History or Hate?

I'd like to comment on some of the matters above.
The oldest application that I know of the swastika to used for is symbol of light from Java, that was put on the burial canopies on which the dead were carried to place of the crematorial burial.This was common practise allready when the first white men set foot on the islands.

Finnish airforce used the Blue swastika on round white field as logo to show graditude to Count von Rosen who personally funded the first airplane of the airforce. Some explorous member of von Rosen family had adopted the javanese symbol as their good luck charm before the turn of the century way before the birth of one Adolph Hitler.

I'd like to hear the scream that would be summoned from PC crowd should they know that for example capt. (later major) Larry A. Thorne (aka Lauri Törni) of Special Forces
fame happened to be ex.finnish ranger officer but allso did serve for full term in 5th Waffen-SS panzergrenadier division "Wiking"... in case u don't have friends that have been in SF in the late sixties and heard the stories in bragg about capt.Thorne theres a nice story about one of their missions in robin moore's book "green berets"

Before U blow yer tops I'd like to notify that none of the wiking division members ever got legal charges by allied forces in nurnberg, for any reason except general Felix Leitner who wascalled in to witness on case that had nothing to do with wiking.

In case I recall correctly US ministry of foreign affairs saw general Leitner as a nominee for the place of high commander of the west german army, an offer that he turned down.

So one could actually carry the uniform so Un-PC and still not be an "evil man"

Most of those who volunteered and qualified (not an easy task btw) in Wiking were men from carelia, eastern Finnland,that served in finnish rangers during the winter war. When the peace between the winter war and the continuation war came they saw their land, homes and families destroyed to no apparent reason.
(Russia claimed that Finnland attacked russia... nation of 3.5million against nation of 200million...quite likely :)
These men that had spent their youth in wilderness hunting and farming their little ranches truly did not have slightest idea what a nazi might be and marked in the forms to line "political alignemet" : None.

All they wanted to do in this life was to hurt the russian and other commies BAD.
As it appeared the best possibility to do this immediatly was to enlist in Waffen-SS whatever that was.

It is most likely should the satan himself had appeared to go war against russia they'd have nlisted as well, closest equal on earth Josef Stalin being unavalable for the task they had to settle for the good second Adolp Hitler. ;)

Those few who did survive the grueling battles in chechenian winter in the mountains did usually end up in the French Foreign Legion and IndoChina or US-armed forces of some type to go on their endless task to prevent the rehappening of the fates of their families somewhere else.

Offcourse it is good to forgive and forgott evil doings done to U but I see certain greatness in attemp to prevent the same things from happening to others be it the Nazi Holocaust or Stalins barbaric onslaugth on eastern europe.

Things that don't get mentioned too often are such like the unpleasant fact that for every Yard of russian "white sea channel" 120miles in length there lies a body of Finnish pow.
There was 14.5miljon prisoners in the Russia in the end of '45 that were from out side of the russian terrotory...few if any came back.
This was allso supported by the american ordnance aid to russians...
Does this mean that I get offended by american flag ? definately not but I sincerely think that those who can't stand a piece of cloth on sale should think that every coin has two sides.

Gattling on the baple gear again ;)
Sorry my memory didn't serve me too well.
The head of the wiking was General Felix Steiner.
Waffen-SS and the scum used to enforce police actions instead of front campaigns, Allgemeine-SS, had 60 General ranking officers put together.
So its quite hard to keep track of 'em all.
Of those 60, 22died in action and it isn't too hard to guess from which branch they were from.

So sorry, my mistake.

I found some data in the net about waffen-SS Hauptsturmbandführer Törni.(major Thorne).
It can be found in here:http://sfachapter33.home.mindspring.com/thorne.htm
It appears that SF-chapter 33 is named after him but allso that A-Detachments compete amongst themselves for the "Larry A. Thorne Trophy" :)

The part about Waffen-SS is skipped oh so politically correctly by just mentioning "service in german armed forces"

Gatt :)
My old 1960s encyclopedia also explains a long international history of the swastika before it was adopted by the Nazis. Interesting. A symbol abused?
All extremist and revolutionary organizations adopt a simple symbol that can be painted on pavements, chalked on walls, etc. It is part of the plan to enlist people who won't look beyond the symbol. Examples are the swastika, the hammer and sickle, the "peace" sign, etc. The last was not from some semaphore signs, as recently claimed, but from the outline of a B-52 bomber and came from the "ban the bomb" campaign in Britain. The circle was added to make it symmetrical and more appealing. In Britain, it was regularly linked on posters and signs with the hammer and sickle, and there was no pretence that CND and the peace people were anything other than a branch of the Communist Party and worldwide Communism.
Some swastika history:
Some of you may have more knowledge on this than I do. I also leave the occult/mysticism aspects alone. But, here it is. One of the differences you should look at is the facing of the arms of the swastika. My sources say that the original had the trailing arms to the left, so that if you rotated the symbol clockwise (sun wise) it would dispense good fortune & blessings. When Hitler took the symbol for the Nazi party, he reversed it. The arms then trailed to the right. The symbolism of this would be the swastika would rotate counterclockwise or anti-sun wise. Symbolically, it was then the opposite, dispensing curses and ill. I'm am very unsure of the spelling, but at least one early name for the swastika was the fyllfjot. Again, I'm sure the spelling is way off.
Final comment, and since we have some Finnish forum members, I seem to recall the Finnish swastika was reversed when compared to the Nazi swastika.

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