Hog Hunting

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That's just fat. A shield is scar tissue from fighting.
Plenty of folks kill big boar hogs with .223 low behind the shoulder.
That's just fat. A shield is scar tissue from fighting.

You apparently haven't watched hogs fight. You would see that a large percentage of their attempts to wound their adversary are in the neck and low on the sides via upward thrusts. Strangely, no shield grows in these locations.

Also, if the shield was scar tissue, it is remarkable symmetrical and must have pigs being a bloody mess most of their lives. That just doesn't happen.
I have to agree with the "fat and gristle" theory. No way a hog develops a shield from fighting..I don't know how anyone could come to such a conclusion. Just shoot them with any reasonable caliber and you will be successful. If you manage to break a front shoulder in the process, all the better to slow down one if they still have some life left in them.
That's complete nonsense. That shield is developed by testosterone. I've killed big hogs where the shield was 3" thick and I can tell you with authority that it is NOT fat. You go right ahead and try to render that down. It's the consistency of pressed cardboard and will stop a lightly constructed bullet==I know 'cause I've done it. It will also eat an arrow. The last thing you'll see is the hog trotting off with $25 worth of carbon shaft and broadhead waving at you.....
Testosterone huh?...that's a new one to me. Maybe I need some of that stuff to toughen up my old hide. With a 3" shield of tough callous on their sides, they must grow some really tough hogs in California.
Unfortunately I guess the hogs just aren't that tough in Texas. I shot hog number 370 yesterday on the land I manage...about a 150/160 lb. boar...and I think he must have just given up out of shame for his lack of testosterone/mojo. He managed to succumb to a lowly subsonic 9mm out of a suppressed Sig.
I leave all the boars over 100 lbs. for the coyotes, buzzards and whatever critter likes them. Generally one night is all it takes for them to disappear in pieces into the brush. I do often find a hide left over, or a large piece of one as I guess they are pretty tough to chew. Within 2 days max, the buzzards pick all that tasty testosterone bearing shield off of the hide.....they must have some large caliber beaks.
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I've only taken three wild boars (2 in northern Calif and 1 in Penna) so I'm no expert. All were taken with my 30-30 Marlin at approx. 80 yards or so. First boar was shot low in the chest. The animal took off like a rabbit but toppled after about 50 yards. My bullet tore off the bottom half of the heart. Next two boars were shot in the head and dropped so fast that I thought I'd missed! I hunted with 170 grain Winchester Power Point ammo.

I suggest the head shot if you get a good steady rest aim.

Hogs are not difficult to kill when shot right. They ain't rhinos nor are they plated with homogeneous tank armor. Sometimes hunt hogs on game plots and at feeders using a .233 and handloads. The 53 grain and 55 grain Barnes Triple Shock bullets penetrate the shield and the shoulder of big boar hogs.
Hit one in the "shield" with a 125gr 300BLK a month or so ago. AAC Pink Tip bullet, loaded to about 2050-2100 fps. Went down like a sack of bricks.
"You gotta love the editing and parental monitoring on this site at times. Poofing posts have appeared in this thread. "

Yup, they do the liberals job better than most of the liberals do it.

(for the same reasons we have to assume)
Considering that many folks think that my politics are off to the right of Attila the Hun--but then again, he was pretty liberal, come to think of it. Same for Barry Goldwater or Jesse Helms.


Remember the deal y'all signed up for? Responsibility with guns? Courtesy and politeness? Staying on topic? Leave "bad words" somewhere else and don't bring them here? We have women and younguns and preachers who read what we write. Why offend them?

Easy enough. Just act like grownups. If I can fake it, so can you. :)
Gotcha Art, from now on there won't be anymore jokes on the removal of a hog's testicular parts and definitely no jar or Star Trek references.
Just realize that I've been a smart-mouth since I learned to talk--and that was around 1937 or so. Tamara's blog is a daily must, so I can get my snark fix. I'm fairly fluent is Cussology in some six languages. I've yet to lose a dirty-limerick contest. Folks regularly say of some of my ideas, "Art, you're evil!" Well, yeah, you got that right, Bubba. :D

So I figure that if I can behave myself in public, so can others. :) No biggie.

In these threads, humor is fine. A bit of thought is helpful.
Hopefully Old Stony will respond with some photos of the boar he shot last night. The " shield" must have been in the down position.
Last night

I seem to be illiterate as far as computers go. I can't seem to get my pic's small enough to post, but last night's hog was a boar about 300+ lbs or so.
He had 2 1/2 inch tusks. I got him with an AR, using 55 gr. fmj's, and nightvision..... he dropped in his tracks. No problem if you catch them with their shields down.
I have some friends that own a chunk of property in an area plagued by these invasive hogs. Their weapon of choice is the M1A. Before that they used SKS rifles.

I would note that they don't hunt these hogs for sport, they are out to kill them, or at least control them enough to keep the damage to their land down.

The only time I went, I used my SKS with the standard 123 grain FMJ or HP, I had no trouble bringing them down with shoulder shots right through the shield.
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the only way to get pics small enough is to use photobucket.com

upload your pics to there and the paste the link to it here, or just copy and paste the img url, not hard once you do it
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