Here we go! SKS is now a "Menace to Public Safety"

If this guy didn't have a gun, he would have done something else, like make a bomb... Better ban all chemicals that can be used to make bombs! No more detergent, gasoline, diesel fuel, fertilizer, etc...

And if he couldn't make a bomb, he would have used his car to run people over! Better ban all cars! Which won't be too much of a problem since we've already banned the gas...

He might use a bat to bash people! Outlaw baseball... (is Cricket illegal in England yet?)

What if he had a knife? (Or a piece of fruit? POINTED STICK!) You all see where this is going...
the guys wanting to kill aren't going to care if its an illegal weapon. crack dealers don't care if its illegal. murderers aren't going to care if the weapon is illegal, like crack, they'll find a way to get it.

"they said the rifle was an AK47 first THEN they said it was an SKS. Both quoted by the Police Chief. I hate the media "

if the police chief stated the rifle was an ak or an sks then why would you hate the media? why wouldn't you blame the leo? the media just reported what he said.

if someone was killed by drowning or beat to death with a baseball bat would the media leave out those details? news is news, if someone ran over 20 pedestrians with a car should they not report it was a car that caused the deaths? guns are part of the culture. you can't applaud when the media reports someone prevented a robbery or saved a life with a gun and hate the media for reporting gun crimes, you just can't have it both ways. maybe the problem isn't the media or the guns they report, maybe the problem is there are more bad guys willing to use guns in crimes then there are good guys willing to use them to prevent crimes.

the media sensationalizes everything from brittany not wearing underwear a candidates religon because people demand it. until that changes nothing else will.

If you end up going into LEO, you will soon find that Administators will run from any gear or equipment that even appears to militaristic for rank and file personnel regardless of its functionality. I purchased my own hard armor and carrier, and I keep it in the passenger seat, so it can be deployed IF I have the luxury of knowing I may need it. Decisions on what you can/ will wear are made far above those who wear it's head.
As far as SKS's are concerned, yes it probably is the most often encountered by police because they're cheap and easy to find. Around here you can pick up any bulletin board or mule trader and get on for $150.
As far as being "assault rifles" one 'bafoon' used one in Birmingham to kill 3 police officers and wound another while the officers were struggling with another suspect a couple of years ago.
I'm bittersweet on the SKS because they unfortunately seem to fall into evil hands more than most other guns as far as long guns go, and incidents like B'ham happen.

I can't wait for a CCW or an off duty LEO to intercept the next nut job waking into the mall before he hurts anyone... but I guess CNN won't tell us when that goes down. Or even better if there'd a been one in Hillary's HQ when Mr Road Flare stopped in! (Would she have been forced to admit thatsomeone with a gun possibly SAVED lives???)

Why do they find more SKS rifles being used to commit crimes? If indeed this is really a true fact? Lets say it is true IMHO it might be their low prices and the many SKS rifles that are imported legally into many States in the USA. So should all rifles be priced so only the rich can afford them? Or should they again be banned? Man that last ban sure made the USA a safer more friendly Country NOT!!!

Now trying to put the blame on any firearm for crimes committed with them would be like millions of years ago maybe billions of years ago the cave men tried blaming and banning large stones and large leg bones also many large tree limbs because some cavemen were bashing other cavemen to death using them.:rolleyes:

Ban them Ban them ...Ban what? Ban them ban them...Oh Just ban them who cares what we ban. Ban them Ban them.

Yeah that should make some people feel safe tonight.

The Brady Bunch. Cheers.:)
Maybe "Liberals are a menace to public safety". Yes, feel free to exchange "Liberals" with "Leftist Media", etc.
I suspect the rifle used in the shooting was an SKS with one of those fixed 30 round magazines. That way it kind of looked like an AK to the idiots in the press.

I was wondering what the slime bag used. All I had heard so far is "rifle".

I happen to think they are an ideal civil defense rifle. The problem is that no one was armed in the mall when this happened besides the perpetraitor.


Dalegribble, You have a vaild point. I hate the media because of the way things are reported. They do not seem to care if they are incorrect. They only sensationalize what the public wants. I am angered by the police chief not being either educated or informed by his officers before making any statments.
Why do they find more SKS rifles being used to commit crimes?

It's NOT being used to commit more crimes than handguns are used. Rifles are very very rarely used in crimes. It is merely more commonly used AMONG RIFLES, when a rifle is used. Just because it's cheap, semi-auto, and cheap, cheap, cheap.

I'll bet you are right - this clown had an SKS with higher-capacity detachable mags - what a coward to take innocents' lives like that.
Why do most people thing the brady bunch are a bunch of morons? They want you to think they're morons. The are intelligent and have a serious agenda. This is propaganda for the dim witted because they vote too.

Don't underestimate your enemy. They're out to steal your way of life and freedom. That's not a moronic goal.

The best defense is education. Educate those in your circle to be able to see the truth and their lies.
ahh i assumed that it was the leos choice. i remember back in high school the cops(some anyways) that were on duty there had pretty large vests under their uniform, i figured whats a sapi plate gonna hurt, again their not really heavy once you get used to it, after awhile you feel naked without one:o
ABC news was calling it an Ak47 and showed what looked like a Romanian sidefolder. It not unusual for them to be wrong. Fox News got it wrong too.

I seen no reports on which SKS was used. The reports did say it came two two magazines, so it probrobly did have those crappy detachable magazines for it that he taped together. I guess it had one of those folding aftermarket stocks on it too.
I read an article today. Something about " this Mall is a Gun free Zone" not a good thing I guess. This Idiot knew their would be no one there to stop him because he would be the only one armed. Not even Concealed handgun permit holders could carry. I think actually if their was a concealed carry guy around, he could have at least slowed this guy down, as dangerous as a thing as it would be to engage an enemy that has a AK or SKS when you got a Glock.
Every time someone dies by a gun they run around spouting "TAKE THE GUNS AWAY! IT WILL REDUCE CRIME!" You'll be taking guns away from the people who can stop the crime and giving the criminals, who will get the guns illegally anyways since they're CRIMINALS, a major advantage?

Are these people SERIOUSLY that stupid!?!?
Once again, If everyone were armed than no one would do anything because the second they did theyd get shot. I dont mean everyone but a few people.

And if they decide to take action against sks' then all the crazy lunatics out there that make it harder for us honest citezens to own certain guns, will find something else to use.
I think the mall security shoul be armed with KEGs
with the new 12ga tazer ammo. In case you havent seen it its a 12ga shell that shoots a tazer.