Home defense query

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Let me see Wiki data says

Ireland: Pop. 6,399,115 Area:32,595 sq. mi. (2011 data)

City of Los Angeles Pop. 3,792,621* Area 503 sq. mi. (2010 data) or 59.3% of your population in an area 1/65th the size.

Los Angeles County Pop. 9,962,789* Area: 4,752 sq. mi. or 55.7% more people in an area 1/7th the size. There are 14 cities with populations between 100k and 500k in this county.

State finance data shows that these numbers are on the low side. L.A. data

Trying to compare Ireland rates with US rates is an apples to pineapples comparison. Not only does it not take into account your long standing tradition of firearm restrictions, it also does not take into account significant regional differences such as demographics, population density, population hemegony, legal hemegony (each of our states has its own laws), etc. You may want to look at states like Washington that have a similar number of people (they do have twice the land area), Tennessee (pop similar; land a 1/3 more), or others along that line.
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And until reporting agencies use the same parameters for reporting crime data...

You will never see a fair comparison...

Roadrocket, I see no reason for you to fear us American folks... No one seems to have professed to be a hunting guide during "Tourist Season"... (if they call it Tourist season... why can't we hu8nt them???)....

Just don't go acting like a thug criminal and don't get too drunk as to go breaking into the wrong house to sleep on the couch... you will be okay...

I Have.

2 burglars were attempting to break into the back door.
I grabbed the shotgun, and came around from the gate into the back yard.

Cops came gave them a ride plus meals and board (said I should have let them open the door first.)

I hope both of those teenagers have since taken up another trade.
Lol I find it humorous when foreigners watch the news and think America is a horrible place. I could make assumptions of ireland as well.

The first mistake is to call it Ireland as if its one jurisdiction. There is N Ireland and The Republic of Ireland. N Ireland is part of the UK and has different laws police force- army- education system -health care -firearms laws etc. In NI police are armed the ROI police are not. And of course crime rates and ways of recording crimes are different. Its a bit like people talking about American gun laws as if all the states have the same laws. PS American tourists are in Belfast all the time and crime or fear of crime would not prevent me from visiting America.
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Manta, I'm currently in transition location wise but I'm sure I speak for a lot of us here when I say if you ever end up across the pond come on out and visit us out west. We will be happy to show you why we call it "God's country" out here, then you can reassure roadrocket.:D
don't get me wrong i love shooting been shooting over 50 years i just find it disturbing that so many people feel the need to have a gun for home defence i find it sad to have to think that way. i worked for the american goverment for 8 years and got on well with every one.
While you think we "need" these for home defense, most of us see it as having the right to be able to defend our own life rather than be at the mercy of predators, cops and the clock.

Many of us Americans find it very disturbing that there are societies that find it acceptable to have limited rights to self defense.

roadrocket wrote:
i just find it disturbing that so many people feel the need to have a gun for home defence i find it sad to have to think that way.

And yet you don't find it disturbing/sad that most in your country feel the need have locks on the doors of your homes and your cars in order to feel secure?
this is getting away from the question i asked which was how many people have had to use their shotgun in a home defense situation which i thought was a straight forward question.
And you got off topic when you brought up vacation plans after folks replied to your thread. What does my having two shotguns for home defense against burglars have to do with you vacationing as a tourist?

I use a HD shotgun and I've never had to fire it. I also have a generator in case the lights go out and a fire extinguisher next to my wood stove, just in case. Oh yeah I wear a seat belt in the car and so does my family. My home defense shotgun is a great backup firearm in case my deer gun goes down in season.

I'm a police officer and I can tell you that a majority of violent crime in this great land is confined to the criminal element, they rob and murder each other in the inner city. Then there are the junkies who rob and break into the homes of every day people. The junkies are the zombies of our society and are driven by narcotics. Aside from the prescription pill addictions and meth, most narcotics are imported from foreign lands. Making it legal won't change anything because right now heroin is cheaper then a six pack of beer. The third category are the criminally insane acts that make headlines but are very rare.
I think some of the issues you have mentioned is that many of us would rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.

With a country of 330 million you have responses from less than 30 who may or may not have used their shotgun in defense.

Come on over, you will enjoy the visit.

(I prefer to shoot 'em with my 45 :D)
i just find it disturbing that so many people feel the need to have a gun for home defence i find it sad to have to think that way. i worked for the american goverment for 8 years and got on well with every one.

Most of the time people in government positions must undergo thorough background checks, so I am not too worried about them... However, there are criminals in every population, and I would prefer to be prepared than simply hope that nothing will happen. Do I feel like I will ever need to use a firearm for defense? No, I don't think I will. But I feel much more comfortable knowing that I have the means to defend myself.

My gun safe is in my room, and I unlock it and leave the door closed at night when I go to bed. 3 of the 4 firearms that are stored in the door are left "cruiser ready" in case I need them. I also have a handgun with a loaded chamber on my bedside table. (Remember, a handgun is there to help you fight your way to a real gun ;))


I have only once grabbed a gun with the thought that I would have to defend my home. There were two people sneaking around my house, I saw them peeking through my brother's bedroom window as I checked in on him one night. I immediately called the police and grabbed my pistol, but I believe they saw me as I saw them and they were gone when the police arrived.

I have used that shotgun to kill a couple of coyotes around the house recently, though.
I've looked back through the responses and have noted some things.
Only one shot fired in anger at a human being (pistol), no damage to said human.
Several successful shows of force, shotgun in hand, no shots fired because, using good judgement, it wasn't needed. With our laws likely many of the show of force situations could have been justification for firing at and killing the BG's. Multiple instances where humans were protected from animals, shots fired, and effective.

IMHO this show's two things.
One, HD weapons, especially shot guns are an effective deterrent, even without creating holes in humans.
Two, even when given the opportunity of firing on a human within the law's boundaries the folks who have responded have shown good judgement and restraint in not pulling the trigger.
This pretty clearly shows the firearms making the situation safer in every circumstance.
I guess I don't understand how this makes you more worried to be here.
I think this guy is stringing us along. He can't answer what part of Ireland he is from it matters because talking about the crime figures in Ireland doesn't make sense. I still don't know why he is talking about a shotgun you can use any firearm for self defence. :confused:
i am stringing nobody along and its no secret i live in co cork as regards shotguns its because i mainly read the shotgun forum and the home defense subject comes up regularly i suppose its just horses for courses i did not set out to upset anybody with this thread.we are all shooting folk after all.
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