heres a scenario....and its true


yeaaaah, well see that wont be happening anytime soon 20cows.

see, the leeches did find out that i took the dog to the pound, thats all documented. and they were quick to let gram know i was a mean terrible person. then somehow someone got the bright idea to change that story and say i took the dog and shot it.

ran into a couple of cousins last night, at first they were nice and friendly, then a few hours later after they had their liquid courage (i was working security at a boxing event) they confronted me. i got told that they 'never like me'. gee, what a shock! and i lost sooo much sleep over it! well, only one of the cousins actually did any talking. it was as if it was some big revelation that she never liked me, and oh, if i ever get the urge to shoot another dog, they'll be on me!

i'm 99% positive this rumor got started by my own brother, who has made threats to me in the past, so i'm considering him as much of a threat as the rest of them. although i'm keeping the eyes on the back of my head wide open, i'm not too concerned since they all know i carry.

none of us have heard from gram. shes cut off contact and told us she doesnt need us.
Yours is the only part of the relationship you have any control over. If YOU love Grams, don't let others poison that relationship. I would suggest you go to her and give her a true explanation of your actions and motives (don't turn it into an opportunity to bash others). If she still has hard feelings towards you, then it has become her problem, not yours.

I'm just suggesting you not leave anything positive unsaid that will be cause for regret later.

Go in peace.
crazy aunt

Im new here so i hope i dont get kicked-off but when i have a problem with a female there is plenty of crack-heads on about every corner here and they (female ones) will knock another females teeth down her throat for 10 or 20 bucks, that might sound nutz to some people but man when you start talking (and typing) about domestic problems and gun-fire your opening up a real barrell -o-worms, at least get a police record of her threats incase something does happen because too many times you will be the one behind bars no matter what happens. As far as the law goes around here you have to be able to articulate to a prosecuter &/or jury that you had absolutly no choice left to use your firearm, so anything short of her comming at you w/a butcher knife or a gun wont do. Have you thought about having her committed to a mental inst.?, im serious, cause when the hearst shows up its too late. see ya
spacemanspiff, hope everything goes alright. all you need to work about is yourself and wow ever you love. i am kinda in the same.

my anut never viisted my grandmother only unless she wanted money. this happened about a couple years ago. my grandmother died in 2002. i came down to the funeral. what do you know she was crying her eyes out. she made a promise to my grandfather that she would visit him once a week. she only visits him for money. i confronted her(against my moms wishes) because my aunt can only dish out, but cant take when someone confronts her. now i don't talk to her, and i have to try my best to keep my mouth shut because my mom asked me and i told her to the best of my ability. she tried to convice my grandfather to give her the land that was promise to my mom.(straw that broke the camels back).

some history. i live right next door to my grandfather visit her everyday. my aunt can go to the mall and such but can't visit her own father. from the mall we live about a mile away. you have to pass out house and my grandfathers house to get to the mall.

i told my mom my mom talked to her. but her husband said it was theirs. my mom is paying for that property. well when my uncle raised his voice and pushed my mom i knocked my out, and kicked him a couple times on the floor.
i don't care for those relitives, and my grandfather said i did a good job. he know is is going to be my moms property and told everyone in the family this.

p.s. thanksgiving, and christmas are very intresting.:eek: :D

now i go viist my grandfather when they are there because, i personal don't want them to talk to him. but when i get their all the sh** talking stops and my grandfather tells me when they are coming.:D
Sad to hear you have some scum related to you as well. Hopefully everything works out and your Aunt doesn't get s**t.

I am a little pissed to hear about the dog. There is no one that could have taken it or taken care of it? Sounds a little harsh for an innocent creature. Innocent dog dead, freeloading trash alive.

But who am I to judge? The world goes on.
no one in our family was in a position to take the dog. taking it to the pound was the best option, as there was the chance someone would adopt it.
Spaceman, I really feel for you. When my grandfather died, (he was muti-millionare with several companies, bus companies, 1800 acre ranch, etc.) it was world war three between my dad's three brothers and their step mom. I kid you not, the estate went on for over 16 years!!!! After a year of trying to mediate and reach a conclusion, my dad finaly said "I'm out. Give me this and this, and I'm done." They all tried to convince him it would all be settled in a month. HA! The brothers were stealing things and selling them for dirt just for fast cash. Things like buldozers, dump trucks, busses, front end loaders. It was really sick, because they all could have been VERY well off. Instead, they fought, and the lawyers wound up with almost all of it. One of the bankers ended up in fed prison for embezeling hundreds of thousands of dollars off the estate.

I also know what you mean about the people from the villages. I lived in Alaska as a kid, and my other grandfather was superintendant of education for all the villages in the state in the 70's and 80's. He would go out and set up and oversee the schools, and spent a lot of time in many of them. He would get very close to the people in his times there, and it would break his heart to see what happened to some of them after they left the villages.

Thoughts and prayers are with you man!
i've had two more run ins, one with the aunts husband (i may have told about this already, i forget), but he was just getting verbal.
tonight thought both psycho aunt and him cornered me at my post (working id check point for wetside of hockey arena) and went on and on about how i'm the scum of the earth and i'm on everyones ****-list and were all liars and thiefs and blah blah blah.

i have to admit i did bait them a bit, i did throw a few things back in their face, didnt do much good. so when they started cussing me out royally i took a few steps back and told them to 'Walk away', which they really didnt like. so i threw out a 'Want to get tossed from the building?' and started calling for my partner with the radio so i could get some backup, that made them scurry off.

talked with a police officer who was in the building, and he said it sounds like i've got enough to get a restraining order put against them. i've already started a paper trail, filling out an incident report with the security office of the arena, and let them know what happened.

so now i gots a question. when i get a RO against the aunt and her husband, thats going to make it so they cant come around my home or work, but could they turn around and have a RO put against me in retaliation?
Pay for a security company to install an alarm system which is monitored...shouldn't cost more than $30 a month.

As for your mother, have her tuck a small cassette recorder in a pocket, or a side pocket of her purse. When she goes to the hospital, turn it on...also get a small can of mace. Doubtful you will have to use deadly force.

To bad we can't choose our family like we can choose our friends. now i gots a question. when i get a RO against the aunt and her husband, thats going to make it so they cant come around my home or work, but could they turn around and have a RO put against me in retaliation?
Hard to say without intimate details Spiff, but generally, no. She would have to present her side to a judge, and the fact that you already have an RO against them would weigh heavily.

Restraining or protection orders generally work both ways. They're usually worded to prohibit them from contacting you by any means, including mail, e-mail, phone, or in person, or from going to any of the places you frequent or work. If they encounter you on "neutral ground", like the mall or on the street, the burden is on them to retreat. But by the same token, you're expected to avoid them as well. I don't think you could be charged (not sure about AK) as long as they don't have one against you, but were you to intentionally contact them, it would be poorly received by the court.