Hit me with Your Best Shot!


Hope you and the other TFL members in FL and GA stay out of harm's way. Perhaps the Lord will take mercy on you and have Floyd make landfall further north....Hmmm, Washington, DC could use a good washing out!

Seriously though, Keep your powder dry!

P.S.- Can you test the effects of 150+ mph winds on a 168 grains Sierra Matchking for me?
Thanks all for the well wishes.

Does that mean that, when they register our guns, they make the hurricanes go away? :)

Seriously, whoever get's it, it'll be one hell of a blow. Problem is I've got nowhere to go. I'll be putting finishing touches on the storm shutters tomorrow and getting the Harley's off the ground. There won't be time for a road trip after that. If there's any spare time, I'll go ransack my neighbors' homes! ;) :) ;)

The law already came by, sirens blazing, with loudspeaker announcements to evacuate immediately. They waffled when I asked them if it was "mandatory" and finally settled for the admonition that if I leave they won't let me back over the intracoastal.

I figure Floyd is a lot less dangerous than the streets of South Florida. Will provide updates as possible.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited September 14, 1999).]
Hey Rich,
You keep your head down son.
If it gets bad, you give me a shout.
I'll ETA and let you know when to pop smoke.
I'll be the fella in the Amphi/ASSault vehicle comin to get you bud......will bring trailer to hawl them Harley's out there also. :)

I hope the home you built stands up well. And if you decide you want to skidadle up north, grab your "Bug out" gear and load up your hardware. I got room for you and yours here in NJ.

Ack! I feel unjustly targeted! This looks bad, very bad...

I could go listen to "One of these days", but wind noises are kinda scary now. Already flooded here once this year, now this...

Anybody know the wind deflection of 5.56mm in a Cat 5 156mph wind? I might be getting a swimming/flying lesson later today, thought I'd ask...

Good luck to fellow SE Florida TFL'ers...
Rich if it turns out to be a really big blow & you land up in OZ....
Just "click" those RED PUMPS ;) that are secreted away (behind the M-60) & say :
"I wanna go home" 3 times. :D
Then after 18mths of endless of paperwork & endless questioning "our" Federal Nazis might consider your request. ;)
Stay safe 'n dry & remember that ....
"Oh sh#t, oh sh#t, OH SH#T isn't recognized as an official mayday call !
(Contrary to 9 out of 10 Pilots interviewed)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Alternate E-mail

[This message has been edited by HS (edited September 14, 1999).]
Hey, RCH, I live right outside Washington. While I appreciate the sentiment (a pox on the poltroons), you must realize that there's way too much high pressure hot air in DC as it is for even a Cat. V to have much of a chance here.

Serially, we don't wish that stuff on no one, reminds me of when Pat Robertson took credit for 'praying' away a hurricane from VA Beach in `82. The storm went on to rip across Long Island and slam into CT, killing 37. Not funny. M2
Thanks for the generous invite.

So far everything is pretty quiet here. I woke up at 8AM to the voice of The Weather Channel's most famous moron, Jim Cantori. Jim settled himself 10 miles north of me and inland and began reporting very high winds and gusts, probably "far worse" at the beach.

Well, I'm not certain whose wind tunnel he was in, but I had coffee, went outside, climbed the ladder and finished putting up the shutters. I'd call the wind 15 gusting to 25.

Went down to the beach and the waves are already hitting the high water mark with some minor but obvious erosion.

So far, so good!
If we are really lucky, floyd will hang out to sea and come ashore in some area where it won't do too much damage, like Washington or NYC.

I ain't worried, my glock is waterproof!

Geoff Ross

Damn!...I need more practice!
Best of luck, folks - please keep in touch and let us know when everything's okay out there.

They just came around my office asking for volunteers to do some work for GEMA (Georgia Emergency Management Assoc.) - of course, I volunteered. Probably just answering phones and directing equipment to the proper locations, but I'll be expecting to be called down to help clean up after the storm.

I'm not joking here - please get out now if you can, especially those of you that are in the Savannah area. My office is already preparing for emergency repairs on roadways/bridges in the coastal & adjacent counties. I-16 EB is clogged, everyone that can is bailing out.

I think this is going to get very ugly - if you're caught along the Ga/SC coast, you won't be able to get away once it starts. Roads will flood, bridges will wash, a biiig mess.

Best wishes!

Not to be pessimistic, but let us know on TFL what security problems arise during this situation, and how they're dealt with - looting, etc.

Take care.
Well, for those in S. Florida, another gift from the "winds" of providence. The weather has remained relatively dry, though a bit gusty. We're past it.

If the models are correct our friends in the GA/SC area now require the concernm and well wishes. FWIW, you each heve mine. I'll be glad to forward you a bit of our good luck....we're clearly running on an overabundance. ;)
Damn. Just got off the phone with my Director of Nursing. I've been called in for the duration starting Wednesday afternoon. The small hospital I work at is located in Fairfax, SC. 70 miles north-northwest of Beufort, SC. Apparently right in the projected path at present. If Floyd comes ashore in the Beufort-Savannah area it will be coming up the Savannah River valley which acts as a funnel for the damn things and increases wind damage. Oh, well. Damn, I knew when I got up this morning I should go to Atlanta.
Remember your offer to harbor me in days past? Well, I've though about it and I, uh, think I need to think about it some more. ;)

Seriously, my friend. This one may have decreased in force, but it's still a major hurricane. Take care and watch your six. If you need sanctuary, you're welcome here in sunny S. Florida!
Gimme shelter! Savannah is evacuating as I write this. Don't know how many are leaving but US 25 is bumper to bumper coming through Waynesboro-100 miles inland to the northwest from Savannah. Mainly Chatham County license plates (Savannah is the county seat of Chatham County). I-16 is the only interstate going inland from Savannah. Bet it's a mess.
Long time no see. Harry tampoco. Been down in Colombia for six long weeks in indian country. I'm here in Ft. Lauderdale, the big one passed us by (gracias a dios), hope all is well. Ciao, WB
To Geoff, who wishes Floyd on DC or NYC, i can only shake my head and wonder about such a comment. You must be joking to wish such devestation on millions of people. Or are you?
Just a quick note before bed.

It's 11:00 at night (2300 hrs) here in Columbia SC and I-26 west bound, I-20 both ways and I-77 North are full. I mean really full, like rush hour in reverse.

Traffic is creeping on 26 (near the house) and I feel sorry for the folks on it. We are evacuating 800,000 folks from SC's coast and we're catching the overflow from FL and GA.


"Hear the voices in my head, swear to God it sounds like
they're snoring." -Harvey Danger, "Flagpole Sitta"
Hi folks, Rich,

We're fine. I am continually amazed at the hype surrounding this thing. Yep, it's dangerous, but no one really knows where it'll hit.

I spend more time fending off the relatives (grin) who want to know how I'm doing.

BTW, Columbia is about 120 miles from the coast, so worst threat is high winds and rain.

Charleston is another story. Very flat land and not much elevation rise for 20 (+) miles.

For our USMC folks, they are evacuating Parris Island. News reports are that 7,000 recruits are getting bussed off base to shelters.

I've got a bunch of food, dog, ammo, water and a half gallon of Famous Grouse, so things should be fine!!


"Hear the voices in my head, swear to God it sounds like
they're snoring." -Harvey Danger, "Flagpole Sitta"
Hey Giz, You must be the one that bought the last half Gallon of Famous Grouse! :)

Have you been in a store lately? My wife stopped in the local Winn Dixie to get a couple packs of C batteries yesterday afternoon and some bozo snatched them out of her hand! She said it was crazy. Not much of anything left on the shelves.

[This message has been edited by DMSC (edited September 15, 1999).]