Hillary is becoming popular.

If she wins, I will move to Cuba before staying here. Got to pick the lesser of the EVILS. Read her Wellesley thesis about "The Alinsky Method" where she actually uses "The Method" by not mentioning Marxism, but only mentioniong a "system some have called dangerous". Then read Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" about Marxist organization and keeping your image mainstream until you have sufficient POWER to change the system to Marxism. She has signalled her intent and backed that up with the attempted takeover of the US healthcare system and use of the IRS to destroy enemies. Why do people whine about wiretapping suspected terrorists and yet remain silent that Hillary got her mitts on the FBI background checks on the political opposition???
I can't understand why she would get the time of day from anyone. I guess some have a short memory. All I remember from when they were in the White House was corruption and deception as in Travelgate and the FBI filegate thing. And lets not forget about Whitewater and Ken Foster. And of course Monica. I'm sure that there is more that we don't know about also.If she gets in it will be Hillary and co. all over again and payback for us all. :eek:
Hillary is lucky that she's not in prison, or a recently paroled ex-con! I can think of at least a half dozen things that she was involved in as at least a co-conspirator!

If she wins the presidency, anyone want to bet how long it takes before she's involved in yet ANOTHER "high crime or misdemeanor" investigation?

Funny thing, realizing that Hillary may be returning to the White House! Don't many criminals return to the scene of their crimes?
Many Americans have never experienced socialism hands-on. Americans don't realize the degeneration of the human mind that follows such a society. I'm worried. Hillary does not represent the American way or the American dream. She wants to bag people, control people. She wants to sow mistrust in people for each other. While frustration grows on street level, she can do what she wants, uninterupted, above their heads. She will gather control through higher taxes. She better keep a wall of body guards around her, so thick that the people can't see her. She will make enemies. I know her kind. I hate her kind.
Ah, yes, the old familiar Clinton 2-Step: Mitigate your flaws by pointing to the flaws of others. It worked in the 1990s; maybe it will work now. Bill used to point out the personal failings of others, such as Thomas Jefferson, to dissipate his own personal failings.

But one problem is that Jefferson also had acts of greatness to balance out his failings. I guess when you can’t point to your own positive actions, you have to point to something else to justify your behavior.

But then there’s another problem: It works on an individual basis, but it doesn’t on a cumulative basis. For example:

“Yes, I lied, but so did Larry.”
“Yes, I cheated, but so did Chester.”
“Yes, I stole, but so did Stan.”

Individually, it doesn’t look so bad. But cumulatively, it looks more like this:

Larry lied.
Chester cheated.
Stan stole.
Bill/Hill lied, cheated, and stole.

So rather than balance the negatives with positives, you end up with all the negatives rolled into one package. That’s hardly a rousing endorsement.

I, for one, would strive towards something better, but if you’re satisfied with the same-ol’ same-ol’, don’t complain when that is what you get.

Moving on ...

I will take back something I posted earlier. I no longer believe Hillary has planted the seeds of her political derailment with the planted questions. In fact, I’m now wondering if that issue isn’t a rather brilliant strategic move. In the political world, the planting of questions is a relatively mild failing. But if it gets enough air time, it’s a useful smokescreen to mask the real problem Hillary faces: Her stance on drivers licenses for illegal aliens.

That issue is one of the few on which a majority of Dems and Repubs agree, and with a high level of emotion. The last poll I read showed 68% of Dems and about 80% of Repubs are against Hillary’s stance on this issue. For the moment, it is Hillary’s Achilles Heel. Her best bet is to get the buzz going on the planted questions issue until the drivers license issue becomes stale as old news.

I doubt Obama will push her very hard on it. He has a long-term future with the Democrat Party, and he knows it. It’s a future he could lose if he pushes too hard. However, it may be Edwards’ last chance. He doesn’t have a long-term future with the Democrat Party, and he knows it. The only way the mainstream media will stick with this issue is if Edwards pushes it.
I think if she wins all will get better! She will mess stuff up so good there will never be a Democrat elected again. Carpetbagger she is so cool! She is a Chinese Socialist! They started This Preferred trade with China! Lets see? Poisoned dog and cat food!, Shrimp and fish with Antibiotics that can kill a dog! Tires that are missing the safety rings hold the treads to the tire, Lead paint on all of the kids toys, DHT on the latest toy uses little pretty colored balls like candy. Laced with DHT that kill them or at least damages kids. Yea! That would be a Attack on the real Americans! I hope she wins!!!

You got to draw the line some place!:barf:
If Hilary Clinton gets elected, America will be going down the toilet. We should have learned with Bill. After all if Bill Clinton knew what he was doing the attacks in 9-11 could have been avoided since he DID HAVE OSAMA BIN LADEN. Can we aford to have another idiotic mistake with Hilary like we did with Bill?
It wouldn't surprise me if Hillary ends up pulling out of the race for "health reasons." She is prime nervous breakdown material.

Hillary may win this coming Election. May. But she will never govern.

All her Election would do is precipitate the inevitable and inexorable process we are now experiencing. Some will call it the end, some will call it a re-birth. She will be the catalyst.
The 2 week silent period is nearly over. She will soon be announcing some new 'plan' and questions about her debate performance will be called 'old news' and considered 'off the table'. It's a pattern she has used so often it's anticipatable. But fortunately this has taken place during the Primary season versus the General Election. She can't hardly claim Obama or Edwards are neocon conspirators now can she. And good luck triangulating now. She can now be held to the standard of having to state just what her positions specifically are or be roasted on the illegals with drivers licenses fire again and again when she straddles both sides.

Not being able to triangulate will kill a candidate with no fall back strengths such as proven leadership or executive experience.