Hillary Crying???

Why was Hillary crying?

  • The campaign has been long and hard.

    Votes: 5 6.7%
  • She's genuinely afraid for the country.

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Pure crocodile tears as a "look at my soft side" tact.

    Votes: 41 54.7%
  • Something even more sinister........

    Votes: 28 37.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Her Marxist history and beliefs are why I despise her, not the fake crying. To believe Marxism can work, despite all the previous failures makes the Ms Clinton either stupid, insane or evil, to quote Neil Smith. I think it is the latter. Enough reason not to vote for someone in my opinion.
True Colors showed up? I hope Boma wins and think America is not ready for a Afro American President. That will insure a Republican Win. :D
"True Colors showed up? I hope Boma wins and think America is not ready for a Afro American President. That will insure a Republican Win."

I don't think we're supposed to advocate racism on these forums. If America is not ready for an "Afro" American President then America is racist. This was supposed to have been resolved decades ago...
There's no crying in baseball...er politics.

PBP...you're right. This is a Hillary bashing thread without a doubt, but here's my semi-intelligent input on the subject.

I'm a professional pilot and whenever I hear a story of a female co-worker crying, I always think of that line from "A League of Their Own". Though it's obviously changed to "There's no crying in aviation".

Please don't take this as sexist. I'm not saying you have to be a big burly man to fly an airplane, but you should be mentally tough. As the popular saying goes...aviation is hours of extreme boredom interspersed with moments of shear terror. When the SHTF in the cockpit, there is no time for crying. It's time for getting the job done, and then you can cry after you live through it. I think the same goes for politics. I wouldn't vote for a candidate who I thought might break down emotionally when the weight of the nation (or world) is resting on their shoulders.

No Race intended! Just the way things are. I would rather have a Honest Afro American in charge then a crucked White boy. Get over it! I just don't think Boma is the man!:D
What if I was pink? Would I get elected as a pink man? Get over the color! It's the person. I don't hate Hillary because she is a girl , I hate her because she is a Communist Girl!:D

You have no Idea What color I am! I may be pink ,I may be brown may be red, I may be yellow, I may be GREEN!

As it Happens I am 20% Red, 60 % pink and God only knows what he put together that week! I am American!
Does she think crying will work well in negotiations with China or with Putin in Russia?

Sorry babe, if you can't handle the pressure now you are not the person for the job.

If you also think that staging tears for sympathy is the way to go you also are not the person for the job.
Just saw the video. That ain't crying, compared to that Mitt Romney was a blubbering baby when he broke down in tears.
Mitt Romney teared up recently on NBC's "Meet the Press," as he recounted how he learned in 1978 that his Mormon Church would finally fully accept blacks. When he heard the news on the radio, he told host Tim Russert, he was so overcome with emotion he "pulled over and literally wept."

Second I remember the Muskie incident when it happened and watch the video on TV. He didn't look like he was crying to me. But I took the word of the media that he had. I have since learned that the media has been known to streatch the truth.

Third, Anyone who thinks Hillary is a Communist or even just a Socialist doesn't know that much about Clinton, Socialism, or Communism.
Fake or real. Irrelevant question. What is relevant is her and her hubby's single minded pursuit of power looks like it is ending. So now she gets to implement plan B which I think should be for Hillary to go back to DC and kick Harry Reid's can to the curb and install herself as Senate Majority Leader. She would then be a real power broker without all that personality stuff getting in the way. As majority leader she could take credit for implementing a fellow democrat president's agenda or claim similar credit for stopping a republican's agenda. It is the perfect win-win position. People are sick of the same old same old. Her rhetoric ain't playing this time around.
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Eh, she's been trying to re-invent herself for so long that I'm not surprised by the whole tears and emotional bit. She's sensitive, she's soft, she's got a heart. Well, isn't that special. :rolleyes:

That's not a personal attack on Hillary. That's just reality. The planted questions, the fake laugh, it's all just Hillary trying to be what she thinks people want her to be. Reminds me of when Gore's handlers were trying to advise him about looking like an alpha male, and how they dressed him up like Reagan during the debates. Fake. :barf:
I just hope that she and everyone else of her ideology will be completely rejected no matter what their tactics. This is just an example of there being nothing they won't try.
The point of all this is, it makes no difference that she is a she. What makes the difference is I could never have one ouce of faith in her in a time of crisis. The fact is, if these little campaign trail barbs make her emotionally unstable, and make her cry, what going to happen when faced with a "REAL" issue? Like war or defense of our homeland?

If she freezes up and cries now, there's no WAY I think she's tough enough to lead MY COUNTRY! The other world leaders must be laughing and praying to their respective idols that she gets elected! Then they know they can run us straight over. NO RESPECT FOR HER.

If she can't take obama making fun of the way she dresses, how is she going to keep it together in a heated debate with mean old boy world leaders?

Besides that, the extremists we happen to be dealing with right now, HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO RESPECT FOR WOMEN AT ALL! This isn't a TV show. Put a woman in office right now, against these pigs, and its over.....:rolleyes:
^ The reason isn't that she can't take it, but she feels entitled to power. There is no right to oppose her in her mind. If she had her way there would be no election vote. That is precisely why she is so vehement in disarming the populace.
Besides that, the extremists we happen to be dealing with right now, HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO RESPECT FOR WOMEN AT ALL! This isn't a TV show. Put a woman in office right now, against these pigs, and its over
I understand your sentiment, but I don't give a tinker's damn whether the troglodyte extremists have any respect for women or not. Frankly, I don't see where they have any respect for anyone but themselves, so woman or not doesn't matter.

Whether a woman is president or not is immaterial to me. Whether Hillary is president or not is material to me. The Clintons have been an industrial-strength acid eating away at our nation since 1992. If Hillary's choke up is fake, as I believe that it is, she's showing there's no level she won't sink to in order to satisfy her ambition. In short, she has bottomless ambition, and that's a very bad thing. If Hillary's choke up is real, it shows she's massively unfit to be president.
Hillary Crying???

The skagged out witch thinks she's entitled to be President. Now that Bama-Lama-Ding-Dong is pounding her into the ground like a tent peg, she realizes it's not going to happen. Boo Hoo!
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