situation, she'll be able to pick up a gun that she's never used or operated and fire it effectively? More likely she'll just hurt herself.

Get her some pepper spray or something. Seriously tho.

Or better yet, try to figure out why she's so anti-gun and work on that. If she's scared of them, get a 22 that she'll try out and go from there.

If she hates guns, it's going to be tough to find one that's right for her! I agree that a decent size dog would give her a sense of security. Even a small, loud dog will deter many criminals. One small breed, the Schipperke, is absolutely ferious for a little dog.

If you do buy her a gun, best off with a .22 revolver. Taurus 94, Smith 317, or Rossi Plinker are all "high capacity" revolvers that should fit her hand well. In my experience, revolvers are less intimidating, and 8(+) high velocity solid .22s will be a decent deterrent. She might even find that because a .22 doesn't have a lot blast or recoil, she's grow to enjoy shooting it.

Please stay away from the Smith 642. Don't get me wrong, they are great carry guns! I carry a Smith 442 quite a bit. But they buck and snort, even with wadcutter loads, and they can be difficult for a new shooter to use.
I think it may be you not listening. It seems she does not want anything to do with a firearm. Please respect her wish.
Back in the late 70 's my little sister was beaten and left for dead Lunch time at her place of employment . She was alone waiting on co worker to come back. So she could go. She told me she just couldn't bring herself to fight back.
Several operations and plastic surgery .Seeing the justice system revolving door . Gave her a attitude change. She now a collector , shoots often and has a permit to carry.

If you wife doesn't want or like guns . All you be doing is giving the BG another pistol .

Best find another way, locks ,dogs, security lighting.
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