Hillary Crying???

Why was Hillary crying?

  • The campaign has been long and hard.

    Votes: 5 6.7%
  • She's genuinely afraid for the country.

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Pure crocodile tears as a "look at my soft side" tact.

    Votes: 41 54.7%
  • Something even more sinister........

    Votes: 28 37.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Okay, sound off if you've seen it. We've seen her re-invent herself a hundred times. Lately, all she's been spewing is that "real change vs. talk about it" blather. This woman can melt holes in steel with lasers out of her eyes, that's if they haven't sustained water damage. She sure as H*LL can't fake a laugh. So what was the crying for???
1) Genuine - The campaign has been hard.
2) Concern for her country.
3) Crocodile tears - Her strategist told her to look more caring and sensitive.
4) Something more sinister..........
Poll limited to four options. Additional choices welcome.
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What a leading poll. The attitude towards her in the post itself is obviously hostile and the intent is obviously to portrait her in an unfavorable light.
"Look at me! The big bad boys are ganging up and picking on the girl! They pulled her pigtails and made her cry!"

Something along those lines. Make all the libs voting in the primaries to think about "equality," and "equal opportunity," and "why don't we give her a chance" not unlike how a charitable but foolish kickball team captain will sometimes pick the mildly retarded classmate right away just to be nice rather than waiting until last round.

The problem here is, voting is serious. Kickball is just a stupid game.
Originally posted by Playboypenguin:
What a leading poll. The attitude towards her in the post itself is obviously hostile and the intent is obviously to portrait her in an unfavorable light.
Guilty as charged. What's the problem? Isn't politics a "leading" game?? If it P.O.'s any libs...Good!
If I had Photoshop and the requisite skills, I'd paste Crocodile Dundee's hat onto Hillary's head. Crocodile tears from Crocodile Hillary.

I've been with people suffering stress and grief before - people whose loved ones have suffered serious injuries or deaths, or had hospitalized children, or have lost their jobs - and Hillary's words were too polished and too well enunciated to pass the smell test. She had a pause, but no hesitations. For a person so choked up with emotion, she certainly stayed on message to perfection.

But suppose her emotions were genuine. That's actually scary. Being president is much tougher than running for president, and she's not even the nominee yet. She claims to have the experience to take over from day one. She claims she's tough because she's been tested by the "Republican Attack Machine." So why is she breaking down now?

Sorry, but I'm not buying it. She's attempting to soften her image by varying the tactic she used to get elected as senator: Those mean boys are picking on me because I'm a girl.
Guilty as charged. What's the problem? Isn't politics a "leading" game?? If it P.O.'s any libs...Good!
In my opinion, when threads are started to fling mud and not advance any ides it looks bad on the shooting community.

This is more like an attack on her for being a woman and crying or for being phoney and crying than it does anything political. It seems more like an attack on her as a person.

It fosters the idea that we are all right wing nutjobs that like to attack the other side not on principle but just for being on the other side.
In 1972 Edmund Muskie's campaign went into a nosedive when it appeared he was crying in response to attacks on his wife's character. He went from front runner to all washed up. McGovern won the nomination, as he later admitted he wanted to run for President in the worst way possible and that's exactly how he did it.
It fosters the idea that we are all right wing nutjobs that like to attack the other side not on principle but just for being on the other side.
My principles go against the total BS routine of doing any number of underhanded tactics to reach a goal. Misleading tactics should be called out, and the press isn't going to do it.
Politicians need to realize the reprocussions of their actions. You lie or mislead too many times, you get called on it. Being disingenuous is an issue worth review.
I gave my opinion, then asked for others. There is no obligation to answer.
An assertion of a baseless claim would be an attack. An opinion of a recorded event is just that.
Just the way I see it.
Obama and Edwards should sieze this opportunity and claim that this is the reason that Hillary is not strong enough to be President. She can't even handle the stress of a Presidential campaign let alone the stress of running the country.
Actually, I'd hoped that she'd get the nomination. Ron Paul would mop the floor with her.

Actually, he'll clean up with the other two "front runners" as well, so maybe all's not for the bad if she is indeed finished.
Ron Paul is not going to be mopping the floor with anyone. He never had a chance, doesn't have a chance, it's over.
Ed Muskie was set, up Of the people at the event only one or two reporters insisted that he cried.
I mean we are talking about Nixon here.

Given a choice between Obama and Clinton who would you choose to look into Vladimir Putin's eyes?
I vote for the [redacted] over Mr. Kumbaya

Found it, bottom of page. Should have guessed it was David Broder
Broder went on and on about the way the emotional candidate boo-hoo-hooed. But uh-oh! As McCartney noted, no one else reported that Muskie had cried (had “tears streaming down his face”)—and Muskie always denied that he’d done so. Beyond that, McCartney noted Broder’s later confessions concerning this crucial incident. “Broder has publicly brooded that this one story has caused him more second thoughts than any other in his long and distinguished career,” McCartney wrote. “He has suggested in retrospect that he may have gone too far, drawn too many unwarranted conclusions from his own preconceptions.”
Lord knows this woman had plenty to cry about long before she ever ran for president. Maybe winning was her last hope of being known as something other than Mrs. Slick.

There's a part of me that feels sorry for any human who endures an unhappy home life. I'll still do everything in my power (short of voting for Rudy) to see to it that she never gets mail at 1600 Pennsylvania again.
Yep, I've seen the video a number of times, it's very clear what happened.

Muskie was a good candidate, but got an unexpected hard ball pitch and let it get the best of him.

Edit: I've now seen the Hillary episode, didn't look too serious to me.
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