highpower rifle target looks too easy?

since steve is not around it sounds if you want to know anything about highpower shooting till he comes back just ask me.

I just got some new gloves to wear so if its cold it should not be to bad. man getting excited and no more guesses lately remember the closest one gets a free pre-ban usgi 30 round m16-ar15 mag. it will be a nice one and if you hit it on the head with the right x count I will send you two mags and I pay shipping.

man what was that score chris 495-24x does that mean I get 5 misses or I can only drop 5 points. oh by the way that 486-14x was that a educated guess or you have a cristal ball. lol
IamNotaNut : to be fair to you I will tell you this if we counted last weeks score you did not win so thats how fair I am so you get two more guesses!

oh and you squinch I heard that you wanted to bet me lunch on who has the best off-hand score. well you are on sounds like the roadhouse to me and a steak dinner. I hope I bring enough money!
I expect both sets of results posted by 6pm EST tomorrow. Otherwise we will have to fine you one extra magazine. :)
I will give you both scores tommorrow after I get home and anounce the winner.

it looks like two folks from the tfl will be there to see how I do. one even invited me to go pistol shooting this mourning and I had a blast. I'am even worse at pistols than rifles go figure?

get your friends on the tfl to get their scores in by 9 am mst as thats when it starts.
weather outlook for colorado springs tommorrow high 50's and slightly cloudy. about the same today but a little windy at times. did practice some today but its hard to hit that target in off hand with no sling and about 10 to 15mph winds hope its calm on sunday. I will even let the winner pick out the make of the mags like your choice will be from labell, adventureline, sanchez,okay, center or fn, (sorry no colts) on this deal.

oh and I had one email me the score and I think it was 488 or something like that from steve smith so just wanted to get that out so if he wins you know its on the up and up. and do not be surprized if I send second place something also. I'am feeling lucky. got my ammo set out and and coffee all ready to start in the mourning and have a half dozen of the crispy creme donuts ready for when I get up.
we have a winner that guessed the exact score but missed on the x count for todays 200 yard 50 shot reduced course match. so that person will be sent a nice pre-ban 30 round m16/ar15 mag. email me for you address and I will get it out for you.

oh ! you guys want to know the score.

the weather person did not know what they where doing when they predicted a nice day. it started off kinda chilly but not to bad but winds to start at between 15 and 20mph gusting up to about 25 at times. had 3moa on the rifle at one point and the wind did not start to let up untill we were almost threw the rapid prone stage. and then it just switched around a little for the slow prone 20 rounds.

funny I had the same x count as last week.

here are my scores for the different stages.

pueblo west last sat the weekend before.

total out of a possible 500 was 486-16x

todays score for frontier was as follows

total out of a possible of 500 was 492-16x

sorry about the 96-0x I new my sitting was a little low in the 10 ring because of the dark clouds that started to come over and when I went up to the line for rapid prone I forgot to go up 1/2 moa as I planned and it was a very nice tight group with 4 shots out at 6 o'clock about 1/4" to 1/2" out in the 9 ring.

only 1 shot I wished I had back and that was the only shot out of the black and that was the 8 in my rapid sitting.

so the winner was correia out of slc with a 492-8x

I will check later to see who came in 2nd.

we will do this again come spring when the weathers better.
jc121 - Nice shooting. You did much better than I expected as most people who talk the talk can't back it up. My apologies. And keep at it, I see high X-counts in your future! :D
blind rat sorry I thought you were going to get it but made a few mistakes that I'am working on.

trying to slow my rapid sitting down and get only good crisp smooth trigger pull but because of the thing between my ears I bangs the trigger and that causes me to take shots when its not exactly there.
and the other brain melt was not moving that dang sights up between my rapid sitting and rapid prone. knew when I saw the target and got back to the line I wanted to move it up but forgot and it cost me because the group should of been like a 100-6x or 7x.

next week I might do a 80 shot course but will wait and see.

shot the ar15 that I have not shot since june today and I hate it because I do not want to think it shoots better than my main gun. steve you would of liked to see the x ring in the slow prone out of the 10 x's 8 were all touching strung out across the middle of the x from left to right. wind caused but tried to keep up with it and only made about 5 changes threw the string.
Double Dang!!
Dang, because I thought I had enough "inside information" to have a lock on winning.

And Dang again because I also shot a match today - A 600 yd NMC and I train wrecked my way to a lower score than you shot.

Here's the play by play;

200 yd Standing. Forgot to put on my hearing protection after hopping off the Bumper Dumper. Was reminded of this fact by the first shot of the day going off next to me. Scared me straight into an "8" and 9 for sighters and a brown spot on my BVD's (I still had a little left over I guess). So shook up my first record was also an 8. Dropped two 9's for a 96-3x.

200yd Sitting Rapid Sloppy on the trigger control for a 98-5x. Note to self; BlingBling Front Sight does not have magical effects on the Trigger Finger.

300yd Prone Rapid. Thought the sling felt a little loose while standing waiting to go down. Took it up a bit. (Never Never make those kinds of changes after establishing your Natural Point of Aim!) Dropped down into position to find that I could not get into the same position and worse yet, could not get my head behind the sight properly. Too late... Gritted my teeth and made do for a group that looked like buckshot across the target. 93-2x

600 yd Prone. Good wind call. Light consistent. Missed the shift after the boil and got behind on a fishtailing condition. Dropped 3-8's and a few nines as a result. 191-6x Finished string and bolted for the Bumper Dumper. What a time to find out you're Lactose Intolerant!

Total 478-16x - Too many brain farts (shooters on the next points say too many "other kinds" of farts too) to reach my goal of 485 - 16x. Final note to self; Beans the night before and using a carbide smoker are a bad combination.

jc121; That was mighty fine shooting at both matches! Do you find much difference in your scores when you shoot Full Distance vs 200yd reduced? ...and was that 200-10x on the MR52? I hear you folk in Colorado do things a little different on the targets.
blind rat I also thought you had it with last weeks score because we almost called it off because of trouble keeping the targets on but some tape and alot of stapples and we made it.

I do shoot across the course and because of the limited ranges here (only 2 full courses in co.) it is restricted to the summer mostly. I do like to travel around the state and try to get in at least 4 to 5 matches a month.

been doing this sport again since sept. of 2001.

my scores jumped from the mid 460's and low 470's to the 480's about 3 months ago.
have not had a opertunity to shoot but 1 full course since my scores have risen but I did take 2nd out of 35 shooters and they were some of the best in colo.

now as far as the targets go in those two matches the 486 was shot with all the correct targets. and with those targets I have been stuck between 484 and 489 and have been playing with alot of new holds and cants and the such but its time to get those things down before the season starts in the spring. do have hopes to get into the 98%to 99% by early summer and stay in the 97% on the xtc matches depending on conditions which are usually very windy here.

the match on sunday as you know with the inside info was all shot on the off-hand/rapid sitting target. the realistic score for my groups in that wind would of most likely been like the mid 480's.

yes the 8 x's scross the target would of still been all x's.

I have cleaned all the targets several times in the last few months with the exception of off hand but getting close to that also.

in sept. I won the state reduced prone championship with a 786-28x and they were fired on the standard targets. scores were 194-197 slow prone 198-197 rapid prone, in the last 2 months of matches my rapid sitting I have lost about 8 points out of a possible 700.

did finally get into a good club with a 600 yard range that I can practice on and as soon as the snows melt up there I plan on at least once a week trip to work on loads and the wind.

did shoot my backup rifle at this match on sunday working on my loads and because I just was not happy with the groups. its like yeah the scores were great but the groups were not tight enough and with the pac-nor and 77smk's even in the wind I came away very happy with the groups.

now you all know all my little secrets and come spring I will pick a match and let you all have another chance.
JC, you played us like a fiddle. :D

I'm glad I won, I can always use more magazines. I'll PM you my mailing address.
Logging in from the great beyond

Hey guys, I'm not dead, just "TDY." FYI, Jon and I are Highpower buddies and now (scary) roomates, so yeah, I was in on it all along. Don't ever bet against Jon...he always cheats.


Oh, and Blind Rat...well, he's a Highpower nut too, but he's just weird...and a wannabe pimp.

I'm curious about how the reduced targets correlate to the full distance. We don't shoot much reduced out here, but I had read that the reduced targets were drawn up through trial and error 20 some odd years ago to give comparable scores to the full distance. Thus, the dimensions don't necessarily work out as a "true" reduction.

My thought was that the elimination of the "30 Caliber Rule" would have a greater impact on 223 shooters especially on Reduced Targets. The numbers say a 223 should lose a few points on reduced versus full distance now. I've been looking for more feedback on that situation. With that said, I've shot better scores the few times I've shot reduced matches versus Full distance.

I'll have to try shooting a course completely on the SR target for curiosity sake.

BTW, that 99 in Standing is Hard. Maybe Steevie can rub your Mojo and get some of that (now that you two are room mates).

Steevie, thanks for steering me to my new Bling Threads Supplier.

The threads are just what I needed to take me to High Master. BlingBling Yo!!
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blind rat:
thank you for the compliment as I have been trying to work on the off hand and sitting alot lately at the cost to my prone scores but with alot of practice I hope to get my act together before spring and perry.

what I find is that I get better scores on the rapid prone at the regular distants of 300 but the 200 reduced on it is a killer sometimes.
not to sure with the 600 real distance as last summer most everytime I shot it before I got smart I had alot of pressure problems with my ammo . did change powders and loads and the last time out with in a heavy switching wind my scores were right there with the other top shooters that day.

as you know the off hand and rapid sitting is the same target but what gets me is that I like to take two loads to the matches one with 69's and one with 77's and I do prefere the 69's if the wind is not a factor but if it is windy I will shoot the 77's.

now accross the course I will shoot the 69's at 200, 77's at 300 and 80's at 600 but if it gets windy I will shoot 77's at 200 and 300. see you all later jon oh wher do you shoot at?
For the record, I am not rubbing ANYTHING of Jon's. Mojo or not.

Jon, 194 in the slow prone? What happened, did you fall asleep?
"Damn yo!
Steevie, Jon is the straight up mack daddy tip! You smell what I'm steppin' in? And since I be hearing what a standing biatch you be, you best be wishin the brutha spreads some of dat Standing luuuuv.