Hillary Crying???

Why was Hillary crying?

  • The campaign has been long and hard.

    Votes: 5 6.7%
  • She's genuinely afraid for the country.

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Pure crocodile tears as a "look at my soft side" tact.

    Votes: 41 54.7%
  • Something even more sinister........

    Votes: 28 37.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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"If Hillary's choke up is real, it shows she's massively unfit to be president."

Just like President Bush? http://www.newsmax.com/insidecover/b.../02/29334.html

edit: here's another somewhat interesting article. Our current President claims to have seen ghosts in the Lincoln Bedroom. http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/07257/817392-153.stm
Some important things to note:

1) I'm not against anyone, public figure or not, from getting choked up with emotion. Reagan got noticeably choked up during a D-Day Remembrance speech in Normandy. Bush sheds tears for our troops. The differences are that a) both Reagan and Bush got choked up over events regarding other people, not themselves, and b) Reagan maintained control in public, as did Bush, who apparently shed tears in private. Neither of them got choked up in public for their own advantage. Hillary's incident was decidedly not like theirs.

2) Reagan and Bush were under much more extreme pressure at the time of getting choked up than the significantly lesser pressure of a nomination campaign. Again, Hillary's incident was decidedly not like theirs.

3) Where did I say that Bush was a great president? ;)
I've got no idea if Hillary was faking her "crying" or not, but I do think she has a sense of entitlement that has her feeling really ticked off and probably bummed out that she isn't coasting to the victory she thinks she very much deserves.

Whatever, I can't imagine a female leader like Margaret Thatcher acting like Hillary in public--but then, the British system for choosing leaders doesn't work like ours, so pandering to the general public isn't such a big part of their system.

I vaguely remember Muskie breaking down in the snows of New England, but it seems to me that it had a lot to do with just being totally fed up with the endless dirty tricks Nixon's operatives played on him. Muskie was an academic, not a hardened politician, and he just didn't have the mental toughness and killer instinct to deal with the cut-throat type campaigns we have in the US.
As stated, others have cried, but for the reasons a patriot cries for. I agree that she feels entitled. How is this relevant? Because those qualities we see in a candidate are what we can expect to see used for years to come.
As for color/gender, we don't like to think in these terms, but facts are facts, like them or not. I can say in all honesty that these mean nothing to me. However, my mother in law lives in a community that I can promise you will vote for neither. Is she and her biggoted community living in the past? Absolutely, but they can and do vote. Sorry, but it's a fact, and there are other such communities. For the record, such prejudice makes me shake by head. I am white, and my grandkid is black. For now, it's a real issue.

So, the thread may be less scientific and more of a statement. I don't pretend to be a statistician. Like it or not, this is what goes on in living rooms around the nation. The flip side of this type of discourse goes on in our classrooms.
When Bush stated; "It's hard" regarding the war, he was made fun of in several media venues. Why is it okay for one side to do this at will, but try it against the spin doctors, and it's blasphemous to the political system? Is it dignified? Not really. I'm a professional, and show dignity eight hours a day. I come home and want to vent because I hear our nation's youth spouting unbased rhetoric all day.
That is why this started - more serious than it may appear. We are fed this bunk and scorned if we don't accept it. I do not accept it. I hate when anyone takes me for a fool.
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