Henry honesty??


New member
Is it just me or does anyone else get a little annoyed at Henry Repeating for insinuating that they are somehow related to the company that made the original Henry Rifle of Civil War and Frontier fame?

There ads on tv suggest that buying one of their rifles is like purchasing a piece of history. Also, their website states "Today, the Henry Repeating Arms Company, a descendant of the venerable gunmaker. . " Unless they really are decended from the original company isn't this misleading?

What do you all think? I know they make a good quality product but I'm a little turned off at this point.
No, it's not just you. I guess that's one of the things that has always turned me off on them. Wouldn't mind trying a .22 Golden Boy but I already have my Marlin 39's that I am quite happy with.
How much do ads influence a gun buyer? Not much IMO. I'd be upset if they were misleading regarding where they manufacture.
I could care less, they make good rifles at good prices and their customer service is some of the best I have ever dealt with.
Yeah, hacks me off too, and I have actually heard some people talking who believe that crap. That dishonesty and plastic barrel bands and other parts, zinc receiver covers, etc pretty much made my mind up never to spend my money on a Henry. I will stick to older 39s and 9422s.
That dishonesty and plastic barrel bands and other parts, zinc receiver covers, etc pretty much made my mind up never to spend my money on a Henry.

Henry no longer uses plastic barrel bands and sent me a metal one at no cost to replace it. Besides that I haven't seen a plastic part in the entire rifle and I have detail stripped it multiple times. The zinc receiver doesn't really bother me much considering what I payed for the rifle, but the paint they put on the receiver sucks. I stripped it off and brushed the receiver which looks a whole lot better. But for the price of these rifles they are excellent deals, they have very smooth actions and mine is a tack driver and outshoots my 10/22 all day.
Then you should hate springfield armory
You mean the company who uses the motto: "The first name in American Firearms."? That's their new motto--they've changed it recently and I have to give them credit. It's less misleading than the last motto which was: "The oldest name in American Firearms".

You are correct. They have no connection to the original Springfield Armory other than the rights to the name.

Same with the current company calling itself Armalite. I believe they have also recently changed their company motto and, as with Springfield, it's a step in the right direction. It is now: "The style of technology." Before that it was: "A history of innovation." which was pretty misleading since Eagle Arms (which purchased the rights to the Armalite name) hadn't been around that long before buying the Armalite name in 1996 and didn't really have much of a history of innovation.

That said, most agree that the three companies mentioned on this thread are selling good quality products.
I examined one years ago, it had plastic barrel bands and a plastic front sight. That was enough plastic for me to not consider one, not sure if there are other plastic parts. I guess I am lucky enough to have been able to purchase a couple Winchester 9422s when they were still in production and reasonably priced.
Their rifles and customer service are fantastic. I have a .357 Big Boy and it is the smoothest lever gun I have ever shot.
While I like the guys @ the LGS, I got a little irritated when they told me Henry was great and I could know that by their 150 year history.
Things like this tend to make me go, "huh?"

transport you back to the wild and wooley days of America's Old West, when our company founder Benjamin Tyler Henry designed the original Henry lever action rifle.

I guess I'm educated enough to know that this is nothing more than an advertising gimick and carries no real weight in regards to being connected to Benjamin Tyler Henry.
Oh well, like I said, I'm quite happy with my Marlin rifles and to be honest, these days, I'm not really into sending my money to anyplace in the People's Republic of New York especially when I have other viable options. Now if they would move to a more gun friendly state so a portion of the profits they make selling rifles didn't go to the Cuomo government, I'd probably be more open to buying one.
I've never owned a Henry but have generally heard nothing but good things about the quality of their products and customer service. It does irk me though to hear them trying to pass off their rifles as decendents of the originals.

They should make it clear that they have no connection to the original rifles or founder.
Then you should hate springfield armory

My first thought exactly.

Just make sure to do your research before buying, if this sort of thing is important to you. Personally, I do (the research), and I don't care (about the ads).
I like Henry and could care less. I'd still buy a Winchester. Don't care about advertising, only what product is and does.
I'll give them cool points for keeping an historic American brand name alive and for making every single part of every rifle here in America....
I've got more important things to be annoyed about...
I agree.

Oliver Winchester bought the rights to the Henry name, like the earlier Volcanic Rifle Company, and began production as the New Haven Arms Company in 1865. Later, like all things Winchester, the names and rights were available for sale. Louis Imperato (current ownwer of the Henry and Iver Johnson trade names) must have thought the price was right. It's his, he can do what he likes with it. If you don't like the way they are marketed, you don't have to buy one, although they are a well-made firearm.
Then you should hate springfield armory
And Winchester, and Remington, and Savage, and Browning . . .