Hes got a gun! ... A bb gun...

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Got Lead?

Sorry if this has been posted before but I didn't find it after a (brief) search.

Assume your are ccw your perferred piece or have easy access to a firearm. And you have no means of retreat.

What do you do if someone has a bb gun trained on you or already fired shots? You know its a bb gun because of the report, profile, and/or prior knowledge. You also know that there is a slim chance of a bb being potentially fatal or capable of severe injury :eek: .

Chances are you will not be wounded beyond a small welt and a brief sting. As is the case with most of bb gun "shootings".

Feel free to twist the scenario around during your response.
I'd draw and advise them to stop. Serious bodily injury is possible with a bb gun, especially the higher powered varieties. BB guns are treated as real guns when it comes to many gun laws. If you point a bb gun at a cop, you can expect to get shot. I'm not going to let someone blind me with a bb to the eye and just sit back.

This is a hard call though as the most likely incident will occur with some stupid kids playing around. I would call the cops for sure though and have the kid charged.
A quick search turned up this thread.

And this one.

And this one.

There are more.
What would I do? Seek cover. If they try to follow, as they come around whatever cover I've found, I would take their bb gun and bust them across the head with it. Then I would dial 911 and ask for a LEO and EMS if necessary.
BB gun huh? Frankly, I'd be so damned mad that I'd cover my face, advance, engage physically, and put that gun where the sun don't shine! :eek: :D
If i knew it was a bb gun i would probably cover my eyes and charge them. I have been shot in the eye with a bb gun when i was 13, that would be 9 years ago and i still remember it. I didn't lose my eye thank God! If it was a CO2 powered gun I may consider another option though.

I would be majorly pissed at them once i got to them. I beat the kid that shot me when I was 13.
Lets consider the original scenario: You are trapped, no retreat venue, and the BG or "kid" is threatening you with a BB gun that can potentially blind you but most likely would just give you welts.

If I was within foot or hand range I would disarm the BG, and do a citizen's arrest. If not, then I would draw, and not yet point the CC weapon on BG and tell them to disarm - if they fired at me, I would not risk the possibility of potential blindness /disfigurement.

Of course if there is a possibility of retreat, thats not even a question. But certain high velocity .22's can match those of a .22 short / LR. Another post with a police officer who got shot in the neck with a pelletgun - they charged the BG with 2 counts of capital murder. If the state considers this a dangerous weapon - why are we giving the BG a pass?

Q - For Chris and the others that would cover their face....How would you disarm the BG while you cover your face / shield eyes? That would make you blind, and allow BG to fire on you at will.

Q - Would it make a difference to you if the BG was a 25 year old well built male instead of a adolenscent kid? Are you more likely to shoot the BG with the pellet gun if he is a mature druggy mugging you with a BB / pellet gun?
Q - Would it make a difference to you if the BG was a 25 year old well built male instead of a adolenscent kid? Are you more likely to shoot the BG with the pellet gun if he is a mature druggy mugging you with a BB / pellet gun?
Nope. I'm actually a peaceful guy. Don't like to fight. I'm not a martial artist or a boxer, but I had to learn the hard way to street fight. Frankly, if I ran away from this guy screaming like a little girl, I'd never be able to look in a mirror again without disgust. Alternative? Take him out with anything I can EXCEPT lethal force. A kick to the groin, 2x4 to the kneecap, heel of my hand to the nose, thumb in the eye... you get the idea. He may still kick my keister, but he's going to know he was in a fight :mad: .
It wouldn't take much "cover" to stop a BB. Duck behind something, then when he's trying to reload, you could take the gun away from him and tell him you'll return it to his daddy.

Since realistically the chances of a BB causing serious harm are pretty small,
if it were an adult attacker, I think I would "tactically retreat" and call a cop rather than to possibly escalate the situation to the point where I would have to use deadly force against him.
I just noticed that the original post made no mention of the shooter's age. I'm sorry if I put a twist on this situation. What if the shooter wasn't a kid? Would you treat the attack as a potentially lethal situation? Unless it was a little kid (early teens or younger), they ought to know better. I don't think I should just tolerate a random act of violance and stupidity. I'm drawing don't on the slimeball! :mad:
Only a fool would sit back and try to determine if a weapon was a bb gun or "real" gun while it was being pointed his direction before taking any action. It must be treated as a fully capable firearm unless some other knowledge that it is not is possessed...

So assuming that I somehow know the weapon to be a bb gun - I would act differently in response to the weapon. I'd turn my back on it, hiding my eyes and softer anatomy from the muzzle by means of interjecting my fatty backside and hard skull to the weilder and seek cover at a safer distance...

Then I'd make darn sure that my call to 911 tells them that the weapon is in fact a bb gun, and that I was assaulted/threatened with it and fully expected a response that would take be appropriate for such assault/threats.

Draw on the moron? Maybe, but there is no fast and hard rule, depends on what I "know" about this bb gun...
bb guns isn't worth a head shot. Probably just give them a round in the leg or something :D j/k

First I'd call the police. Then I would probably cover my face and go at him/her. I've played quite a but of paintball. The bb's wouldn't hurt that much. The only thing I'd be careful of, is to not hurt the kid unreasonably. I don't want the police to show up and have me wailing on him/her.
No offense to the OP but sometimes I don't know whether some of these scenarios are meant to be jokes or serious.

Edit: Carry a concealed BB pistol as well :)
Pick up some good sized rocks and throw them at him, and yell "nanny nanny boo-boo ,
stick your head in doo-doo".

Either that or explain to him that your gun shoots real bullets and when the cops get here all I gotta do is swear that I thought your's was real

My spell checker just told me that boo-boo was a real word but doo-doo wasn't.
Just saying
Well, now I ain't exactly nearsighted, . . . nor blind, . . . but unless the little brat already shot it at me, . . . I can't think of any way I would know for sure that it was a BB gun. Most probably about the time it started to level on me the first time (if I saw it before he shot me) there is a real chance he would have heard the safety go off on my .45, . . . and depending on what he did then, . . . that just may be the last sound his ears would ever register.

Most BB guns today, . . . do not look like BB guns, . . . they look like a 1911 or a Beretta 92 among others, . . . and I don't carry my calipers to do a muzzle diameter check before I start unshucking my 1911.

Now if it is a little kid, . . . he's going to get some slack, . . . because I can play the odds that he doesn't know how to use it if it is real, . . . but if the shooter is 5 feet tall or so, . . . got a dirtly little beard, . . . speaking dispickable words, . . . and pointing a piece at me: I ain't taking time to see the size of the hole, . . . and when he sees mine, . . . maybe it will all quit before he goes permanently horizontal.

May God bless,
I love Dwight55 posts,

"I'll shoot em, skin em, send the little bastards to hell, specially them dirty bearded ones dad gummit. Thanks and god bless you all."

hahahahaha, reverend punisher :D
kill em all and let god sort em out. May god bless
What do you do if someone has a bb gun trained on you or already fired shots? You know its a bb gun because of the report, profile, and/or prior knowledge.
Be careful about judging a firearm by its report. Auditory exclusion may fool you. And then, there are always silenced weapons...

Furthermore, there are "bb guns" out there that are virtually identical to well-known firearms. Some that take actual handling or very close examination to make sure.

Just saying that you could end up dead by second-guessing the situation when immediate action was called for.
when i was 11 a bunch of us were in the woods having bb gun wars. hitting each other in the legs etc. from behind trees. when we had to go home for supper one of the kids put his rifle, one of the old red rider types, to his chest and fired it to prove it wasn't loaded. the bb went straight to his heart and he died before his mom even showed up. my stomach still knots up thinking about it.

this was just a plain old $10 lever action. but i guess beign young with soft hide and only wearing a t-shirt allowed the bb to penetrate deep enough.
A) If it is an adult (or looks old enough to be an adult), I'd respond with deadly force. Anyone pointing a weapon of any type, be it an RPG or BB gun, is threatining me, and I will do what is necessary to protect myself.

B) If the shooter is a kid, I'd get to him as quickly as I could and.... make it so he couldn't shoot me anymore.

In either situation, the police would be called, but that's obviously a given...
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