Hillary will accept VP...

Burke, you may be right about Hillary setting herself up for the final insult so as not to look like a sore loser and to essentially try to seal the deal for McCain.

However, I wouldn't be so sure that Hillary would have Obama killed if she ran in the VP slot. Nonetheless, maybe she does want the VP slot because she realizes that his demise is a distinct possibility. Like it or not, there are still many people in this country who would do everything in their power to prevent a black president from taking office, and many of them are just as good as shots as those of us on the forum. How well would the SS protect against a person set up in a building 400 or 500 yards from where Obama is giving a speech out in the open?
Yes, if Barack Obama

is the President, he will be a target for a small number of whackjob racist jerkoffs... a lot of whom have guns, and shoot them well.

Foreign governments have also such people, but unless you buy into the intriguing (albeit totally unsubstantiated) idea that the KGB was involved in the Kennedy assassination, they haven't tried it.

The Secret Service, I assume, takes this possibility into account when making their security arrangements.

As to the VP, not gonna happen. She not only motivates the right end of the Republican party like nobody else on Earth, including her husband, but there's a lot of liberal Republicans and moderate independents who don't much like her either. I've heard that she's quite likeable in private, but I'll never know that. Her public persona is just not very appealing.

Most of her supporters, despite what they're saying now in their disappointment at her loss, will vote for him in November. There's a group of women who fastened all of their hopes of seeing a woman president to the collar of Hillary Clinton's pantsuits, but there are several other women who he could pick that come from areas of the country that he needs, and don't bring along two decades of Clinton baggage.

If anything, Obama and the rest of the Party will throw her some sort of bone. Majority leader, maybe HHS, whatever. VP won't be it.

More than a few of you need to quit believing everything you hear on TV. You're falling for the Obama spin.

By running McCain, the White House is the Republicans' to lose. McCain is a war hero with enough of a moderate track record to attract moderate independents as well as Democratic votes while at the same time receiving support grudgingly from conservatives.

Obama, on the other hand, has way too much baggage. For one thing, he was a part of some "blame whitey" racist church for the past 20 years, and all the sudden decides to leave it so he can run for president. He wouldn't have left it otherwise. Then he refuses to wear an American flag on his suit and his wife comes off as unpatriotic. The only whites that are going to vote for him are the hardcore, liberal Democrats. He isn't going to attract any other white votes at all.

The Jews won't support him for the most part neither because of his previous ties to Islam and McCain is liberal enough for them to vote for. The Mexican vote belongs to McCain as well.

What about the black vote? Well, there's not much of a black vote. Blacks are only around 12% of the population and a good portion of them are unable to vote due to felony convictions. A lot of them aren't even registered to vote and the ones that are don't bother to. So don't count on that.

Then we have the issue of Hillary Clinton. She won the primaries in swing states. She was able to hold out until the very end because she still received quite a bit of support. I've heard she won several primaries in a landslide. To me, that says that there's a lot of Democrats out there who aren't thrilled with Obama and I'm sure a few of them will vote for McCain instead.

More than likely Obama's going to get slaughtered in the general campaign. He was only elected to the Senate what, three years ago? He has little experience on the issues and has done next to nothing in the Senate besides vote for aid to Africa. McCain, on the other hand, is one of the best known senators has has been in the spotlight for the past eight years. He's also a war hero.

I have a real hard time believing that the states that went to Bush in '04 are going to swing to the far left for Obama. Not when they can go to McCain, who's not quite Bush and is liberal enough for some Democrats.
To add to the above when Obama won the senate look at where he was elected from. I very liberal district. The rest of the nation is quite a bit more moderate. Extreme canidates don't go over well with the majority of the population. Just look at Ron Paul and the far right.
NSD, I agree. The Democrats tend to send very liberal candidates to the main election, and then they wonder why they lose. Do you remember 2006, when they picked up all those seats in Congress? Most of those candidates were moderates who supported the 2A and all civil rights, but were conservative on some issues. And I think back in 2004, if Howard Dean had gotten through the primary, he would have had a very good shot at the presidency. He supports the 2A and is fairly moderate, but his biggest fault was probably that the media didn't like a straight talking candidate and made sure he was out of the race by mid-February.
With Hillary you get Bill and Obama win or lose won't accept that, just my opinion.

Man what poor choices.:barf:
The current rumor is

That the Obama people, or maybe the Senator himself, told the Clinton people that, to be considered, they'd have to open up the donor files from the Clinton library to the selection committee.

The Clintons' answer to that should be obvious...

"I told you I was more electable; I should've been the nominee."
Uhh, the DNC basically told her she couldn't run in '04 b/c of experience, and I think she had a much better argument against Kerry that she was more electable than Obama. I really don't think that scenario will put her in a position to make this claim.
If Obama and Hillary run on the same ticket then I believe it will hard for McCain to beat. But as another posted wrote its is a long time between now and November.

I would have to disagree.

I think an Obama/Clinton ticket would be EASY to beat--especially for a moderate like John McCain.

With an Obama/Clinton ticket, you have THE most liberal senator in U.S. history (Obama) vying for THE most powerful position in the world, and you have THE most power-hungry senator in U.S. history (Clinton) vying for THE most powerful position in the world, but having to accept #2 until a hopefully inevitable ascension into #1.

With an Obama/Clinton ticket, you have a black man and a white woman running for office. This will doom them in the South, and you don't win the Presidency without carrying the South.

Taking that scenario one step further, you have a liberal black man and a liberal white woman running on the ticket. This will not only doom them in the South, but in many portions of the Midwest and almost all of the western states with the notable exceptions of California and probably Oregon and maybe Washington.

Thanks to Clinton, the First Lady-to-be now gets more attention than ever, and in this regard, Michelle Obama has simply had too much diarrhea of the mouth in terms of anti-white, anti-American, and anti-success rhetoric directly contributed to her and sitting in miles of celluoid just waiting to be exploited.

If I'm McCain's ad man, I'm salivating over the thought of an entire line-extension ad campaign just on what Obama's wife has spewed in the past few years.

Add that to the mix that suddenly Bill Clinton and Michelle Obama will have to become cozy--and we all know what happens when Bill gets cozy. . . Hillary gets livid. But no longer will Hillary be in the shadows--she'll be at the forefront. No escaping, spinning or blowing off (no pun intended) Bill's indiscretions or even accusasations of his possible indiscretions. Plus, Obama isn't going to like Bill in such close strategic or physical proximity to his wife.

And then there's the fact that with an Obama/Clinton ticket, the "junior" and total lack of experience factor will be devastatingly huge--so huge, in fact, that even the media will not be able to let it go for long.

Finally, the last crusher. . . Obama would likely never carry the military vote (to include present members serving, retirees, veterans, and for sure, actual combat vets). Neither would Clinton. But the two of them on the same ticket would have zero chance of carrying the military vote--I doubt they'd even get 5% of it, and of that, it would come from REMFs and retired generals/admirals who hadn't seen action or commanded in action for thirty years or longer (you know--the ones who become "defense" and "military" experts).

I say, "Bring it on!"

An Obama/Clinton ticket would be THE way to literally implode the Democratic Party from within for good and force it into serious restructuring and rebuilding. Sooner or later, the moderate and/or somewhat sensible Democrat Party faithful are going to get tired of all these shellackings.

I think an Obama/Clinton ticket would be EASY to beat--especially for a moderate like John McCain.

You are not alone in your assessment; Jimmy Carter came to the same conclusion:

"If you take that 50% who just don't want to vote for Clinton and add it to whatever element there might be who don't think Obama is white enough or old enough or experienced enough or because he's got a middle name that sounds Arab, you could have the worst of both worlds."
Why is all of America insisting on calling him "BLACK"? He is only from one black parent making him half black and half white...
I can't vote for him cuz his cheeks puff out when he talks:D
Edwards says no to VP

June 6, 2008
Edwards again rules out VP job
Posted: 10:29 AM ET

From CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney

Edwards says he doesn't want to be Obama's No. 2/
(CNN) – It may be time to take John Edwards' name off the list of potential vice presidential candidates.

The former presidential candidate, who was the 2004 Democratic vice presidential nominee, continued to flatly maintain has no interest in the job. Traveling in Spain Friday, Edwards told two separate newspapers it’s not a role he is willing to take again. (Related: The rundown on Obama's VP possibilities)

“I already had the privilege of running for vice president in 2004, and I won't do it again," Edwards told El Mundo newspaper. He also made similar comments to El Pais.

The former North Carolina senator's comments are his first on VP speculation since Barack Obama officially clinched the Democratic nomination. Edwards, who ended his own bid in late January , endorsed the Illinois senator's White House bid in May, sending the political world abuzz that the two could team up on the same ticket. (WATCH: Edwards endorses Obama)

They appeared to have natural chemistry — something Edwards and then-Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry seemed to lack in 2004 — and the former North Carolina senator remains popular among a key demographic that has been reluctant to support Obama — working-class white voters. (WATCH: Edwards' motives for endorsement)

But Edwards immediately sought to quell rumors he was angling for the No. 2 spot, telling an interviewer shortly after his endorsement announced that it "Won't happen…. It's just not something I am interested in."

But he has been more coy about serving for Obama in other ways, specifically as his attorney general.

Hillary is one step closer :eek:
An Obama/Klinton ticket? He'll be dead within the first year of his term. Probably from a multiple-gunshot, back-of-the-head "suicide".
Obama has ruled out the acceptance of PAC money. McCain will have to do the same if he is to be a viable candidate. Personally, i do not like Obama or McCain: But i'm just waiting to watch the fireworks the first time McCain loses his temper at Obama during a debate. McCain will be acting like a raging idiot and there sits Obama cool as a cucumber.