Here's a local 2A activist who got arrested.

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Like one of the officers said (in the video posted by Double Naught Spy), what would it have hurt the activist to call the local police and tell them where he will be, what he will be doing and why instead of just showing up at a park and scaring the hell out of innocent/uninformed people? With the media full of stories of shootings all over the country, it just doesn't show any good sense on the activist's part at all. He even had a go-pro/cell phone just so he could record the response by the police that he provoked by not announcing his intentions to them beforehand. Sensationalists like this guy are doing more harm than good no matter how you look at it IMO.

Unclejack37, you actually think this guy is a hero of some kind? He’s just as bad as the sovereign citizens and Moorish driving around with their cell phones and go-pros in hand just waiting for an officer to pull them over for no license (driver’s or plate) or expired registration if they do have a plate. They then blather away at the officer (sometimes for half an hour) what they have copied from the internet (that they hold as gospel truth) until the officer’s backup arrives and they break the activist’s window, haul the person out of the car and arrest him for non-compliance and obstruction. Wouldn’t it be cheaper and easier to comply, get the ticket and show up in court to argue your case?

The police have absolutely nothing to do with having laws changed, nor can they change the way that they respond to a call of a person with a gun in a public area because of all the shootings of people and police these days. Or would you rather have them get shot for trying to give the person the benefit of the doubt as my earlier video showed??
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What do you hope to accomplish by asking: "Why?"

It a guaranteed Constitutional right for me or you to ask an Officer why I was detained and it's the officer's guaranteed Constitutional right to respect your request. If you're OK with someone walking all over your rights than that's cool because that's your choice. But people need to quit jumping on guys and ridiculing them just because they are staunch supporters and our Constitutional Rights and they want to vigorously defend their rights their way not your way or my way.

Sure, you can question all you want, but it's best to do it WHILE you are complying with his commands.

Best for who, the person who thinks his authority overrides my rights.

Not at all. He claims to be a 2A activist and yet the only thing he's accomplished in this incident is negative publicity for the 2A.

Really, negative publicity for the 2A? You're not paying attention. So far because of what Hubbard did; he managed to get what, 5 guys who don't know each other from Adam to discuss the 2A, 4A, 5A, and the perils of exercising one's constitutional rights. Not a bad positive start. I wonder how many conversations are going on in Tulsa

1. Yes, he's allowed to open carry.

2. NO, absolutely not. IF he is a felon, it is absolutely NOT because someone had a fit. It's because he chose to resist arrest instead of complying with legal commands from an LEO.
I've heard of all the amendments. None of them will keep you out of jail if you choose to resist arrest.

I combined both of these because if the officer followed the law just like the examples I point out about cops and open carry videos we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. Hundreds of people had similar run ins with the police and they discussed it and moved on, but for some reason that didn't happen with Hubbard and Don Spencer gave us his opinion and I happen to agree with Don's opinion.

I said NOW he's a felon because he exercised his rights and a lot of people on this blog want to crucify him because he exercised his rights. If anyone here believes in our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, you must be willing to accept all the positive and negative publicity that comes with it. Just like those ANTIFA yo-yos. I don't like what they're doing ,but I respect their right to demonstrate.

Even if that's true, and the story changed later, the LEOs will first control the scene and THEN go about investigating.
I don't blame him for exercising his 2A rights. Not at all! I blame him for resisting arrest rather than complying with LEO instructions.
Here's what the article said and I don't see where he resisted arrest.

Hubbard’s refusal to comply with officers and answer questions in their initial investigation led to the complaint of obstruction, Koch said. Very important, that's what got him arrested. It’s unclear whether Hubbard entirely ignored officers or talked to them during the encounter, Koch said.

That's not resisting arrest, that's exercising your 4th and 5th amendments rights.

That's ridiculous. If a person is hurting the cause, even if their motives are pure, they are still hurting the cause.
Like I said earlier, he's not hurting the cause. He got a couple of people talking about how we should exercise our Constitutional Rights.

I'm not attacking the police or anyone else on this blog or elsewhere. I'm trying to point out that this guy (and this is very important) ,according to the article, was only exercising his rights to open carry and Don Spencer, president of the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association said It would appear the Broken Arrow Police Department has completely overreacted to a peaceful act.” And based on the article not my opinion or anyone's else's opinion, I believe Don Spencer

Now, with all that said, is Richard Hubbard an A-hole? probably!
Would I hang out with him? Hell no
Would I support him in his quest to be a 2A activist? YES, (from the safety of my keyboard) LOL
Possibly. This will be determined in court. Until the court rules, its just opinion.

It's already been determined. Read the article about what Don Spencer said and the last paragraph Hubbard’s refusal to comply with officers and answer questions in their initial investigation led to the complaint of obstruction, 4A, 5A

Has he been convicted already?
Not convicted yet but if that has been entered into a computer base he will not be able to purchase a weapon and his right to protect himself was taken away without just cause. I call that a felon.

I think Hubbard did a good job of bringing the 2A to our attention. What do you think?
I think Hubbard did a good job of bringing the 2A to our attention. What do you think?

i think Hubbard is a certified blithering idiot. So called "sovereign citizens" are not uncommon in Oklahoma. Some of these cretins advocate the killing of law enforcement officers.

Tim McVeigh was so lobotomized that he refused to license his vehicle. That got him stopped by an OK state trooper soon after the OK City bombing. Then the trooper saw the gun.

About ten years ago i had stopped at an inland Border Patrol checkpoint when the agent excused himself and joined other agents dealing with an unruly driver. The driver was screaming about his "rights" cursing the agents and generally making a jack ass of himself.

After about three minutes Border Patrol agents dragged the driver from the vehicle tasered and handcuffed same. The driver was arrested while his wife and kids sat in the vehicle.

A failure to comply with orders from a law enforcement officer can have consequences, as Hubbard found out.
Like one of the officers said (in the video posted by Double Naught Spy), what would it have hurt the activist to call the local police and tell them where he will be

As a citizen of the USA we do not have to ask for permission to exercise any of our Constitutional rights. I agree that Hubbard could have done that, but The Police could have also published something saying if you intend to exercise one of your Constitutional rights please stop by the Police station to let us know.

Unclejack37, you actually think this guy is a hero of some kind?

YES, Anybody who decides to stand up for my Constitutional Rights is a HERO in my Book, before I go further read my post #43 the last paragraph.

I agree with you about the idiots driving around with their cell phone cameras just so they can harass cops. I've seen that and I always ask my self why would some dummy do that? They deserve to get shot, but I always try to remind myself that according to our constitution they have a right to that. I also believe in KARMA. You reap what you sow.

Now backup showing up and breaking windows and dragging someone out of their car is called illegal search and seizure. As much as I would like to see them beat the hell out of that person that's the exact reason why we have the 4A and 5A. I'm sure you or I would not want to have our door to our house kicked in at 2 o'clock in the morning because we forgot to pay a speeding ticket. I do not condone what those people do and I would never do anything like that but I also do not condone the law to bust windows and drag people out of cars just because the jerk pissed him off.
i think Hubbard is a certified blithering idiot. So called "sovereign citizens" are not uncommon in Oklahoma. Some of these cretins advocate the killing of law enforcement officers.

You just flat out scare me. Definition of Sovereign citizens.....

The sovereign citizen movement is a loose grouping of American, Canadian and Australian litigants, commentators, tax protesters, and financial-scheme promoters. Self-described "sovereign citizens" see themselves as answerable only to their particular interpretation of the common law and as not subject to any government statutes or proceedings.

The reason you scare me is because you got all of above from the article in the first post.

i think Hubbard is a certified blithering idiot. So called "sovereign citizens" are not uncommon in Oklahoma. Some of these cretins advocate the killing of law enforcement officers.

Tim McVeigh was so lobotomized that he refused to license his vehicle. That got him stopped by an OK state trooper soon after the OK City bombing. Then the trooper saw the gun.

About ten years ago i had stopped at an inland Border Patrol checkpoint when the agent excused himself and joined other agents dealing with an unruly driver. The driver was screaming about his "rights" cursing the agents and generally making a jack ass of himself.

After about three minutes Border Patrol agents dragged the driver from the vehicle tasered and handcuffed same. The driver was arrested while his wife and kids sat in the vehicle.

A failure to comply with orders from a law enforcement officer can have consequences, as Hubbard found out.
Only speaking for myself..I agree 100% with the above and I suspect(no evidence) that the majority of those reading this thread, do too.
The reason you scare me is because you got all of above from the article in the first post.


Pure unadulterated malarkey. i've followed the "sovereign citizen" bunch for decades.

"Sovereign citizens" and their ilk used to have an enclave in OK called Elohim City. Tim McVeigh had contacts there.

Strange that a "sovereign citizens" sympathizer would hang out in Delaware.
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