Hillary is becoming popular.


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This is not good news especially coming from a state like NH. People seem to be warming to her as a candidate. It seems her humanization techniques are actually working and having a positive effect on peoples image of her.
Granted this article is about Democrats but it is not good news if many left wing and Conservative Democrats are warming up to her.

Many warming unexpectedly to Clinton

By Sasha Issenberg, Globe Staff | October 9, 2007

CONCORD, N.H. - Don Schwartz, who describes himself as "a super-Deaniac progressive type," decided to back Hillary Clinton - whose centrist views, he concedes, do not necessarily match his own - for a simple reason. He wanted, finally, to be with a winner.

When Schwartz, the vice chairman of the Londonderry Democratic committee, started to contact his neighbors, with a goal of reaching 100 people per week, he thought he would have to appeal to their respect for her rather than their affection.

"I was actually surprised how many people said they were for Hillary," Schwartz said. "Now, they're getting to know her, and they're starting to like her. She is a nice person!"

That reaction to the kind feelings the New York senator is able to generate has been a common one in New Hampshire, where a range of Democrats said last week that they are amazed to find themselves falling for the presidential hopeful.

"I actually like her more than I thought I would," Martha LaFlanne, 49, the vice president of student affairs at New Hampshire Community Technical College in Berlin. "I think she's proven to be her own woman."

For at least a decade, the inflexibility of voter attitudes toward Clinton had come to be treated as an immutable law of American politics. On the question of Hillary, strategists of both parties concluded, voters had become split into two camps, pro and con, with firmly defined opinions, leaving few undecided and those on all sides generally unsusceptible to persuasion.

Yet over the summer, some voters appear to have changed their minds about the senator. On the key question asked by pollsters - do you view her favorably or unfavorably? - the numbers ticked in small but significant ways in Clinton's direction: a four percentage-point increase among those who like her and a three-point decrease among those who dislike her, according to an analysis of 77 surveys since early 2006 performed by Charles Franklin, a political science professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Now her favorability rating nationwide stands at 49.8 percent - on the cusp of the 50 percent threshold widely viewed as a prerequisite for a successful candidacy, according to the analysis.

The change has surprised many polling specialists who believe that it's difficult - if not impossible - to change the public perception of a very well known figure, especially reducing the numbers who view that person negatively.

Nonetheless, Franklin found that the divide in voters' views of Clinton is "hardened, but not absolutely ossified. . . . We're not even into the heart of the campaign, and there's been a good bit of movement."

That movement validates a summertime charm offensive that reintroduced Clinton to voters.

"Because Hillary Clinton is so well known as a political figure, the expectations for average voters are hard to break," said Adam Berinsky, a political scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "But in New Hampshire, voters are getting to know her better and separating their own impressions."

In many cases, Clinton's campaign has chosen - at what staff insist is the candidate's own direction - to do fewer events a day and before smaller crowds, to make a more personal appeal.

"She's taken advantage of the intimacy of the New Hampshire primaries," said state Senator Lou D'Allesandro, who has not yet endorsed a candidate.

At the beginning of the year, Clinton and Senator Barack Obama both concentrated their New Hampshire politicking on large rallies. But in late spring, partly in response to criticism that they were not connecting with individual voters, the campaigns began focusing on visits to diners and house parties, a shift observers say has particularly benefited Clinton.

"Barack is a remarkable speaker, Hillary is a good speaker," said Paul Begala, a former advisor to Bill Clinton who has contributed to Hillary Clinton's campaign fund. "But Hillary is really good in a living room."

When planning larger events, Clinton has been particularly vigilant, aides say, at making sure the schedule maintains enough time for her to linger on the rope line.

"She's made it clear to us that the minimum amount of time she'll do an event will be 90 minutes, but I'm realizing the average has really been about two hours," said Nick Clemons, Clinton's New Hampshire state director. "We are trying to find the crowd size that can enable her to meet all the people there."

In August, D'Allesandro invited 200 neighbors to his Manchester yard, where Clinton addressed them from the porch and lingered long afterward in the driveway. "They were amazed that she would take her time to talk to them and have their picture taken," he said.

Working the rope line at a "fall kickoff rally" in Concord in early September, Clinton moved more slowly and deliberately than her husband, stopping in front of each person to talk while he seemed to glide from hand to hand.

"She seems more human," Anna Chen, a 20-year-old Harvard junior from San Diego, said after a debate last week in Hanover. "Her laugh has gotten a lot better. Did you notice that tonight?"

To D'Allesandro, who first met Clinton in the 1980s and witnessed her during the 1992 campaign, such bonhomie is a new trait. "This is a different Hillary Clinton, let me tell you," D'Allesandro said. "I think she was shy then. Boy, has she grown on the job."

During her husband's presidency, Hillary Clinton's favorable ratings swung frequently - reaching a low in 1995 after the Republicans took over Congress and a high three years later during the Monica Lewinsky scandal - but have remained relatively steady since she entered the Senate in 2001.

According to Gallup polls conducted this year, Obama, Senator John McCain of Arizona, Pope Benedict XVI, and pop singer Christina Aguilera also have favorable ratings that hover around 50 percent. For each, however, around 20 percent of respondents said they do not know the person or were undecided. For Clinton, that figure has remained exceptionally low, around 6 percent.

"I don't think people will say they don't have mixed feelings," said Billy Shaheen, cochairman of Clinton's campaign in New Hampshire.

In trying to decide what they think of Clinton today, voters find themselves wrestling with what they thought of her yesterday, and whether it was they or she who changed in the interim, specialists said.

"People are responding to the fact that they've heard one set of images repeated over and over," said Drew Westen, a psychologist at Emory University and the author of "The Political Brain."

As a result, the new impressions voters receive of Clinton are more likely to fit into the old frameworks they have for considering her, according to Westen, including the idea that even her charm may be calculated.

"I think Hillary has succeeded in helping to show her soft side," said Lee Stebbins, 61, a retired educator in Bethlehem. "I think they've softened her. I think her image is softened."

Above all, conversations about Clinton tend to engage a far deeper sense of self-awareness than those about other candidates.

Voters are often left assessing less what they think of Clinton than judging the gap between those feelings and what they believe is expected of them.

"I don't think I feel I have to like her personally, said Diane McGonagle, 56, who walked from her home in Concord last week to see Obama address a rally in a public park. "I don't see why warmth is an issue."
© Copyright 2007 The New York Times Company
The campaign season is young. Play some of her screeching rants, and those numbers may switch back. There's a reason she's so unpopular after more than a decade in the public eye. She didn't get there overnight; she won't change it overnight.

Besides, what else would you expect from the Boston Globe?
Besides, what else would you expect from the Boston Globe?

The Gallup Polls shows a major up swing in her positive ratings. The article is slanted but the poll info comes form a reputable source. If this upswing continues then she will probably walk away with the nomination and be a force to reckon with in 2008.
They write what they want people to read. Is there a way to cry foul over the lack of separation of media and state?
The Gallup Polls shows a major up swing in her positive ratings. The article is slanted but the poll info comes form a reputable source. If this upswing continues then she will probably walk away with the nomination and be a force to reckon with in 2008.
True. I should have been clearer. I don't doubt the poll numbers, and it is something to keep an eye on. What I doubt is the "everything's turning up roses" spin of the article.

I think it's been obvious since the day she announced that she'll get the Dem nomination. I suspect the election will be one of, if not "the," nastiest in our nation's history.
Perhaps someone could explain to me why I should be more worried about Hillary than any of the other anti-gunner democrats running? Obama? Edwards? Richardson might not be bad, but he has no chance in hell and his statements on Iraq are so ignorant they are scary!

The fact that most American's don't consider gun rights to be a major political factor is a double edged sword; the front runners from both parties are pretty anti-gun, though at least Guilianni (sp?) is starting to talk the talk.

I just hope we can get Thompson into the lead, though if we end up with Guilianni I think I can finally vote for him and feel only a little dirty as I exit the booth (as being the lesser of 2 evils vs. Hillary, Obama, etc.).
Perhaps someone could explain to me why I should be more worried about Hillary than any of the other anti-gunner democrats running?
For just about every other issue beyond gun rights.

For example, even if Rudy is anti-gun, how strenuously will he pursue an anti-gun agenda compared to Hillary? What other agendas will Hillary pursue that the others won't?
I don't think this makes any difference, at all.

Usually, there are 15% diehard Republicans and 15% diehard Democrats. The election is won or lost by how the 70% 'swing vote' decides to cast their ballots.

Now, if the article stated that a majority of all non-committed swing voters were all going to vote for Hillary, that would be cause for concern.

That would mean that over 60% of the country was for Hillary, clearly letting her win by a landslide. That's not going to happen.

There is an evil side to me that says, "Let her have the Iraq war, aging 'boomers (Social Security), energy problems and healthcare." None of these issues is an easy fix, and Hillary doesn't really have a platform, other than to throw inflated tax money at the problems.

I use the phrase "inflate tax money" deliberately. If you fully funded all of these issues with current rates at today's real wealth, she would be taking more that 50% of your money.

And for example, in my adult job, I paid anywhere from 12 to 18%.

Now, are you still worried about Hillary?
Now, are you still worried about Hillary?
Yes, enough to pay attention but not enough to wring my hands. Whether she could do everything she wants to do does not mean she couldn't do real damage. Look at what happened under Carter.
TFL'ers are well-advised to ignore polls. The chance of manipulation of public opinion using polls is quite high. Doesn't means polls are worthless. The truly honest, brutal, warts-and-all polls are NEVER seen in public. Polls which show up in public should be viewed with suspicion as they are mainly to form opinion as opposed to reflecting opinion.
Hah, personable? Nice? My fiancee met her in Washington in 2002 and she wouldn't give the students there for presidential classroom the time of day. Total blow off. Beyond New York and LA this woman could give to craps. Talk to her about something like illegal immigration, or soveriengty and she'll just blink with a glazed over look.
Usually, there are 15% diehard Republicans and 15% diehard Democrats. The election is won or lost by how the 70% 'swing vote' decides to cast their ballots.
It's more like 40%-43% and the elections are won or lost in that middle 17%.
What's that Ann Coulter quote about Bush making people who hate republicans hate republicans? It sorta works for Hillary too, she has a hard core of right wing fanatics who despise her, the rest of the country don't hate her so much. She was never going to get any right wing votes anyway.

However, I did here a rather conservative women's group on local radio a few weeks back jumping on the Hillary bandwagon. These were women business owners who usually vote republican, but felt that Hillary was the only candidate currently running who could actually govern once elected. I would have expected them to like Guliani but they were surprisingly negative about his experience.
So Hillary is popular with a "Super-Deaniac-Progressive-Type." Big surprise, there.
I also loved the reference to Hillary's "centrist" views. That was worth a cackle.

I suppose on a spectrum with Lenin at one end and Stalin at the other end, Hillary would be a centrist.
However, I did here a rather conservative women's group on local radio a few weeks back jumping on the Hillary bandwagon. These were women business owners who usually vote republican, but felt that Hillary was the only candidate currently running who could actually govern once elected. I would have expected them to like Guliani but they were surprisingly negative about his experience.

I recently read an article in the Wall Street Journal that showed a mass exodus of usually conservative business people from the Republican party because of dissatisfaction about the Iraq war, the right wing take over the party and Government free for all spending spree. If it is really as bad as it sounded in the article than the Republicans will be a minority party for quite sometime into the future.
Although I dont like her, and I'm not going to vote for her, I'm pretty sure Hillary WILL be our next president. If I were a gambling man, I'd put money on it.

She's going to get votes from many simply because she's a woman, and in their eyes its the politically correct thing to do. Her postions on health care are going to get her the votes from those dependent on the goverment (welfare, the poor elderly, etc) Others will vote for her because they are frustrated with GW Bush and the current administration, and they'll remember the Clinton's reign as a less violent time with lower gas prices.