Hogs...it's been a long time coming...

Stoney, That's good shooten. It looks like the deer was a neck shot, probably so good meat would not be wasted.

What caliber is your rifle ?? It is doing a good job for you. I know is South Carolina where I live pretty soon they isn't going to be anything except coyotes and hogs. The coyotes have already thinned down the SC deer herd about 1/3.

Can you give us a little overview of how you hunt them. Looks like you bait them. What surprises me is how many you are able to get at one time. You need to write a book on that :)
I could never get myself to eat a coon, but some people say they are good. I have been trapping them on occasion to get some out of the traps and away from the corn. The last time I went after them seriously, I quit at 89 of them. Haven't even made a dent in their population. I need to get started at them again.
I actually bait some areas where there seems to be hog movement, and normally keep about 4 traps set all the time. Hogs have been pretty scarce over the past few months in our area. We have had a really wet time of it here over that time and the general opinions are that they are staying in the thick bottoms and not moving around as much. I still get a group of them now and then, but I'm waiting for more movement to get started again.
I have shot hogs with all kinds of calibers using regular scopes, night scope, open sights, pistols and whatever happens to be handy at the moment and suited to the conditions. I haven't shot any with muzzleloaders yet, but that is on the horizon too. I have traditional muzzleloaders in calibers of .40 through .62, and don't care for the inlines at all. I'm anxiously awaiting a .62 caliber with a rifled barrel that a fellow is restocking for me. It shot really good groups but needed a different stock to be what I want it to be. I have a .62 smoothbore flinter that I've taken deer with, but no hogs so far.
The lever action rifle in the picture is an original 73' made in 1884, and in 44/40 caliber. I have a number of older levers around here in calibers from 25/20 on up and they are all shooters as far as I am concerned.
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My buddy from Washington state comes down every fall for about a month for some hunting. He popped some coons also while he was here...
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Old Stony: You da man. Great job on the hogs and coons too.

At one of our feeders we have an electric fence charger with a big 12 volt truck battery. Running up the tree and on the limb where the feeder hangs we have two wires on insulators. Coons that touch both wires die right there.
Very innovative ! I would like to rig up something to keep the little buggers away from the corn. I get pictures of them hanging off the throwers on the feeders, digging more corn out of the barrels.
Nicely done Stony! I like your old 44-40, your old F-150 and your friend's old 30 caliber carbine. I have a F-150 identical to yours, except for the color, mine's white. I like the retro calibers too, so if you ever consider selling the 25-20, I'm interested. Keep yer powder dry........Robin ;)
Robinsroost...My old truck is actually a GMC, not a Ford. I call it my sacrificial truck as it spends most of it's time in the woods and has ended up dented from end to end. I have a backup truck that will be next in line when that one finally folds.
I appreciate your interest in my 25/20, but I think it's here to stay as long as I am. I have another Marlin in that caliber too that gets shot occasionally. Actually I have at least one lever in each of the (/ or -) calibers 25/20, 32/20,38/40, 44/40, 38/55,45/70 and variations in some of those calibers. I don't collect anything necessarily, they get shot when the inspiration hits me. I'm too old to be collecting...now I just want to enjoy myself for what time I have left on earth.
My buddy in Washington state tends to send firearms my way on a regular basis and I try to reciprocate.
Robibsroost, the carbine is an Inland 58xxx barrel date Dec 1942. It is one of several i leave at Stony's place, ya never know when Uncle Sam will need us, i love Carbines and had about fifty at one time now iam down to a manageable 12-14 of them. I really like my visits to Texas except for the 2200 mile drive for my dog and me to get there.
Hogs....it's been a long time comming

I've seen many threads here and other forums on wild pigs.
I've not seen mention of trichonosis, however spelled and other problems with some wild game.
Cold smoking or even hot would that be enough to kill them?
As far as I am concerned, a pig is a pig...either domestic or feral and they both should have the same concerns as far as preparation. Folks that are supposed to be experts have written articles and seem to agree that the pigs should be cooked to an internal temperature of at least 160 degrees..and they are good to go. I put a leg on a smoker now and then, and I go out occasionally and just stick a thermometer in it. I generally let them go until they hit 170-180, just to be sure. Jerky and such that is cold smoked is a no-no with pork.
#501 this morning @ 2:00. Man it's going to be a long sleepy afternoon around here. I shot a boar about 150 lbs. or so and hit him pretty good but he didn't drop. He left a good blood trail into some really thick woods but I gave up tracking until I go out this morning. I just decided tromping around those thick woods at 2 a.m. by myself wasn't such a good idea. I'll find him later this morning when I go back out.

Pulled pork ?? I just finished dragging this guy over to a more or less deserted area for the coyotes and buzzards to enjoy. I got him about 9:30 last night. # 502 from this property.
Man that was a BIG hog. Don't let you getting old stop you. My grandfather is 74 and he only has the use of one arm and can still out shoot me lol.
The old age can sure slow a guy down some, but I keep trying. I feed a lot of deer on the properties too, and you know you have some old muscles when you are lifting 50 lb. bags of corn over your head. Right now between deer feeding and hog traps, I probably average about 1,000 lbs of corn a month. I just got started feeding the high protein feed for the bucks again for the season.
#503...Got this guy early this morning with a Winchester 1892. It's a 38/40 caliber with a 28 inch barrel, built in 1895.
