Hillary will accept VP...

Obama might survive having Hillary second guessing everything he does and giving him all the advice he needs, or doesn't need for that matter. But could he survive the double whammy of having Bills assistance too as Mr. Vice President.

I'm not an Obama fan, but I do sympathize with him if he's hamstrung with the Clintons....
It's all done. Obama is officially the Democratic candidate.

Interesting, although everyone is not in agreement at this point.

The AP said Obama sealed his victory based on public declarations from delegates as well as from an additional 22 who had confirmed their intentions to the news service. The count also included five delegates Obama was guaranteed as long as he gained 15 percent of the vote in South Dakota and Montana later in the day.

NBC News has been maintaining its own tally of delegates, which showed Obama’s being 11 delegates short of the 2,118 needed. NBC News said it would not confirm Obama as the presumptive nominee until all private commitments by delegates were made public.

Sen. Barack Obama inched closer to the Democratic nomination Tuesday as endorsements from superdelegates trickled in.

Sen. Barack Obama is closing in on the 2,118 delegates needed to clinch the nomination. Thirty one delegates are at stake in the final contests under way in South Dakota and Montana. Obama is now four delegates short of the 2,118 needed to clinch the Democratic presidential nomination, according to CNN's count.

Claiming victory before the polls close - wasn't that an issue in the 2000 election in Florida.
Dick Morris offers a few well targeted comments on the idea of Hillary as No.2.


Published on TheHill.com on June 3, 2008.

Putting Hillary Clinton on the ticket for vice president creates a ménage-�*-trois. Bill will be the unexpected roommate. Even if a President Obama can discipline Hillary and get her to play second fiddle, there is not the remotest chance that he can get the former president to accept such rules. Even if Bill Clinton wanted to rein in his newly prolific public expressions of rage and frustration, there is doubt that he is any longer capable of doing so.

Hillary, who likely desperately wants to be tapped for vice president, is going about it in exactly the wrong way. She seems to be demanding a kind of coalition government between herself and Obama, a definition of the vice presidency not likely to appeal to the president. It reminds me of 1980 when there were discussions of a ticket with Reagan as the presidential nominee and former President Gerald Ford as the vice president in a coalition government where the VP would have extraordinary powers.

Intended to reassure voters who were panicked by Reagan’s “extreme” conservatism, the arrangement never came to fruition, a development which gave us the House of Bush.

Instead of conceding defeat and campaigning for Obama, auditioning for the spot of loyal teammate, Hillary insists on keeping her options open and vies for the spotlight with Obama, exactly what you do not want a vice president to do.

Last night, when Obama went over the top in delegates and could claim the nomination as his, Hillary organized a rally of all of her supporters, directly competing for airtime with the newly minted nominee.

Adding Hillary to the ticket would not bring Obama a single vote (except possibly for Bill’s). Her supporters are divided into two distinct categories. The original Clintonistas were strong Democrats, party faithful, pro-choice, middle-aged and up, largely female and all white. But Hillary’s recent backers have been downscale whites of both genders who were turned off by Obama’s pastor, wife and other associates and were afraid he might be a Muslim in disguise. Unhappy about voting for a woman, they never really liked Hillary but turned to her when the alternative was Obama.

If Hillary had won the Democratic nomination, these latent backers of Hillary in the primaries might still have voted for McCain in the general. Their support of Hillary is purely linked to her opposition to Obama. Were she to join the ticket, they would vote for McCain anyway. After all, Obama will still be black and the Rev. Wright will still be nuts.

But adding Hillary to the ticket brings, along with her, Bill.

The public Bill Clinton has morphed over the past few months from a statesman and philanthropist to a petulant, angry, cursing, spoiled narcissist, accusing everyone of being sleazy and biased and in so doing fashioning himself as a foil for Obama. This unattractive image is not the right one for the bottom of a ticket in a presidential race. And make no mistake, Bill comes along with Hillary.

But the more serious problem is the public record that Todd Purdum, an excellent journalist, laid out in his Vanity Fair piece. Bill’s relationships with billionaires, his pursuit of financial gain, his alliance with the emir of Dubai, and his acceptance of speaking fees and income from some of the least savory of types is not what you need to carry around with you in a presidential race. To put Hillary on the ticket is to confront nagging questions about donors to the Clinton Library and Bill’s refusal to release them. It would be to inherit a load of baggage that Obama does not need as he tries to position himself as the candidate of change, antithetical to the corrupt and corrupting ways of Washington.

On her own, Hillary would be no bargain as vice president. She would never accept direction and never sublimate her ambition or agenda to Obama’s. But with Bill in tow, her candidacy becomes even more fraught with peril should Obama be inclined to bow to pressure and put her on the ticket.

Go To DickMorris.com to read all of Dick's columns!
Wouldn't it be great if McCain picked up Condi Rice for his VP? Democrats offer us a Black man vs a Woman candidate, and the Republicans respond with a Black Woman: Best of Both Worlds and the Elephants save the day! :D

Hey, I can dream can't I? :cool:
I've been wrong before but Obama has turned of alot of conservitave and moderate votes with the debacle over the racist remarks of his pastor.
I don't think so. Most modrates tend not to be as religious as people at the extremes. They may show up to church but don't get very involved and can understand why he would go to a church where he did not agree with the Reverend b/c they would. I have not met anyone I would consider moderate who seems at all concerned about this.
The best way for McCain to beat Obama, is to hurl everything and the kitchen sink at him. Obama alone has too much junk in his closet, is not fast on his feet, inexperienced, and says the wrong things at the wrong times. The GOOD thing about Obama picking up Hilary as his VP is she has the Clinton War Machine. It will dig up (or create) dirt on McCain, and his VP. If Obama screws up (and he will) and says something stupid, the Clintons will turn on the spin cycle and Obama will come out smelling like roses.

If Obama and Hilary can hold it together, they will be tough to beat. Still I think McCain has a shot. I think McCain takes it if Obama picks someone else for VP, since Obama will lose a percentage of the Clinton block of voters.

I DON'T want McCain to pick Condi Rice...We will Lose no matter what Obama does.
Hillary Clinton is the last person I would ever pick to be my running mate. You know the old saying about being a heartbeat away from being President and I would assume Obama wants to keep his heart beating. I am a firm believer that it happened in 1963.
Well, what are Obama's choices here? In order to reunite the Democratic Party and have ANY chance at the White House in 2009, he must pick Clinton as his running mate. Clinton has so effectively divided the Democratic Party that many of her supporters will refuse to support Obama if she isn't on the ticket. Because of that, he doesn't really have a choice (if he wants the White House, which I presume he does) but to put Hillary on the ticket in order to pick up all of her supporters. Hillary has put him in that position, which may have been the other reason she campaigned so long after it was obvious she wasn't going to win, which was to divide the party enough that the only way to unite it would be her and Obama as running mates.

As far as what it means for the White House if they do win? I really don't know. I'd like to think that there's enough conservatives and 2A supporters in Congress to keep gun laws from getting out of hand, but I don't know. The Democrats are the better party for serving the common man a lot of the time, but haven't figured out that they'd pick up a lot more popular support by ditching the anti 2A stance. After all, the people who want to get rid of guns generally support the other platforms of the Democratic party, such as going green and extending equal rights to gays, and having an equal pay amendment for women. However, many people who do support those platforms vote Republican because of the gun issues. You'd think they'd figure it out somewhat after the NRA kept Gore and Kerry out of the White House, which is why the Democrats would be very smart to avoid the 2A issue completely. The last thing they want to do is to get gun owners to come out and vote guns.
Call me a racist if you choose but only if you don't read the post thru.
I think Obama has a shot no matter what due to his being a HALF-black person. He has that charisma. I foresee a major grass roots movement to get unregistered black persons to become voters. I have watched politics since I was 7. No where near as closely or with the same fervent energy of many of my fellow TFL members. No time since than have any politicians been able to get to the masses of possible black voters. I know I have made it a point to ask every whiner complaining of politics... "Are you a registered voter?... Didja VOTE?" if answered negative I say "QUITCHERBITCHIN" I have found that OODLES (lack of scientific data) of black folks of all ages over 18 feel disenfranchised from our political system. I have heard it called "Rich mans politics", "White folks business", and many terms full of anti-white racial slurs. So they just don't bother to keep up or vote in politics.
Now they have a chance to have a person who they think will know how they feel.
I also know we have OODLES (lack of scientific data) of white people who opt not to participate in the political whirlwind. But in this case a good grass roots movement may really get the voters in the booths!
Not some little MTV campaign to get young couch taters off their butts either.
Hillary doesn't want the VP slot, Obama doesn't want to give it to her, and she knows he doesn't want to give it to her. What she wants is for Obama to lose the general election, so she can spend the next 4 years telling everyone "I told you I was more electable; I should've been the nominee." She wants to run again in 4 years, and not wait 8. The only way she can do that is for Obama to lose. If he wins, as a sitting President he'll be the nominee in 4 years, almost certainly.

So, why is she acting like she wants the VP slot, when she doesn't really want it, and she knows he won't give it to her? Because she wants Obama to insult her, and by extension her loyal supporters. Her hope is that by doing so, he convinces enough of her supporters to stay home or vote for someone else, in order to deny Obama the election. Being insulted by Obama also gives her political cover for not actively campaigning for Obama; otherwise she just looks like a sore loser.
Would you seriously want to have Hillary as your VP if you knew the only thing between her and the Presidency was your own heart beat?

I am not going to say their would be an outright assassination, though I doubt it would bother her much. I do think Hillary as a VP would be in the end poison to an Obama Presidency. You could expect some scandal to come about forcing Obama's resignation if she could do anything of the sort.

I always though Bush was overly paranoid in demanding blind and moronic loyalty from his advisers. That is we have a crowd of yes men in the White House with no leadership ability to carry on to a new administration. At the same time you have to be a moron to make your VP someone who will do almost anything to take you down for their own benefit.
Hillary doesn't want the VP slot, Obama doesn't want to give it to her, and she knows he doesn't want to give it to her. What she wants is for Obama to lose the general election, so she can spend the next 4 years telling everyone "I told you I was more electable; I should've been the nominee." She wants to run again in 4 years, and not wait 8.

100% correct! Expect the Clinton machine to put out far more dirt on Obama in the general election that the McCain machine...