Washington, DC, 1968.
Due to riots, looting, and burning, a curfew was slapped on our nation’s
capital. The National Guard blocked off “all” the streets. No vehicles or
pedestrians were permitted.
Two other dummies and I did not leave the city immediately after school (at
14th & K St.). Instead we walked to a bar for “one drink”. Riigghht. It was
dark when we got my car from the parking garage to drive back to Ft Myers,
South Post (between the Pentagon and Arlington Cemetery, just across the Potomac, in Virginia).
The National Guard was “supplementing” law enforcement. Anyone found on
the streets was arrested and (apparently) held for magistration days later.
All “non-authorized vehicles” were impounded. (These days they would be
“confiscated” and sold.)
It was unanimous - we decided not to be arrested. We implemented some
urban E&E (Evade and Escape) to avoid and outrun the National Guard. (Yes,
both!) We were successful because they had problems I strongly suspect
they have remedied by now:
1) They didn’t know the city. They blocked off major arteries at places
where you could get past the blockades by using an alley or two.
2) The police and National Guard could not communicate with each other.
Therefore, if you got past a blockade, the National Guard had no way to have
the police set up a roadblock down the road (in front of you).
3) The National Guard had blockades, but not enough people at each
blockade to capture and hold those whom they arrested (or detained, or
whatever “lawyer-talk” they used).
4) They had no helicopters (black or otherwise!
5) They didn't have enough people to do the job correctly.
6) Using a deuce-and-a-half, they couldn’t catch a 130-mph Plymouth.
God looks after fools and drunks so He was looking at the three of us a total
of six times. We made it home.
PS. We were crazy but not stupid! The *next* day, we did our drinking in
Arlington, VA, where there WAS no curfew!
[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited June 25, 2000).]