Hogs...it's been a long time coming...

A fine looking rifle and a nice piney rooter. Killed a lot of them when I lived in Florida, most with an 1894 Marlin, .44 magnum........Robin
Think those female hogs can reproduce at up to 6 litters a season! They can sure mess up a farmers crops. You're doing great in the attempt to lower their numbers, for sure!
Actually, I think 2-2 1/2 litters a year is the general rule, and feral hogs don't normally have as large of a litter as domestic. All things said though, they can be baby machines. The gestation period for hogs is in the general vicinity of 114 days. An easy way to remember this is what they call the rule of three.....three months, three weeks, and three days...or 114 days total.
Trying to keep up with all the sows out there though, is actually a losing proposition.
In a normal year very few feral sows will have more than one litter of pigs. In a good year when the acorns and pecans are plentiful a sow may have two litters: 2007 was such a year. In 2007-08 many sows were running with little pigs and 40-60 pound pigs.

About one third of the adult sows we kill have never had a litter. It is quite common to find two and three year old sows that have never has a litter.

i've spent thousands of hours hunting, trapping and observing feral hogs.
Problem comes when swine experts take facts about domestic hogs and apply those facts to feral hogs. Feral hogs in SW OK have a hard scrabble life. Until May, 2015 we were in a five year drought. i've saw dozens of little wild pigs that starved to death.

Man these have been hard to find lately. I ran into this little gal early this morning. A 405 gr. Lasercast makes a nice pretty round hole through one. I normally prefer to shoot them through the shoulder and was surprised this one took it through the lungs, until I looked at my rifle and it seems like somewhere along the way I broke a small piece of the rear sight and it allowed the sight to slide slightly off. Easy fix and it will give me something to do this afternoon. This was number 504 off this property.
Nice pig Stony and I bet that 405 grain bullet is one heckuva hog dropper.

And I agree with you, they have been very hard to find in East Texas here lately, at least where I am they are very scarce here lately.
I hear all kinds of theories about what happened to all the pigs, but nothing definitive. I thought maybe we had a bumper acorn crop in the woods or something, but it won't be long until we have another crop ready to drop and hogs are still illusive. I guess maybe I'm spoiled with the hog hunting as I'm used to seeing a bunch on the game cameras. I like to go out some nights and pop hogs at the feeders, but I've seen shots of one here and there ( no bunches lately), and often times they walk past a feeder without even stopping.
I sent an e-mail to a guy that is supposed to be an expert with Texas Parks and Wildlife and he just said to read his book basically...and said they move around a lot. I hunt probably some of the best habitat for them in the area and have problems finding any right now.