Help! I'm wanting a SMITH!

Mike Irwin's right!

I've heard the "forcing S&W out of business will only play into the hands of the anti-gunners" argument and it doesn't hold water. What the anti-gunners want is for ALL of the gun makers to sign the agreement, and then they can utilize the loopholes and open-ended clauses and make gun prices skyrocket.

Holding S&W's feet to the fire is the only way to make sure that Ruger, Taurus, Glock, Kel-Tec and the others DON'T sign a similar agreement. And the recent economic woes at S&W make it more likely that they won't cave in. Is everyone aware that Taurus pays for a one-year membership to the NRA if you buy a new Taurus gun? I think that is putting their money where their mouth is and serving the interests of their customers.
George, the feeling only gets worse when you pick one up. I first saw the CQB about a year or so ago, and have lusted for it ever since. Very nice balance, feel, ah heck, the only drawback is not saving the $$$ for it.
Take that $850, go out and buy a HK Tactical. Go to the range and shoot 500 rounds. You will be 'over' your need for S&W. I promise.
The only S&W I've ever liked is the 4006. If I come across one that is used or on clearance*, I may buy it. That said, I'm starting a Beretta collection with a 92FS Inox. Next will be a 96G. Beretta can have my money for being a very pro-2nd Amendment company.:)

*Only if the dealer is not restocking.
I am pleased to say that there are no Smith & Wesson ANYTHINGS in my house or in any of my Safes... no where, no how... Zip, Zilch, Nada.
I think its going to stay that way too for a very long time... Unless this new S&W CEO does some serious time on his knees.
George buddy,
I know what you mean!!! Looking through the latest issue of GunWorld magazine they have an article/advertisment for the Performance Center model 952 9mm. Boy, it looks nice!!! I did not think that I would ever fall for a Smith. :eek: Help me Obewan, you're my only hope!!!!
How 'bout those XX76 S&W pistols of the early 90's? I owned a 4576. It was nice. No safety, frame mounted decocker, just like the Sigs. Sometimes called a Smith-Sauer or Sig & Wesson.

I recently sold my 6906 (an utterly reliable pistol) because I felt dirty carrying it. But if I was to find another 4576, well, I'd be dirty again.
George, I'm wanting a Smith,too. A Registered Magnum- any barrel length - certificate not necessary.

PS- I know this is the semi-auto forum,but S&W doesn't make any new guns I want.
Buying used is breaking the boycott

I have posted this before, but I thought I would try one more time(the last time I really didn't seem to get any reaction). If you want to fully support a boycott, you must not buy used products either. When you buy a used S&W, it removes that gun from the available category, and makes it more likely that a person who doesn't know or care about the boycott will buy a new gun from a dealer. Indirectly, then, it makes sales of S&W products greater than it would if you didn't buy the used product. The boycott will have some effect if only used guns are bought, but it will have more of an effect if none of the boycotted products are bought, new or used. Just FWIW.
I still say that that is absolute bunk, Hickham...

For the simple reason that the used market is completely flooded with S&W handgun right now, ESPECIALLY revolvers. There are so many that prices for the used guns are going to remain depressed for years to come.

Many of these guns are only lightly used, meaning that they are even better bargain over the new guns.

Quite frankly if, as you say, someone either doesn't know or doesn't care about the boycott, they are just as likely to purchase a new gun as a used gun.

But by explaining to them the bargains to be found in the used market, they'll be a LOT LESS likely to purchase a new S&W, which will have a direct impact on the company.
Well, I don't know that I would agree that my comments are "complete bunk", but I would agree that if there are a lot of guns on the used market, it diminishes the impact of buying used. I personally don't have a problem in not being a purist on the boycott and buying used S&Ws, and I have recently gotten a couple of good deals on Mod 65 and 66 revolvers. Thanks for your follow up.
Still plenty of dealers here carrying S&W

They still have evil black rifles and standard capacity mags too.

Both explained to me that the agreement does not effect them in the least, legally speaking. It only applies to those FFLs that wish to be "Master" level dealers of S&W products. That's where you are able to get even better distributor prices, and better access to the PC custom guns. Since neither dealer chooses to sign on with S&W for that 'program', they remain able to deal in any legal products they choose to carry.

If I have been mis-informed in any way, please let me know.
I am also wanting to buy a SMITH. I will never buy another new S&W product period. However if anyone has a used 686 with an 8 3/8" barrel they would like to part with at a resonable price, plese E-Mail me. If you are trying to get retail price for a used gun, don't bother.