Here we go! SKS is now a "Menace to Public Safety"

So far it's just the Brady bunch making their normal noise. Most people are just as sick at the fact that they are pushing a political agenda so soon as they are at the shooting itself.

I would make a point to call them ambulance chasers or something to that effect. Fact: The Brady campaign is one of the ONLY organizations that LOVE to see this kind of stuff happen, if mass shootings did not happen they would be out of a job. They had their press release out so fast that I am almost sure that it was already written most of the way, just waiting for the day they could use it.
So they call it an M16 first, then an SKS, then an AK, and attempt to educate us on their capabilities, when they honestly can't tell the difference, and don't know enough about it to properly identify it the first time?
I heard it was a ring mounted M2 on an ATV! Fully Automatic of course! They should pass a law banning kids from owning such things!:rolleyes:
Mainstream Media Jackasses will use any file photo and any familiar Model such as "AK47" so incite panic and prejudice among the sheeple. Just another bandwagon for some Hideous troll of a presidential candidate to jump onto and be viewed a hero by a few idiots who would hand their security over to Government.
It doesn't matter what the rifle was, it is being blurred to remove distinctions. We know the differance between an actual AK-47, a Yugo SKS, A WASR-10 semi auto AKM clone, etc. We do, but we are not the target audience. The sheeple will see all the different pictures with the same backbeat drone "AK47 assault rifle", and sooner or later they will bleat in time with the beat, "AK bad, SKS bad, all baaaaaaad".
The 10 rounds is "high capacity" to fit in with Brady II, which has never gone away. That one restricts any magazines over 5 rounds, including revolvers, IIRC. So we "re-educate" the sheeple..."10 rounds baaaaaad".
Every time there is a shooting chaos erupts in the media. There seems to be a genetic inability to pickup the freakin' phone to talk with firearm experts AND I DO NOT INCLUDE LE IN THIS CATEGORY. I've 4 separate identifications of the firearm. Only one is correct. Meanwhile gunowners are smeared yet again.

If our buddies in the media can't fact check something as straightforward as a firearm, what else are the incapable of getting right.
You wanna know what scared the hell out of me when I heard about the shooting? We have 3 things in common: Both 19 yr old white males, both highschool dropouts (although I have my GED, a job and am going to college this spring semester), and he used an SKS, funny thing, I bought my SKS the same day he shot up the mall (at the time unknowing to me). Just a weird ass thing.
Of course the media wants to demonize the SKS: people can afford them, hence more people have them so to promote gun grabbing they want to grab from as many people as possible. They want to get rid of the SKS because it enables more people to be armed in the real spirit of the 2nd Amendment. It is firepower for the people, and socialist/communists don't want that. It is a menace to the safety of criminals and tyrants.
Lucky for dawg owners he didn't have a pitbull or two with him. Incidentally the news reports all said AK-47 but they (aside from not knowing their arses from a hole in the ground) would invent that "fact" anyway.
A couple people hit the nail on the head. The Brady Bunch aren't stupid. They do use stupid people to help them. They know dang well they won't make a dent in crime. I dare say their allies in the media know it too.

A little while ago they had that movie on TV, the one with Michael Douglas where he was the president. Well they made sure to drop in a scene where he was on the phone talking about how the 'compromised' AWB would 'leave the SKS on the street, leave the mini-14 on the street'. I think he said 'assault rifle' after SKS. He mentioned the NRA by name as the big villain in it all :rolleyes:

As if any president would be that ignorant. Such as, remember how the ban on drugs took drugs off the street? Yeah that worked real well. I guess the only reason it failed is, the NRA must have been there to 'leave them on the street'.

Even Chuck Schumer isn't stupid, he knows it isn't really about crime.

The anti's have a near monopoly on communications. No wonder they hate the internet, you can still get real news.