Hillary will accept VP...

Hillary indicates willing to be VP to put democrat in White House

Well, I honestly think this is the end for McCain. His campaign seems to have stalled with all the coverage the democrats are getting and if they do run on the same ticket I think they will pull a monstrous lead in the young, black, Hispanic, and female moderates. Now to see if Obama will ask, but I assume the party leaders have already worked out an agreement for her campaign to be leaking it.

This is what happens when Texas has turned so liberal that 400 children can be taken from their families b/c of one case of alleged abuse with no evidence.
Buying an M14 and AR 15 receiver in the next few weeks.
I don't see Obama picking Hillary. The campaign has been too nasty, and Hillary doesn't get him any votes that a number of other people could bring to the table.
I don't think so, for her doing VP, Obama accepting her as VP, or the combo defeating McCain. I've been wrong before, and will be again.
Yes she will accept the VP place if given the chance. At this time I am not sure Obama would give it to her. There are better choices such as Richardson. Either way, Obama will be the next president.
She will take it if it's offered, but she's not going to concede anything until every single delegate has been counted for, and that means that they'll both be exchanging shots until August.

Do you really think she wants Obama to win (in November) if that means she has to wait until 2016 to try and run for President again? I think the only reason she's stayed in it this long is to try and ensure Obama doesn't win in November, and that McCain has plenty of ammo to work with...
The reason she did not run in two thousand four was the party leaders told her not to. Obama will offer her the ticket because the party leaders will tell him to. They control the funding. Yes they are trading shots, but have you ever heard the phrase no publicity is bad publicity? They are both going to go into the general election having had everyone talk about them for months and months while McCain is fading to the shadows.
I do not believe that Obama will offer her the VP slot. I'm sure that just the thought of a VP who is trying to upstage him at every opportunity, along with her husband taking potshots at him, would cause Obama many sleepless nights. Ain't gonna happen.
If Obama was to get elected with Hillary as VP there would be a sword of Damacles hanging over his head. He'd need a food taster and could not take an air flight throughout his term. Look out Barry!!!!!
Soon after the arrangement is formalized, look for another suspicious Arkancide... It's extremely depressing to be between a Clinton and power, and has caused numerous suicides over the years. ;)
This does not look good for gun owners. Looks like we will have a democrat in the WH in 09. If we do, and gun bans of any type are attempted, I will hate, despise and consider any democrat (office holder or voter) my enemy and enemies of the BOR. It will be a sad say, because when that day happens, I will say goodbye to a good friend of 20 years because he votes democrat (mind you he is pro 2a, but "votes for the party that gives him the most."

This does not look good..
Its like the obnoxious girl, that no one likes saying, "OK I'll be the Prom Queen." Like others have said, a reasonable person would not pick her up, but we are talking about Obama and the Democrats. Also people are joking about, but I too would not trust Hillary if I was Obama. If it is an Obama/Clinton ticket, I think McCain can focus like a laser on the issues, and I wonder if the infighting between Obama and Hilary would screw up Obama. She will pull on his chain more than Cheney did with Bush. I hear Obama has been trying to smoking for some time now. He will be smoking 5 packs a day with her in the VP seat. :D

All in all, it makes the Democratic party stronger, but Obama weaker. If McCain plays it right, he could win. I think we have better odds if Obama pick someone else.

I am so going to sure up my my major "evil" gun purchases before 2009 if its a definate Obama/Clinton ticket.
According to news reports, Hillary says she will "consider joining Barack Obama as his running mate". That's gotta be very hard for her to accept........2nd place in a two-horse race.
So Hillary is wanting to take care of O'Bama's back.

Anyone word out of O'Bama about how comfortable he is with the arrangement?
If Obama and Hillary run on the same ticket then I believe it will hard for McCain to beat. But as another posted wrote its is a long time between now and November.