Hillary is becoming popular.

There's plenty of time left. In the next 13 months we're all going to be reminded of how UNLIKABLE both Hillary and Rudy really are...Anyone else think it's wierd that both parties' front-runners are from NY?
I'm not so sure that people dislike Hillary as much as the right wing thinks they should dislike Hillary. Once they hear her actual positions instead of Foxnews' distortion of her positions she garners pretty good support from a pretty broad spectrum of voters.

Hillary's biggest advantage right now is that she has actual policies in place with specifics on a whole host of issues. People might not agree with her 100% but they at least know where she stands and can decide if they can live with that. The republicans seem to be looking for a platform. They say less spending and less taxes but don't say what spending they will cut nor how they can afford to lower taxes and balance the budget at the same time. People worry that once the specifics come into play it might not be something they can live with.

Fred looked pretty bad in the debate tonight, McCain looked pretty good, the best of the bunch tonight, Rudy did neither well nor poorly. Romney continued to look like the empty suit he is.
I am waiting for Hillary to impose "Democrat Football". All points get split 25% to each team and 50% for the referees so they can make winners out of losers. Then Hillary is shocked when all games end tied 0-0.
I'm not so sure that people dislike Hillary as much as the right wing thinks they should dislike Hillary. Once they hear her actual positions instead of Foxnews' distortion of her positions she garners pretty good support from a pretty broad spectrum of voters.


Fred looked pretty bad in the debate tonight, McCain looked pretty good, the best of the bunch tonight, Rudy did neither well nor poorly. Romney continued to look like the empty suit he is.

Actually ... the more I hear about specifics of Hillary's positions the more I dislike her. Though I've got to say I may dislike her a little less than Edwards or Obama.

As to how people did in the debate ... Fred Thompson may not have blown everyone away but he did good. He is a laid back southerner, and not slick like the Eastern city boys up there, but he still did damn good and held his own.

Guilianni continues to kick butt. I still hope Thompson or someone more pallatable takes his place, but he would be better than Hillary.
I thought Fred Thompson sucked. I was very let down. I was hoping he was going to be the conservative we have been looking for, but instead, he showed the country he is a Bush clone.

I agree Giuliani did well. I bet he will get the nomination.
"Hillary's biggest advantage right now is that she has actual policies in place with specifics on a whole host of issues."

But she keeps changing them. For example, she's given up on the $5000 account for every baby born in the U.S. and moved to a federal 401(k) that has the government matching the first $1000 saved by every married couple making up to $60,000.

Help me out here, who was the last President elected from anywhere north of Maryland and east of Ohio?

Hillary is from Arkansas. BushII is from Maine(although he has a pretty good fake Texan accent).

Even Larry Kudlow liked Hillary's matching 401k thing, and you could hardly call him a liberal. Hillary's economic policies are pretty shrewdly aimed at a broad cross section of the middle class, people who vote, but are framed in a way that the economic conservatives can't quite just shoot them down as leftist or looney. She is proving to be a very clever campaigner, I wouldn't want to take her on.
Hillary's biggest advantage right now is that she has actual policies in place with specifics on a whole host of issues.
Her biggest advantage is that the mainstream media will give her a pass on nearly everything she says and does. How many other candidates can hire an advisor who was caught stuffing classified documents down his pants and then destroying them, and have the mainstream media raise hardly a peep about it?

The mainstream media will do what it normally does for a candidate it favors: Raise the occasional negative story about their favored candidate, saying, "See, we're balanced; we said something negative about Candidate X," while ignoring or spiking a majority of negative stories about that same candidate, and running a majority of negative stories about the opposing candidate. Except that for Hillary, the media will be more egregious in its actions.
Hillary is from Arkansas. BushII is from Maine(although he has a pretty good fake Texan accent).

Actually Hillary was born in Chicago and lived in that area until she went to college. Bush Jr was born in Connecticut but grew up in Texas.
But I said elected from, not born in.

Wasn't Bush from Texas when he was elected? Won't Ms. Clinton be running as a senator from NY and living there?

Good points. Actually home state is a pretty odd term in this day and age where people move all over the place for their jobs. I guess for candidates it all depends on the preception of where that candidate is "from". For Hillary, the vast majority of voters see her as from Arkansas not NY. As usual, at least in politics, perception is more important than reality. From that standpoint Hillary is southern while Romney and Rudy are not.
Get use to Hillary - after watching the boring old men show on the tube - the GOP is going to have to rent space from the Whigs for store of failed party posters and other crap.

Fred looks like the Mummy's Curse. Rudy might have a chance as at least he seems alive. Mitt, however, we will seem him in the Revenge of the Wax Museum.
Unless you have a life threatening medical condition, or worse yet your spouse or one of your kids do. I know too many people who have lost their life savings to severe medical conditions. A very large percentage of bankruptcy cases are seconday to medical issues.

Like it or not our health care system doesn't work for a very large number of people who work hard and pay taxes. At least Hillary admits there is a problem, the republicans in the debate last night just seemed to tell us over and over again that our reality was wrong and everyone was actually getting richer.
The problem with our medical system is too much government, too much regulation,too many trial lawyers and rediculous lawsuits. When you can get medical treatment for your pet and pay out of your pocket and then the same procedure and medicines would bankrtupt you if it were for a person, then you have a problem.
Get use to Hillary - after watching the boring old men show on the tube - the GOP is going to have to rent space from the Whigs for store of failed party posters and other crap.

I actually liked watching the Republicans last night better than the most recent Dem. debate where it was virtually 75% Hillary. She was allowed to yabber on and on but not give a straight answer to any question.

Fred looks like the Mummy's Curse. Rudy might have a chance as at least he seems alive. Mitt, however, we will seem him in the Revenge of the Wax Museum.

You got that right! IMO, Mitt is the male version of a Stepford wife: slick, glib, well groomed, "perfect", and not quite human!