High End Handguns

If it makes you happy and you can really afford it, sure. Go for it.

If you get into a pinch and have to sell something off to get out of it, it means you can't afford it. I know because I've been there a few times.

At any rate, show it to us when you get it!
Life's too short to:
Drink cheap wine/beer/whiskey
Shoot ugly guns
Not stop and smell the roses once in a while

Personally, I would rather have just a few high-quality guns than safes full of cheap junk.
To me a high end handgun is something like a Wilson Combat or Dan Wesson. Super nice guns for sure, but from a functional standpoint they aren't any better, more reliable or more effective than a quality polymer handgun like a Glock or M&P - to me that's the sweet spot for defensive handguns. I'm more at the saving for retirement and college for the kids' stage, though.
To me a high end handgun is something like a Wilson Combat or Dan Wesson. Super nice guns for sure, but from a functional standpoint they aren't any better, more reliable or more effective than a quality polymer handgun like a Glock or M&P - to me that's the sweet spot for defensive handguns. I'm more at the saving for retirement and college for the kids' stage, though.
I agree. These days, I would rather take that $ and buy ammunition and/or time at the range. If ya got the disposal income to do both, good on ya but I would rather spend that extra $500 on 2000 rounds of ammo and 4 sessions at the range..About a month or so shooting for me.
The wife OK'd the purchase of a Coonan 357 back in January for my "next 6 birthdays". I have a little over 100 rounds through it and love it. I tried one last summer at the Coonan booth at an outdoor gun trade show. I was impressed by how much less recoil the auto has over a revolver with 158 grain slugs. I just put blue/ black laminate G10 grips on it from Stoner CNC, so now she's extra gorgeous. Most I've ever spent for a handgun.
I’ve often thought about whether it would be better to have $3,000.00 worth of 1911’s or a single $3,000.00 1911.
PhotonGuy Are you trying to convince us or someone else..(wife, GF)
Quote:I know it might not always be a good idea to splurge but I do particularly like high end handguns. Im talking about brands such as Nighthawk and Wilson Combat. I know a Ruger or a Glock might work just as well for you but if you've got the cash I see nothing wrong with getting a high end handgun if that's what you want to get.
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Having owned many custom built handguns and shooting major competitions for many years, I have this to say: Custom handguns (truly custom built) are far more reliable than any stock/box handgun you can buy. They are also much more accurate. I've easily owned a hundred handguns in my life and without exception I've never owned any that were more accurate or reliable than the custom built ones. The reason you lay out the long green for these toys is to get the edge in accuracy and reliability. Get the right builder and a custom built handgun is a thing of joy. I've had revolvers that would shoot ten shots into an inch at fifty yards (ransom rest) and some semi-autos that would do the same. They were totally reliable, and super accurate. I have had a good number of stock/high quality handguns that were also very, very accurate, but never better than the custom jobs. If you find the right gunsmith, you get what you pay for. You NEVER see a top competitor shooting a stock gun.......NEVER. The only exception would be where the rules required a stock gun. The downside is that most of the best guns, and I mean the best, can run upwards to 3K including six or eight mags to go with it. Revolvers up to close to 2K if really exotic.
I share the group with TXAZ:
The kids are out of the house.
No debt.
Low living overhead.
Fewer job / social commitments.
More cash on hand.
Love the smell of gunpowder in the morning, afternoon or night.

Because I can now afford anything I want?

Do it!
Why limit it to handguns?

My wife and I have been enjoying the things we waited for and worked for and while my wife is not a gun type she has her hobbies and a nice jewelry collection in the gun safe. We have the things and do things we enjoy. Some of my earlier better guns required some scrimping but beanies, weenies and a roof over our heads always came first. When the ways and means are there, nothing wrong with getting the things you want in life. Guns or anything else for that matter.

While the roll mark on a barrel is important it does not always define the quality of the gun, meaning a $3000 1911 is not necessarily better than two $1,500 1911 guns. You buy what works for you.

Just My Take...
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Ron, it’s true that simply paying more does not garauntee you better.

On the other hand, if it says “Freedom Arms” on the barrel it’s one of the finest hand cannons on the planet. It just is.

If Bob Marvel or Hamilton Bowen customized your pistol, you know there are none better. Maybe there are a few as good, but none better.

Now, we’ve all seen those wacky gold plated diamond encrusted AKs owned by various 3rd world dictators that must have cost a hundred thousand... and maybe they even still go “bang”?

Money is necessary but not sufficient in determining quality.
Go for it! Just realize that custom and semi custom does not equal good fit and finish, a lot of times it’s a small operation that’s run on short deadlines and long waitlist.

The best guns are mass produced by major manufacturer that exhibits good quality control
You know what? If you can spend the money without causing difficulties for you and your family on real needs [food/shelter/clothing/medicine], why NOT get what floats your boat?

that is what our system is based on- the idea that you can have your own dream, and then pursue it.

I have a couple of higher-end handguns, but I bought 1 at a GREAT price [about 1/3 market value] and the other I built up into a higher-end handgun. I'd say my Caspian/Caspian 1911 is probably about the quality/refinement/fit level of a good $1900 1911, or higher due to finish/stocks.

What do you think?


Now, for the handguns that cost over that- I REALLY like them.

Yet, for my tastes, budget and intended use, I'd rather have 3 or 4 really neat handguns that cost between 500 and 800, than one awesome handgun that cost $3200 or so.

I am not putting down anyone's choices- just sharing my preferences.

Get whatever high-end handgun you want- it is your life and your money!!!!

Just take pics and share how cool it is so I can consider being jealous.
High end guns are no different than wanting a Rolex instead of a Timex or a Porsche instead of a Civic. It’s all in what you want, what you can afford, and what makes you happy.
High end guns are no different than wanting a Rolex instead of a Timex or a Porsche instead of a Civic.

I disagree about this, slightly, though I will admit to not knowing what a Rolex will do a Timex will not. I do know there are things a Porsche will do that a Civic WILL NOT. :D

It’s all in what you want, what you can afford, and what makes you happy.

This is, of course all that really matters.
A Rolex gives it’s owner pride of ownership, the owner of a Timex could care less about it
My Rolex just had it's 41st birthday and one of my son's will get it eventually..not sure there are many 41 year old Timex's out there.

Few on ebay, 'vintage' Timex's..$10-$110 range..My Rolex cost $685 in 1978...the good shape ones(GMT Master) go for anywhere from $9000 or so to $15,000(YIKES!!)..
The first time my dad dry fired my Springfield Operator he said "this is a better trigger than my Caspian bullseye gun".

That being said I have retirement plans that include several high dollar handguns. If it works and you can afford it, why not?