Home protection gun for wife...

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So I am looking at a home defense gun for my wife. This would be a gun that sits in a safe next to my bed with me and would be a gun that she would use if I went to leave to check out a noise or a gun that she could use if I wasn't home. Now normally I would love for her to look at gun, try them out, etc. BUT she hates guns. She doesn't want to look at them. She won't practice. She won't do anything. She would NEVER go into a gun store. I have tried to explain training and such over and over again but she won't listen. She isn't dumb, she has a Master's degree, she understands that she should do this but she just won't go near a gun; so its never happening. But if her life depended on it, she wouldn't have a choice so I want get a gun that will go bang in an emergency if she needed to get it. I have a glock 26 in my safe and there is no way she could use it. She has no training and there isn't a round in the chamber. So I know its basically a rock if she were to need it.

So having said all of that, I am thinking of a SW 642. Its light, it will go bang when you pull the trigger, and anyone can use it without training...not suggesting that's a good idea but everyone can pull a trigger. Now I can train her what to do, where to go, have a plan, etc. She just would never practice with the gun itself. Thoughts?

*yes I understand she should have training but its not happening in this case...
I would consider a medium frame .357 magnum loaded with .38 +P ammo. This size gun should be something she can physically handle and the recoil should be manageable.
With her mindset she'll never be able to use a gun . Get the best security system you can and leave it at that !
That's the sad truth of your situation unless something happens to wake her up !
With her mindset she'll never be able to use a gun . Get the best security system you can and leave it at that !
That's the sad truth of your situation unless something happens to wake her up !

Sad truth unless you can get her to train. My wife is similar except that she basically just hates autoloaders. She can (and would) be able to run my 26 I keep by the bed (loaded) but she'd prefer a wheelgun.

I'm working on OK'ing a purchase of a SP 101 in .357 with some short barrel +P .38 specials for that reason. She didn't much care for my Ruger LCR (heck I don't care for shooting it) but she could run it fine when we practiced.
I tried several different guns and she settled on a maverick 88. She know how to pump it and point and shoot. She also finds comfort in the warning sound of racking it to give the BG or me a chance to run LOL

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With her mindset she'll never be able to use a gun . Get the best security system you can and leave it at that !
That's the sad truth of your situation unless something happens to wake her up !

Yep, having something around she does not know how to use will only have it getting taken away and used on her. A nice dog, like a German Shepherd or similar, coupled with alarms, lighting thorny bushes, etc. would be best.
You can lead a horse to water..............
Yeah, as hard as it is to acknowledge reality sometimes, there's no denying the obvious.
No guns for your wife.
For some peace of mind (yours mostly), how about having her take a local class about how to avoid or deal with a home break-in.
Most police departments offer them, with no reference to guns.
Yep, having something around she does not know how to use will only have it getting taken away and used on her. A nice dog, like a German Shepherd or similar, coupled with alarms, lighting thorny bushes, etc. would be best.

I totally agree.
she hates guns. She doesn't want to look at them. She won't practice. She won't do anything. She would NEVER go into a gun store. I have tried to explain training and such over and over again but she won't listen. She isn't dumb, she has a Master's degree, she understands that she should do this but she just won't go near a gun; so its never happening.

Adam, sounds like she wouldn't/couldn't use a gun if it came down to it. I think it's more likely to be taken from her. If she did get a shot off (and it doesn't sound like she has the mindset needed) she will probably miss, especially if the gun has a long DAO trigger pull. If that happens, hopefully the bad guy would run away and not toward her.
First off you shouldn't be choosing a gun for your wife. She should make that choice.

Before she makes that course you should enroll her in a self defense shooting class where they provide several options for her to try.

Then she can pick with fits HER. She will then be more incline to use the gun if needed.
I'll pile on with the others here, if she hates 'em won't take a class then no gun for her.

Maybe get her a big can of pepper spray and/or a baseball bat, (maybe one of the T-Ball aluminum ones...light and handy.

If she'll at least go as far as reading about self-defense maybe have her go to this site.

True Kraig, but in the OP, me mentions how she HATES guns, won't go look at them, etc.so this is a no brainer from that aspect.

Thorny bushes under every window, pea gravel path around the house (you cannot walk quietly on that stuff), motion activated lights, alarm system, dogs, a solid door on the master bedroom and a steel one on the closet (if a walk-in) to make lit like a small panic room where she can run and lock herself in and call 911. If you use cameras, have a monitor in that room so she can see if/when it is safe to come out.
All of that will cost more than a 642, but at least they will perform safety functions, unlike a gun she will never touch.
Or maybe a sound effect,as part of the home security system, that sounds like a big dog.
Won't have to feed it or take it to an expensive veterinarian.
I have a pile of guns. Both my wife and I are gun carriers by profession, and there's always one (or more) handy at home.

That said, we live on 600 acres with no neighbors and have never been broken into. I can almost promise that someone has thought about it, and maybe even stopped by when we weren't at home, but we have 2 Doberman dogs that look at you through any window of the house that you happen to be close to...........

A good dog is a great companion, and priceless to keep bad folks away. I have been an LEO for 22 years, and have arrested and talked to lots of criminals. Most will move on the next house if they know there's a medium to large sized dog at yours.

To close, if I were choosing a home defense gun for someone who had no interest in guns, it certainly wouldn't be a handgun. I would opt for a pump action shotgun. Simple (pick it up, pump, pull trigger, repeat), effective (they don't have be a good shot to hit someone with #4 Buck Shot at hallway distances), and can be had reasonably priced.

Have her read the www.corneredcat.com and other books about self-defense for women that Pax recommends.

If someone doesn't want a gun and to be able to take a life - that is their choice and you need to lay back and do other security options. Nothing is more obnoxious than the male 'gun expert' badgering women.

The 642 isn't that easy to master - saying that implies a lack of experience with snubbies.
I would consider a medium frame .357 magnum loaded with .38 +P ammo.

I would suggest using standard .38 loads to start. The Airweight J-Frames make for good CWCs, but like to bite the hand that shoots them because of the small compact grips and their lightweight. A L-Frame loaded with standard .38s is like shooting a .22 mag as for recoil, noise and muzzle blast. For someone uncomfortable with guns, making the shooting experience as painless as possible is a must.

Still, as others have said it's one thing to get her a gun, and another to get her to shoot it. My wife enjoys shooting .22 rifle. She hates handguns of all kinds and for the most part wants nuttin' to do with 'em. I have tho insisted she know how they operate and how to discharge one if really needed. Odds are they will not be the first thing she thinks of if she is home alone and hears a strange sound. Odds are, she will sic the dog on 'em first, grab the 10/22 and call 911. She's also pretty dam good at throwin' things............just sayin':D
There is an expert thread that wadcutters are good choices for the novice (or maybe anyone) in a snubbie.

But I'm still not ok with 'let's force the wife' to be a gun person. If they won't come to it - then it's their choice and having a last ditch gun around that YOU choose, is not a good plan.
My wife has stated that she would be unable to shoot another human. She is just simply not in the right frame of mind to defend herself with a gun.

And that is fine. I know that, I can plan around that. You can bet she has Pepper Spray and a Taser!

But hey, she has occasionally asked me to take her to the range... likely because she loves me and wants to show interest in the things that interest me :) So maybe after enough years of humoring me... she'll feel more comfortable with firearms and the use thereof.
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