Here we go! SKS is now a "Menace to Public Safety"


They sure didn't take long to start their gleeful blood-soaked dances, did they. :barf:

SKS Assault Rifles–A Menace to Public Safety

WASHINGTON, DC - December 6 - Following yesterday's shooting at the Westroads Mall in Omaha, Nebraska, the Violence Policy Center ( today released a backgrounder on SKS assault rifles:

SKS Assault Rifles—A Menace to Public Safety:

The backgrounder notes that SKS assault rifles are “the rifle model most frequently encountered by law enforcement officers,” according to a 2002 report by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). The ATF report also notes that “these high capacity rifles pose an enhanced threat to law enforcement, in part because of their ability to expel projectiles at velocities that are capable of penetrating the type of soft body armor typically worn by the law enforcement officers.” Despite the hazard this assault weapon poses to law enforcement and the general public, the rifle was not covered by the federal assault weapons ban that expired in 2004.

The backgrounder also notes that Russian SKS assault rifles may not be imported pursuant to voluntary trade agreements initiated during the Clinton Administration. The Bush Administration, however, has specifically authorized the import of SKS rifles manufactured in Albania and the former Yugoslavia.
What a load of B/S

I hate when they use big words to make it sound so menacing, and as for the body armor b/s i shot a kevlar vest once with my own sks for ***** and giggles, and it most certainly didn't penerate the vest.:barf:
They always seem to vilify the firearm but not the person wielding it for some horrible act don't they? The fact that the "anti-gunners" blame the firearm and not the person using it really bothers me, for it signifies that the ability to think logically and utilize reason has flown the coop.

For some reason, so many in this world forget that humans are creatures of independent thought and action who should be held accountable for their actions. When one blames an inanimate material object for some crime, it shows just how ignorant that person is.
JBriggs, you are correct, but in this case it is a team effort of anti gun lobby group. It's such a shame. josh
And these dumb a@@s in the media (and the government) don't know the difference between an "assault rifle" and a semi-automatic firearm. Semi SKS's are NOT assault rifles, period! :mad:
In CNN's new story on the mall shootings they said the rifle was an AK47 first THEN they said it was an SKS. Both quoted by the Police Chief. I hate the media :mad:
Who's gonna tell these dipsticks that this body-armor piercing rifle is weak in comparison to the vast majority of millions upon millions of deer rifles?
The antis just don't get it. If he had used a car to kill those people, they would be crying that a car is a menace to society? Its clear they (antis) have an agenda and if people can't see that, they have their pea brain buried so far in the sand. People control objects and machines. Guns just don't brain wash the owner into killing. Those anti-gun people just don't get it. Washington , DC has the strictest gun laws in the nation, yet one of the worst crime rates............DUH :eek: DUH.....hello doesn't that tell you brain dead anti gun people anything?????
In CNN's new story on the mall shootings they said the rifle was an AK47 first THEN they said it was an SKS. Both quoted by the Police Chief. I hate the media

Most police chiefs, along with most in the media and probably everyone in the VPC, probably honestly don't know the difference.

The SKS isn't an "assault rifle," by any stretch of the imagination. The Russians never manufactured it to be capable of automatic fire, and quickly abandoned it because its capacity was limited. It makes a fine truck gun, but is far from being an assault rifle to anyone but a complete bafoon.
Just watched a story on the local news about the shooting. Those news morons showed a computer picture of a lever action rifle and said it was an ak-47. The don't have a clue about guns and wouldn't know a sks or ak-47 if it jumped up in their face.
Hmmm... so a domestic semi-auto like a Remington 7400 & 750 OR a BAR are not a menace.. good to know..

Plus they are available & chambered for more powerful cartridges

on a side note I don't understand why cops wear soft body armor, why not just wear the military stuff :confused: after a couple weeks it isn't heavy anymore, it's normal. I would or will if I go tht route when I'm done with school.
The "value" of your SKSs just jumped a hundred bucks. Wait till they are banned. The price will hit what those chinese AKs are going for. "Themz cop killers dontcha know" every wannabe gangsta wants one :rolleyes:
Ah, ya beat me to it. I have one sitting downstairs and it is starting to grow money out of the barrel. LOL! I just don't understand why they think a SKS makes the perfect weapon to go shoot up a mall with. I was horrified to read that website to. A pistol grip enhances a persons ability to shoot from the hip? I'm guessing the BARs of WWII weren't worth a damn.

One day, just maybe, somebody will show me a gun that jumps off the table, loads itself, and starts shooting up a target. Until then, i'll just continue to assume a PERSON is needed to load a gun and pull the trigger!!!
As others have noted before, whenever there's a mass shooting incident, the government and the anti-gun nuts always react by wanting to take guns away from the people who didn't do it.

Citing claims data from 2004-2005, State Farm Insurance estimated that there are 1.5 million collisions each year between deer and cars, and that results in 150 people dying per year and over $1.1 BILLION in damages. Deer are an assault weapon. Deer are dangerous killers. Heck, each year, deer are 150 times more dangerous than going for a ride with Ted Kennedy. But anyway, where's the uproar from the Violence Prevention Council about the human lives taken and the damage caused by deer?
these high capacity rifles pose an enhanced threat to law enforcement, in part because of their ability to expel projectiles at velocities that are capable of penetrating the type of soft body armor typically worn by the law enforcement officers.”

As will every other rifle caliber legal for hunting deer, plus a few too small for hunting deer. A 17hmr will penetrate police armor, as will some .22lr's.

How long before my 10/22 is banned so the terrorists won't win.