Home defense query

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New member
Here in Ireland we have very little gun crime. I was just wondering how many people on this forum have had to use their shotgun in a home defense situation.
I've had a self defense shotgun for more than twenty years. Never had to use it.

I also have a large fire extinguisher. Never had to use it either.

I don't plan on getting rid of either one.
The neverending question...

I reserched it all then bought a 20 Ga double but it's to pretty to chop so It sits ready to go with a couple boxes of Slugs and some Phesant loads and with 28" barrels...
NExt I plan to get a 12Ga.Pump, Intended to wear a 18 1/2" barrel and only an elastic shell bandoleer around the stock.
Likely going to be either a Mossberg or Remington 870 for costs sake, Bougtht "used"
I have found that vented ribbed barrels are the cheapest(?) on the Used Market.
I'll probablly need a 'Smith cut it down due to the Vent rib.
Funny how a cheap Project gets expensive if you don't be carefull!
My oldest son had my shotgun chambered and pointed toward the floor in front of the door (finger OFF the trigger, all that lecturing worked) when a mentally unstable young man was pounding at the door to try to get to my daughter. My Son was announcing they were armed and he needed to step away from the door when the local PD (bless them) arrived.
The young man was escorted away, but only after the LE made it clear that if he had forced his way through the door only bad things would have happened due to the fact we were armed. The Chief himself followed up (we go to church with him) to make sure the point was made while explaining the laws about trespass in this area.
He didn't have to pull the trigger. I suppose in Joe Biden's world it would have been okay, but until that door was open he sure as heck was not going to do anything deadly, it wasn't needed.
I guess I would call it using our HD weapon, the fear of it has worked to keep this nutjob away perfectly. According to the LEO's that were on scene he went dead white when he realized he almost forced his way into a shotgun blast.
I have, about 11 years ago. Never fired a shot but my car was being broken into and I walked outside with my 870 and the sight of me and 7 rounds of buckshot apparently was a deterrent and the criminal ran off. Still had a busted out window though. :(
When I was 21, I fired a hand gun in my own home out of self defense after my front door was kicked in, he was hit once and ran off, I moved to a better neigborhood shortly after that.

Several years ago, I went outside armed with a shotgun to see who was trying to steal my motorcycle, they saw me coming and ran off I guess.
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Used??? Certainly... Many many times... First I used and abused it to make sure it would be reliable if called upon up to and including discharge against a human predator...

I use it when I step out front and shoot amongst the pack of yotes in my garbage that my house dogs think they can handle...

I use it for the feral cats in the barn too...

But inside the home, I use it a few times per month...

Any time an uninvited person arrives that I cannot immediately identify is met at the door by me with my shotgun hid behind the door, if i even open it up...

Once identified, and I choose to invite the person in, they will see I am armed as I prop my gun on the wall nearby...

this is also followed by a typical "You really need to let me know you are coming in advance..." lecture...

I am not the consummate host of uninvited social visits and do take offense at those who think everyone invites this with open arms...:D

Have I ever fired upon anyone? Nope... I have "stood my ground" a few times while armed and a few of these the person on the hot end of the gun knew it to be so...

I killed an attacking Doberman dog when I was 16 years old with a Beretta BL3 over/under shotgun and a load of #7 ½ bird shot. It killed the big dog instantly.
He was only about 10 feet from me and coming straight at me with teeth barred and snarling. I shot him in the front of his chest. That was MANY years ago.
roadrocket, you should have visited us today. It was the local St. Paddy's Day parade in Pittsburgh PA. Like my LT. used to say, " nothing bad can happen on St. Patrick's Day. tom.:D
roadrocket said:
i think i will change my mind about holidaying in america this year.

Why ? Did you intend to indulge in an anti-social or criminal activity here ?

Or, are you one of those folks that think America is still the Wild West, with everybody's life in peril every second of the day ?

i think i will change my mind about holidaying in america this year.

That's a shame. When you come you'll find that Americans are some of the friendliest people in the world. This really is a wonderful country. I've lived here all my life and I haven't seen it all yet. You could spend weeks in each region and not see it all.
Here in Ireland we have very little gun crime
Is that N Ireland or the Republic of Ireland. I ask because the crime rate in the republic of Ireland would have its own crime figures as would N Ireland.

From what i have read on this forum very few have had to use their firearm for self defence.
"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life". Robert A Heinlein
My shtf gun is a mossberg 590 a1. Awesome shotgun. A aquaintance of mine would keep a loaded shotgun by his bed when his daughters ex boy friend stalker would come by (Stalker actually had a written plan later confiscated by police on how he was going to kidnap her and well you know) That shotgun was a good reassurance during tough times.
Lol I find it humorous when foreigners watch the news and think America is a horrible place. I could make assumptions of ireland as well.
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