highpower rifle target looks too easy?


New member
was in a friends machine gunsmith shop today and he has a 200 yard sr1 target for the off hand and rapid sitting parts of this highpower thing and they don't look that hard as those were some big targets.

how can you miss something like that as I have seen small bore targets that you could of stuck the whole target in side just the 10 ring of those highpower targets.

I have two ar15's one is a bushmaster and the other a rock river and I think I will go to that match next month even if I get bored with such a easy target at least it ought to impress the women folk!

what kind of people go to this things , oh I see its probily those guys with the heavy jackets, gloves, matts and a expensive spotting scope and ego to go with it all.

what kind of score do you all think I can get and what would be a good score or a great one as I expect nothing less than exceptional when I go. let me see 50 shots at 10 points each thats 500 points with If I remember right 10 off hand, 10 rapid sitting , 10 rapid prone and 20 slow prone. that sounds easy.

how bought 400 or 425 or 450 or 475 or 480 or 485 or 490 or 495/ what do you all think? I think its on the 15th of dec. and its a 200 yard match they said. this looks easier than golf ever did.
Well jc the size tgt in relation to the distance involved should make that huge tgt just a fuzzy black dot on the end of your front sight post (as it should). On a old USMC KD course of fire the first firing point was 200 meters out and the pie plate in the middle of the tgt was hard as hell to hit. Add a little wind, rain, and bad dope on your bang stick you might be all over that tgt and end up on the bottom of the pile at the end of the day. Even the best shooters in the world will walk all over the tgt if they are not on their game that day. Shoot first, brag later (young). Or if you really want to tick people off. Place first and not talk about it(old). Golf dosen't give me sore sholders after 30 min off hand. As for the spotting scopes, shooting jackets and million dollar rifle are nice, but it's more the shooter than the tools. (got my butt pounded by a old salt with a wore in m1a that was older than I was and a leather sling)
I did my first "serious" (as opposed to just plinking) with a rifle at 100 yards last week. I took a 100 yard rifle target, taped it up on 6 foot tall target stand and walked it to the end of the lane. I paced the distance thinking that the lane sure looked longer than 100 yards. I was very surprised when it was just barely 100 yards at that.

I returned to the line, laid down and picked up my new M1A to zero the sights. I was in for a rude awakening when that seemingly large bull’s-eye WAS "just a fuzzy black dot on end of my front sight".

The wind was variable and a bit strong at times so I never did get a proper zero, but I did manage to put quite a few holes in the IDPA silhouette target I was using to hold up my rifle target, but damn few on the bull’s-eye. I'll have to wait for a calmer day to compliment my novice abilities to complete the zeroing.

All and all it was a VERY humbling experience but it did leave a great desire to get back to the range and learn more (and get better in the process).
The course of fire is a challenge to the best shooters in the world, but jc121 thinks it will be easy.
If you go to the match be prepared to have your ego knocked down quite a few pegs. I only wish I was there to see it.
Ohhh Steeevveee, wherrre arrre yooooooouuuuuu? ;) :D

Just one comment to add jc. Some days that 200m pie plate looks like a kiddy swimmin pool. Other days, it looks like a pimple on a gnat's behind. As the days and years wear on, it starts lookin more often like them pimples than them pools.
:rolleyes: who's steeevveee?
does he do this type of shooting also.
but I did give up golf years ago because that was a dang hard frustrating sport but this one.
I'am not to young 48, glasses, short getting a middle age gut but I'am a going to give it my best (I hope).

I did not mean to make anyone mad as I just said it looked like a big target and after I'am done it should impress the women folk (at least the new one's as the old one left me a few months ago)

I live in colorado springs and its cold out so I will not go out and practice but may pratice shooting at the tv as thats a big target also just got to remember to keep it unloaded.

I will give it a shot at the next match and let you know how it turns out. jc121
JC121, if you think the 200 yard target is big, you should see the 600 yard prone target! It's 36" wide! Piece of cake. Not sure about impressing women, some guy with a chrome front sight always gets the chicks. I think he calls himself Chris.
thats what I'am missing a chrome front sight. what color would be good to paint my stock to get the women? and no pink is not a option. lol
man 36" you got it easy!
You say there's a match on the 15 of Dec. you plan to attend? We expect a report the following week on how you "cleaned the course", and humiliated all the other shooters!!!!!

Please go to the match, and THEN come back and tell us what you think.
yes there is a match on the 15th of dec. here in colorado springs and its a 50 shot 200 yard cmp match with 10 shots off hand, 10 shots rapid sitting, 10 shots rapid prone and 20 shots slow prone. so that 500 points possible it looks to me. now if its snowing or 5 degrees out guess what I'am not going but most anything other than that I'am a gonna be there partner.

let me offer this to you all out there lets get a poll together and see who can come the closest to guessing my final score and the person coming the closest I will send them a nice pre-ban usgi 30 round m16-ar15 mag. (as long as you live in a free state that allows them) and if you hit it on the exact score and x count I will send you two usgi 30 round pre-ban m16 mags. and it cost you nothing but making a good guess.

here's my rules:

#1 you get two scores per person only and each must have a x count. so two folks may have the same score but different x counts.

#2 if a tie it will go to the first person that picks the right score by posting time.

#3 I will let steeevveee make sure its done fair and I send out the prize.

#4 if the match is called off or cancelled it will be the next match that comes up I can get to.

so get a pickin cause I smell a good score a comin cause I gotta another look at that target today and man its big. hey this could be like hunting if I drink enough the night before its gotta be easy!!!!!! jc121

"what kind of score do you all think I can get and what would be a good score or a great one as I expect nothing less than exceptional when I go."

I shot my first hi-power match this past summer. Used my stock post-ban Colt Match Target with Georgia Arms 68 gr HP bullets. I shot about a 311 out of 500 which put me about two-thirds of the way down the list at a local club match. I found out later that I illegally used my sling during the off-hand portion of the match but they let me slide cuz I was new. All of the shooting was at 200 yards because that is the longest range we have.

If you have done a lot of disciplined long-range rifle shooting and know your weapon then you should be able to beat that. But, it is not as easy as it sounds.

I'll bet that you shoot about a 265.

It's December in Colorado, of course it's gonna be cold. Don't be a chicken.

My second guess, just in case you're as special as you think you are. 372-10x
Talk talk talk. I run into people like this all the time. They talk about how easy some competition is, and how great and wonderful they are, but they don't ever accept my invitations to come compete. Go figure.

At least you say you are actually going to go.

My money is on humble pie. 250. 1 X.

That is unless you wuss out. :)
sorry steve I will not call you that again, was not thinking.

a couple of you only took one score but you may be waiting untill more are in and thats smart to wait till you get more scores in till you use your second pick.

you guys are not giving me much of a chance :D this is not the price is right you can go over without being kicked out.

I'am a man of my word the winner will get the mag or mags as I said I would. I also just might send out something for second also. will look around and see what I have.

since the match starts at 9 am mst on the 15th of dec. I will cut off all guesses at that time.

we need some votes for the 400's I'am guessing the high 400's.

but you all got some time and somebody out there has got to have some faith in me you never know I could I could have a good day. it happens.

I have decided to reconsider. I'm going to raise the bar. I hereby change my vote to 492. 8X.

Because heck, even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while. :)
How about a 477-17x.

I almost gave you three more points, but I took them off to account for mittens.

I started to take off 12 more for "somebody's" muzzle break, but remembered I don't have to any more.
:eek: that was fast now those numbers is what I expected all along. mittens I plan on using a gore-tex heavy glove and as many clothes that I can get on if the weather stays like this.

man almost doubled your guess from 250 to 492 you must think this is a 800 point match intead of 500 but it is only 500 I promise.
muzzle brakes don't they help?
going to rent me some movies for the weekend and with a few good war and westerns under my belt and a little brake in the weather and some coors I'am going to try and get out and try out one of those targets.

man 492 thats a score to shot for and I can understand not wanting to give me something higher as someone told me I can't use a sling while doing that standing 10 shots and others are shooting at the same time.
Low score 259-6X.
High score 449 11x.

There's some stuff involved that isn't obvious until you are in prone, tired, and with brass from the shooter on the next firing point dropping on your back.

Bueno suerte, hombre!