Hes got a gun! ... A bb gun...

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I like to think that if this was a just world, somebody that pulled stupid **** like shooting at people with a BB gun would be whipped or buttstroked with it a couple times and then everybody would go about their business.
Here in denver, there was a situation that i can relate to the subject.

A guy in his mid 20's had his car stolen. Drove around and tried to find the guys, and actually did. He jumped out of the car and pulled a BB gun to the driver's head at an intersection, and a nearby civilian called the police. The guy who had the BB gun was promptly arrested on 2 counts of felony menacing with a deadly weapon, and the car thieves got misdemeanors.

Now, honestly if i was in the civilian who called 911's shoes, and saw some random guy speed off into an intersection, jump out of the car, and wave what looked like a gun around and point it at somebody's head, my reaction may have been a bit more drastic than calling 911.
If I know that it is a BB gun, then I would probably try to take him down with less-than-lethal force, in my case, martial arts. I don't think that a BB gun justifies lethal force. This is, however, highly dependant on circumstances. If you are 30 yards away, pointing a BB pistol at me, that is one thing. If you have a BB rifle at the base of the skull of someone I love, that is quite another.
most bb rifles are easy to identify. pistols are a whole nuther story though. those rascals look real!

my question is......what about a pellet rifle? now you are talking something that will get 600-1000 fps and that is just what wal mart has!
Someone else clears a gun on you, in a dark space, the appropriate response is to draw and fire.

If it was a pellet gun, well, it's not your fault the other guy committed suicide-by-proxy.
Extreme case, but there are 50 caliber air guns out there that shoot 275 gr. pellets around 700+ fps. Pretty powerful airgun. lol
Tongue into cheek mode. Dangerous indeed. Aren't bb's used to calibrate ballistic gelatin, and don't they penetrate somewhere along the lines of 4"...

4" is nothing to sneeze at. Head on, hit upper COM, ballistic tests would appear to indicate a potential one shot stop.
No offense to the OP but sometimes I don't know whether some of these scenarios are meant to be jokes or serious.

Neither of both :) It was just a random thought that slipped down to my fingers during some down time at work.
What do you do if someone has a bb gun trained on you or already fired shots? You know its a bb gun because of the report, profile, and/or prior knowledge.
Be careful about judging a firearm by its report. Auditory exclusion may fool you. And then, there are always silenced weapons...

Furthermore, there are "bb guns" out there that are virtually identical to well-known firearms. Some that take actual handling or very close examination to make sure.

Just saying that you could end up dead by second-guessing the situation when immediate action was called for.

Just using it to build the scene. You just know its a bb gun.
don't forget the .17 hmr. there are lot's of pistols chambered for it and they can be mistaken for a bb gun... untill they go off. And there is the super colobri .22 ammo that sounds just like a bb gun. It uses just the primer to shoot a 20 grain bullet at 800 fps. Hey, i'd protect my self whatever way I had too and if they were an adult they would be shot.
If you search a medical database you can come up with lots of bad things from airguns. Thus, if someone was shooting at you with truly malicious intent, and they weren't a young child, you could probably justify a lethal reply.
you could probably justify a lethal reply.
Could you justify it to yourself.

As GotLead stated you know that it's a BB gun, not some subcaliber firearm or super lethal air gun or airgun lookalike real gun
Just a simple ordinary run of the mill BB gun capable of inflicting serious irritation at best.

Could you shoot, even though with the proper lies in the proper tone you could get away with it
Counter attack with Potato Gun. I would start with some new red potatos and switch to Russets or Idahos depending if the threat level escalated.
Justify it to yourself? That's your problem. If someone over the age of a small child is repeated shooting a BB gun at you with malicious intent, of course you can flee and take rounds in the back, butt and back of the head, etc. You can duke it out.

You have the whole force continuum. If you think it will do grievous bodily harm as such guns have done - decide what to do.

Most people don't die of gunshots anyway if they get to a trauma center.
Justify it to yourself? That's your problem.
No, actually that's my question to you.
I already know that I could not justify shooting someone with a BB gun, so I wouldn't do it.

My question was to all the people here who seem to be trying to think of a good excuse to shoot someone with a BB gun.

Do you honestly think that you could justify using deadly force against someone with a BB gun.

Notice I said justify not rationalize
Hey, joab. I have a better taunt. lets see if I can type it to sound right: Ok, here goes...Kzehna, kzehna..pauteetah paula gehnah. and dance around like a football player after a touch down slapping my butt and grabbing my junk like michael jackson on stage.

I say if you just know its a bb gun, what the hell are you just standing around for? Get some police backup to confront him and haul him to jail instead of you. I also have to disagree that bb guns dont hurt/injure. Just because they use air to send that pellet down the barrel is not important. Therefore, lethal force should be allowed in some situations. If you don't shoot, you can always say 'i'm sorry'. My .22 daisy air rifle can take out a bird's head at 60 yds or so with pinpoint accuracy in the hands of my brother just as easy as a .22lr. I have taken a couple of feral cats with it myself.

Justify - if one knows what they are talking about, the justification of the use of deadly force is the prevention of grievous bodily harm.

If one knows what they are talking about, one can find that BB guns, varying in type, are capable of producing serious injuries. Search the medical literature - it is easy to do at the library.

Thus, if someone is shooting at you maliciously with a BB gun, you have justification. If you choose another strategy, that is your decision.

In any situation, avoidance is better than gun fire - however, if it comes down to you being hit with the BBs, then you have justification.

That is simple enough to understand. The comment that folks want an excuse to shoot someone is rather stupid, BTW. That's your projection and attempt at cheap rhetoric.
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In the last BB gun thread... ;) I cited several cases where the use of a BB gun resulted in charges of assault with a deadly weapon.

Link #1 Link #2

Now....... if the BB gun is legally a "deadly weapon", then is not deadly force legally justified when faced with someone who is maliciously employing it?
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