Help me pick a bolt action rifle

While interesting topics for discussion, we are getting off the OP's request for opinions on a good hunting rifle that can do target duty in the off season.
With all due respect--the OP did not specify the type of hunting nor the type of range shooting they intend to do, so that narrows the choices down to everything in the universe.

All that said, I'm going to assume the OP wants "the holy grail" a versatile all-purpose hunting round the will perform excellently both on small to large NA game, one who's recoil isn't going to beat him up on extended range days, and one that has ballistics that will allow him to work on precision shooting skills out to 1000 yds and in. While I think arguments can justly be made for a multitude of cartridges, I personally would recommend something like the 280 AI/280 rem in a 26" medium sporter barrel on a solid action as an ideal choice to fit that bill.
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The OP’s starter post stated:
I've compiled a list of bolt action rifles that i've been researching and am curious which you would pick? * * * I want to use the rifle for hunting later down the road but in the meantime it will serve as a range gun.

the OP did not specify the type of hunting nor the type of range shooting they intend to do, so that narrows the choices down to everything in the universe.
True, he was sorta vague about the details ... “Hunting” wut kinda critters?

And “range gun” can be many things. Will the OP be shooting in competitions at his local club? Or just having solo fun shooting groups or testing handloads?

‘Course if you’re TFL Staff, you’re likely the highly-superior type who can read between the lines and divine intended meaning not apparent to the rest of us. :rolleyes:
‘Course if you’re TFL Staff, you’re likely the highly-superior type who can read between the lines and divine intended meaning not apparent to the rest of us.
I wouldn't go that far...I suspect JS's comment might have had something to do with tamping down cross-sniping between some of the commenters, but in a way vague "specs" invites a wide range of responses as I see it.
When I specified I wanted a hunting rifle, I meant for big game like deer. That’s why I specified .270 win as the cartridge I’ll likely choose. As for the range, I just mean that I’d shoot the rifle at the range until the opportunity presents itself to actually hunt. I like having different guns for different purposes, so a bolt action seems practical. I’ll likely get the Tikka Hunter model. I’m a sucker for wood and Tikka seems like a reputable company
270 win is a great, classic choice, pretty close to the .284 selections I recommended, which I believe are going to do better at longer ranges for precision target work, but you'll likely be perfectly happy with the .270 win. I have several of them including a match barrel.
JustJake said:
‘Course if you’re TFL Staff, you’re likely the highly-superior type who can read between the lines and divine intended meaning not apparent to the rest of us.

No psychic powers or omniscience were required. What happened was a member reading the thread clicked on a Report Post button and cited topic drift as the reason for making the report. Moderators are obliged to read and address those reports. This aspect of moderating is not relished duty, much less an expression of megalomaniacal feelings of superiority.

Please read the board Rules of Conduct number 3.