Hi Jim,
I don’t plan on writing to many of these gunplay scenarios, since my pursuits as a college student keep me pretty busy. Still, they seem to get some response and give the readers something to think about. Maybe someday, somebody here will find themselves in an unfortunate situation such as this. I do hope that doesn’t happen, as the people I have met on the TFL seem like decent people and I wouldn’t want to think of them in harms way. But just maybe the posts that they read here, will open their minds to a few of the different possibilities.
As for my spelling, if you are referring to Kel-Tec, I’m sorry if I forgot to capitalize the “t”, that was a gross, inexcusable error, on my part. Hopefully you can find it in your heart to forgive me. As for my spelling of the word “damm”, while, damn, you caught me again. If you notice any other horrible errors, please, feel free to let me know about them. I’m sure my folks, both of whom are English professors, would be 100% supportive of your efforts. Well, I must be off, the library beckons me.
Alex Johnson
NRA Life Member
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."-Second Amendment to the Constitution