Hes got a gun! ... A bb gun...

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The comment that folks want an excuse to shoot someone is rather stupid, BTW. That's your projection and attempt at cheap rhetoric.
however, if it comes down to you being hit with the BBs, then you have justification.
I'm stupid but your the one trying to rationalize shooting someone over a BB gun.

BTW if you are incapable of carrying on a conversation without resorting to THR name calling don't bother to respond.
B gun huh? Frankly, I'd be so damned mad that I'd cover my face, advance, engage physically, and put that gun where the sun don't shine!
exactly. Protect your eyes, close in and kick his shin (or whatever). That should do. I can't imagine drawing a firearm against anything that can't be lethal. Don't even think about it.

I would try to do the same as Spoon2001 BB guns can be vary dangerous.
An empty hand is way more dangerous than a hand with a BB gun.
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I dont know that I'd immediately gun the sucker down... kinda depends on the situation, but I'd hardly say a BB gun can't be lethal... not to mention advancing on the person only makes the BB gun even more dangerous to you.

I'd prefer to just get away from them and have him arrested for assault with a deadly weapon... or wait until he is reloading his bb gun and beat the tar out of him.
I am not an expert on "bb guns". If it looks remotely like an actual gun, I would treat it like one. That is what LEO's do as well.
I wouldn't suggest going hand to hand as then the dude can just take the Daisy rifle and club you right in your head.

If I were shooting BBs at you (for whatever reason) and then you wanted to duke it out - you are going to get quite the beating.

Flee in terror if you must but you are actually moving up the force continuum if you make it a physical fight.

As far as you Joab, report this thread to the list gods. You said we wanted to have an excuse to shoot people. I still regard that as you trolling and responded appropriately.

It's clear that you don't understand the word 'rationalize' or the efficacy of some airguns. It has been pointed out that airguns or BB guns can be dangerous and if used maliciously they can produce grievous bodily harm.

So respond to that beyond saying "BB gun" again.

I'll do a scenario:

You and your wife are walking down a hiking trail. Two 17 year oldish boys start following and harassing you. They both have Daisy air guns. They started repeatedly shooting at you despite your pleas to stop. You have already taken a BB in the throat and in the cheek near your eye. Your wife has been shot twice in her butt. They have guns that hold tens of BBs. You are rather old to just run or duke it out. The guns outrange your OC spray. The police are 10 minutes away for your cell phone call.

Your move, tiger.
As far as you Joab, report this thread to the list gods. You said we wanted to have an excuse to shoot people. I still regard that as you trolling and responded appropriately.
I see Glen, I ask a uncomfortable question that you can't answer so you call me a stupid troll and make up some asinine scenario to justify your blood lust.

Here's one for you to rationalize away Deadly egg thrower meets street justice You don't own a red Ford PU do you?.

You said we wanted to have an excuse to shoot people
My question was directed to those that seem to be looking for an excuse, I guess you feel you fit into that category, or you just don't read as well as you catcall. Or possibly you just like inane confrontations
My question was to all the people here who seem to be trying to think of a good excuse to shoot someone with a BB gun.

Since I don't come here to get into inane little name calling and it is obvious that you are indeed incapable of doing otherwise I'll just put you on the ignore list
Your comparing a BB gun to eggs is what I find odd... since a BB gun is considered a deadly weapon and an egg is not. If the kid was throwing BBs at me I wouldn't have a problem... and if the eggs were being shot out of a gun it would be a bit different than throwing them. I'm just amazed that you compare kids throwing eggs to kids shooting weapons.

I guess you don't care about all the links that have been posted where BB guns killed people.
I guess you don't care about all the links that have been posted where BB guns killed people.
Between 1990 and 2000, air guns caused an average of four deaths annually, mostly to children younger than 15. Hardly an epidemic

Your comparing a BB gun to eggs is what I find odd
I did not compare BBs to eggs, I compared eggs thrown at moving vehicles to BBs being shot at you.

I was hit in the face once by a wadded up piece of paper thrown from a school bus and almost took out the next lane of traffic, the kid was charged with throwing a missile at occupied vehicle, a felony.

Since they are both considered felonious assaults why is there a problem with the analogy
Did you even read the article you linked to that says todays BB guns shoot around the same velocity as a .22 rifle? I guess all the people who would respond to an attacker armed with a .22 rifle are also just looking for an excuse to shoot someone. Those sick bastards. :rolleyes:

I'm not saying to gun down everyone with a BB gun... I'm merely point out that saying people in this thread are just looking for an excuse to kill someone is a bit extreme, and uncalled for.
I'm merely point out that saying people in this thread are just looking for an excuse to kill someone is a bit extreme, and uncalled for.
Read my posts again I did not say that all the people here were looking for an excuse. If you are not one of them, then you should have no gripe.

My question was simply if you could justify to yourself, as opposed to getting away with it in court, shooting someone with a BB gun.
If not for the somewhat condescending nonresponse I got from the original question, I probably would not have made the second comment

If you are one of those that feel that they could justify shooting a real gun against a BB gun fine. I don't think I could.
If that somehow makes me your enemy, so be it.
I'll be happy to discuss it with you but I refuse to get in a pissing match over it.

BTW those .22 velocity BB guns are usually rifles and not (fast) repeaters. They have to be pumped several times or loaded one BB at a time after being broken in the middle or a lever activated.
At least the ones I've seen.
Never said you were my enemy. Perhaps I misinterpreted the intentions behind your post, and if that's the case, then my apologies.
I'm glad that I stumbled onto this site and this old thread. I got somethin to say.

I'm a 28 year old Black man who use to get into trouble cause accordin to the city's shrinks, I'm "Borderline" psychotic and bipolar. I have been under treatment for years now, and I'm glad. I'm also glad I sold my illegal real steel .38 Army Issue Revolver and my chrome .32 when I needed money, before I got on a mental health program.

I live in Chicago around the Humboldt Park neighborhood. on the West side of my block is a crackhouse with 9 or 10 gangstas standing sellin rocks. On the opposite end is gangstas who are under them (smaller crew).

A few blocks away theres a crew of kids maybe 10-19 who use BB guns and realsteel firearms interchangeably, and so do 2 other gangs that are allied w/ them.

In movies like DOOM, Resident Evil2 and Terminator 3, you probably didnt notice that Arnold was wearin platform boots, let alone did you notice when an Airsoft gun was on screen.

If some kid pulls somethin that looks like real steel on you, assume it is. For the "older" (no offense) cats on here, they even still use zip guns where I live...so nobody's goin overboard. The gang membership is goin up, and broke kids are buyin .22s and Airguns.

I only registered to say that. stay safe.
one more thing:


Enter the site. Then go to "OldSchool" gangs (that just means they been around for a while.
if you click on any gang link, you will see where it says "Pictures" in the upper left hand.

Try and guess which guns are real and which ones are Airguns. The only BB gun I would bet money on is the pics for "Renegade Outlawz"

once again. if you got a family, dont hesitate because you THINK it's fake. peace.
Doesn't matter if it is a weak gun or a high-power air rifle, you don't know what it could be. In a badly lit area, which of these would you think is real?

My daisy powerline is advertised at 1000fps. It looks like a real rifle and some of my friends got scared when they came to my apt. and saw it trigger-locked in my closet. I don't have any doubt that a shot through the eye just might kill a person.

I'm drawing, regardless. Don't be a pr1ck and point a gun at someone and not expect to possibly get dead whether you're a "kid" or not.
I don't know many perp's who will stare down the barrel of real gun and still point a bb gun at you.

But otherwise:

Unless it was obviously, and I mean bet my life on it obvious (literally) a bb gun, he's getting shot immediately.

I don't want to get shot with a CO2 pellet gun anymore than I don't want to get shot with a .22 anymore than I don't want to get shot with a .45......

I have the right to defend myself when a weapon is being pointed at me.

I shouldn't have to risk my life because some punk wants to inflict a felony on me.

I shouldn't have to bet my life on whether its a toy or not.

He got himself into this mess, not me.
Welcome to The Firing Line, BLiTTz! Thanks for the input.

I only registered to say that. stay safe.
Stick around! I suspect that you have a wealth of unique information that would be valuable to the Members here. :)
I'm not going to let someone blind me with a bb to the eye and just sit back.

This is a hard call though as the most likely incident will occur with some stupid kids playing around. I would call the cops for sure though and have the kid charged.

Roger, a-firm. That's exactly what I was thinking.

It also occurs to me that if you were to shoot a kid, quite righteously, who had fired a bb gun at you (it certainly qualifies as threat of grievous bodily harm, unless some idiot thinks losing an EYE would be no big thing), whether you are in an anti-gun area or not, the press is gonna skewer you, and the headlines will read, "Man responds with real gun, kills kid with fake gun" and worse. :(

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