Help me decide: Round in the chamber or not when storing HD shotgun?

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Maybe the guy who kicked in the door and has his round already chambered.
We can all manufacture fantasy scenarios to fit our chosen outcome, but when you need to react with only seconds notice, it makes more sense to have your "HD" weapon ready as quickly as possible.

Not everyone wakes up in a stupor as many are implying

Those folks might need more security than just a gun if it takes them two minutes to gain consciousness

What a fantasy. A guy kicking in a door and the hinges coming right off. Haha.

Might want to quit daydreaming and judging others.
Wow this thread has gone on a long time.

My take is a HD/SD handgun should be fully ready to go and in arms reach at all times

The OP asked about Shotguns. I'll address longguns in general. First, i have lived/worked in parts of the world that necessitated having a long gun at hand my rule of thumb was if the longgun was going to be IN MY HANDS and i was prepared to fight with it at a seconds notice, then of course it had a round chambered

BUT, if it was getting leaned in a corner while i had down time or was going into a storage rack of some kind the chamber was empty. When driving in a Motorcade, i kept it "cruiser ready"..chamber empty, full mag, decocked and safety off.

Same thing when going to sleep here at home. Longgun leaned in the corner at Cruiser ready. The pistol is fully ready to go, if i have time to grab the longgun, training has inculcated me to rack a round as the gun comes to shoulder

With proper training on how to "power stroke" your longgun. This is not an issue
What a fantasy. A guy kicking in a door and the hinges coming right off. Haha.
Might want to quit daydreaming and judging others.
Who (besides you) said anything about hinges coming off?
It's not hard to break the locks on a door with a good swift kick, or to break some glass then reach in and unlock a door

I haven't made any judgements of others
I've made observations based on the comments given by others

Do you think this guy had time to go to another room and find his gun and ammo?:
A Detroit homeowner is recovering after being shot early Monday morning during a deadly shoot-out with someone who broke into his home.

Police said a suspect forced a woman, the homeowner's girlfriend, who was outside of the home in the 19000 block of Liberal Street at 12:30 a.m. into the home at gunpoint.

The homeowner, 46, was shot twice in the chest. He was taken to St. John Hospital, and is listed in critical condition.

The suspect was killed at the scene, police said.

Wow youre going to judge someone like this, he didnt ask for you to criticize.
Have you waited to be asked?
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Who (besides you) said anything about hinges coming off?
It's not hard to break the locks on a door with a good swift kick, or to break some glass then reach in and unlock a door

I haven't made any judgements of others
I've made observations based on the comments given by others

Do you think this guy had time to go to another room and find his gun and ammo?:

Have you waited to be asked?
You kick in a door and videotape it. Id love to see it.
Moomooboo said:
You kick in a door and videotape it. Id love to see it.
You're joking, right? Please tell us you're joking.

Snyper is right; kicking in a door isn't that difficult, especially if you're a decent-sized man. And no, you don't try to kick the hinges off, you kick right next to the locking mechanism on an inward-opening door (which is most front doors). After a few kicks (or sometimes just one) the door jam splinters and the door opens. Sometimes it takes more than a few kicks, but lots of doors can be defeated this way.

Can all doors be kicked in with a few kicks? No, not all. But trying telling a cop or an infantryman who served in Iraq or Afghanistan that kicking in a door is a fantasy.
You're joking, right? Please tell us you're joking.

Snyper is right; kicking in a door isn't that difficult, especially if you're a decent-sized man. And no, you don't try to kick the hinges off, you kick right next to the locking mechanism on an inward-opening door (which is most front doors). After a few kicks (or sometimes just one) the door jam splinters and the door opens. Sometimes it takes more than a few kicks, but lots of doors can be defeated this way.

Can all doors be kicked in with a few kicks? No, not all. But trying telling a cop or an infantryman who served in Iraq or Afghanistan that kicking in a door is a fantasy.

Lets see a video of you kicking a door in here in the USA with one kick. Go ahead. If its not that difficult lets see it. Must be why swat teams around here do it all the time.

Of course its much eaiser to.kick in doors overseas. Youre kidding trying USA and middle eastern doors right?
Moomooboo said:
Lets see a video of you kicking a door in here in the USA with one kick. Go ahead. If its not that difficult lets see it. Must be why swat teams around here do it all the time.
Yeah, I'm going to destroy one of my doors just to please someone on an Internet forum. This is getting ridiculous; it's starting to look like you're trolling us here. But I'll play along...

SWAT teams often use door-breaching rams because it's faster and easier. But troops on patrol don't always want to lug something aroud like that, so kicking in the door is an alternative way to do it.

Moomooboo said:
Of course its much eaiser to.kick in doors overseas. Youre kidding trying USA and middle eastern doors right?
And what makes you think people in the Middle East aren't capable of reinforcing their doors? I was in before Iraq and Afghanistan, but I went to many different countries when I was on deployments in the Marine Corps infantry. And you'd be surprised what kind of doors they had in some of the poorest countries. Take Albania, for example: The poorest people had houses made of concrete blocks and tarps with electricity stolen off the nearest power line, but many of those houses still had well-made hardwood doors and stained-glass windows. Supposedly there was a large black market in cheap stolen goods from nearby countries, and beautiful well-made doors and windows were easy to get.

No, you can't always kick the door in with just one kick, but many of the doors we have in the US are pretty flimsy or have flimsy door jams. Moomooboo, you're simply wrong here, and your arguments are getting ridiculous.
Yeah, I'm going to destroy one of my doors just to please someone on an Internet forum. This is getting ridiculous; it's starting to look like you're trolling us here. But I'll play along...

SWAT teams often use door-breaching rams because it's faster and easier. But troops on patrol don't always want to lug something aroud like that, so kicking in the door is an alternative way to do it.

And what makes you think people in the Middle East aren't capable of reinforcing their doors? I was in before Iraq and Afghanistan, but I went to many different countries when I was on deployments in the Marine Corps infantry. And you'd be surprised what kind of doors they had in some of the poorest countries. Take Albania, for example: The poorest people had houses made of concrete blocks and tarps with electricity stolen off the nearest power line, but many of those houses still had well-made hardwood doors and stained-glass windows. Supposedly there was a large black market in cheap stolen goods from nearby countries, and beautiful well-made doors and windows were easy to get.

No, you can't always kick the door in with just one kick, but many of the doors we have in the US are pretty flimsy or have flimsy door jams. Moomooboo, you're simply wrong here, and your arguments are getting ridiculous.

Yea. You cant kick in doors here in the usa with one kick. Those doors in afghanistan are flimsy, doors itself and the frame. Thats cool about albania youre going way off topic. On the whole those doors over there are way -CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED-tier than the ones here in the states. Youre just taking a few examples to try and justify your previous statement. Youre really reaching.

Im wrong? Go kick in a door in the USA instead of spouting off things on the internet. I guaranty you wont kick your front door in with one kick, marine or not.
Moomooboo said:
Youve also convinced yourself you can kick in doors with one kick here in the USA.
Moomooboo, when did I ever say that I could kick a door in with just one kick? Show me. I've said several times that it can easily take multiple kicks, and I never once claimed otherwise. I also never said that every door can be kicked in; some are stronger than others. I'm getting tired of you claiming I said something that I didn't.

And I'm also getting tired of you repeatedly demanding I ruin my own door. All you have to do is look on YouTube for plenty of videos of people kicking in doors. Sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's ridiculously easy, and sometimes the door is just too tough or the angle is bad. But claiming it's a fantasy is absolutely idiotic.

Moomooboo said:
Nope. Their doors are made out of terrible quality materials and they dont really have codes and quality control like we do here. What makes you think theyre better over there?
I'm curious where your expertise in Middle Eastern building practices comes from. I'm also curious to know when doors in the US became standardized enough for you to make universal claims about them.
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Moomooboo, when did I ever say that I could kick a door in with just one kick? Show me. I've said several times that it can easily take multiple kicks, and I never once claimed otherwise. I also never said that every door can be kicked in; some are stronger than others. I'm getting tired of you claiming I said something that I didn't.

And I'm also getting tired of you repeatedly demanding I ruin my own door. All you have to do is look on YouTube for plenty of videos of people kicking in doors. Sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's ridiculously easy, and sometimes the door is just too tough or the angle is bad. But claiming it's a fantasy is absolutely idiotic.

I'm also curious how you seem to have become an expert in Middle Eastern building codes and building practices.

The whole concept of storing this gun is that one would receive no warning. Hence one kick, door open, youre caught with your underpants down. Multiple kicks would give you more than enough warning to grab that shotgun and chamber a round.

Youre not the only one whos been to the middle east. Its fantasy if you cant do it. After all if a Marine cant kick down a door in one kick, most would say its fantasy. Go ahead kick your front door down and prove it false.
Moomooboo said:
Go ahead kick your front door down and prove it false.
Moomooboo, I have to say, I've never had anyone repeatedly demand that I destroy parts of my house to prove a point. Considering my front door is fairly flimsy and is mostly glass, I'm sure it would be pretty easy to break, even with one kick. But no matter how many times you demand it (has it been three times now?), I'm not causing hundreds of dollars of property damage to a rented house just to prove a point. However, I will link you to the first YouTube video I found on the subject. It's a surveillance video of a burglar kicking a door down in one kick, and he didn't even do it right (skip ahead to the 1:15 mark).

Moomooboo said:
Its fantasy if you cant do it.
Yes, if my door is too strong to kick in, that means everyone's door in the whole USA is too strong to kick in... That's terrible logic there; please tell me you're trolling.
Probably a good chance it was only the bottom locked. Not the deadbolt.

If you want to use that fact, then yes you are correct. I guess i didnt specify that the door needed to be locked muchless deadbolted.

I have personally kicked doors here in the US and in the middle east. The ones here in the US have been both on modular homes and stick built. TWO kicks was the most it took for the door to be open, and im NOT a big guy.

Its not the door construction, its the frame. Unless its specifically reinforced the frame is fairly easy to get it to give way.

Im thinking, somewhere, a bridge is missing you being underneath it.
Im not talking about shoothouse training facilities, REAL houses that REAL people lived in.

Sense you clearly dont understand the tooic at hand maybe you should just stay silent
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