Heads Butting

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She worries about the background checks and stuff. She's afraid if she buys a gun, if I have a gun, my ccl, the mere mention of a gun will show up on the check. We started dating my last semester in college, I didn't carry because I was on campus most of the time. When we were done with college she didn't really seem to notice that much. I did most of the driving. I had a block in the truck, don't hold that against me. She didn't really start worring or getting irrate until my daughter came along and the yearly back ground checks came about.
1hogfan83 said:
She worries about the background checks and stuff. She's afraid if she buys a gun, if I have a gun, my ccl, the mere mention of a gun will show up on the check. . . .
Ah-ha! There's the hook.

Look, if she's worried about all of that stuff turning up on her background check (which seems very unlikely unless they're doing interviews of family and friends), then you might want to put it in proper perspective for her: "Look, honey, if your background check somehow turns up the fact that I have my CHCL, that really tells officials is that I have been vetted by the Arkansas State Police, who thought it was OK for me to carry a concealed pistol." (Now, whether school officials will really see it that way is a different matter entirely.)
I don't carry yet, need to take the required course still. But my wife is on board with the idea 100%. She was with me when I got the gun for CC. But what we don't do is keep loaded guns strung through the house. We have a double barrel 12 gauge ready to be loaded. I'd like to get a smooth 18 inch barrel for my Mossberg and just keep the rifled barrel for hunting. In my new home, gonna use a 12 gauge and a Rossi Circuit Judge in .45 Colt. I don't want guns everywhere though. All but a few of my guns are in a safe. The rest are in some sort of case except one. That's because I can't find a case long enough, very long gun. I don't keep guns strung through the house because most thieves do not break in when you're home. Why keep the guns where the thieves can find them easy? I'm gonna try to find a way to stuff all of my guns in the safe except 2 that wont fit and hd guns. They will be hidden, possibly in the bedroom. When we have our kid, I'll have to figure out something else. The AK is already in a fancy case and I'm gonna have double padlocks, I'm still on the search for a 5 ft or so long case for my Marlin. I'm gonna figure out a way to lock the cases to the walls too so they aren't easily stolen.
We have a 12 guage ready to be loaded????? what are you gonna tell someone if theyre coming into the house unannounced? Could you wait outside for a few minutes and let me load my gun? hehe You may have your CC weapon with you though that you take with you in the vehicle, What about the wife if shes at home alone? around here if my wife was at home alone and unarmed and needed help I guess she could call 911 and wait for 30 minutes.:eek: when you live far out like us you dont call 911 for police you call 911 to send a J.P. out.
If I hear someone outside, I always immeaditely look. If it's someone I don't know, I will get a gun. When the gun is in my hands, I can have it loaded in 4 seconds. I can load it while running if need be. It being unloaded won't loose me any time.
And if I'm not home, what makes you think my wife can't shoot a gun by herself? She knows how to shoot and operate everygun I own. And she will shoot if she is threatened.
Just make sure if you grab your gun and take off running like you said, you atleast leave a gun for your wife left behind!:(
Maybe I am just sheltered by the good ol' country girls of North Alabama but I don't see her issue with you owning a gun.

Will she be fired if they do a background check and find that you legally own guns? That would be a lawsuit waiting to happen.

Does she feel less safe with guns in the house? That can be alleviated with familiarity and judicious usage of handgun lock boxes.
I'm gonna toss out an opinion that will be about as popular here at TFL as Obama............

You're both right, you're both wrong. Odds are She's not gonna die if you're carrying, you're not gonna die if you're not. Is the slim odds of something happening worth tension in a marriage? Not to me. Compromise. My wife would think I'm off the rocker if I straped on a gun to run to the mail box and if she didn't like it I'd be better off not to do it (don't do it anyway, never will, but that's beside the point). But that's doesn't mean I'm gonna not carry if we're going to the city for dinner and a movie. Yes, two extremes I know. Anyway, go back to the second sentence of this paragraph and work something out. Personally between money and kids marriage can be hard enough that I'm not gonna push the issue for the slim odds of something happening. Another option is to carry something small, really small. Something like a little NAA revolver or keltec may not bring down her ire when you slip it into your pants pocket and is a long ways from being unarmed. Like I said, compromise and if that don't work just cave in. I'd rather risk death than having the wife peeved off everytime we went out.
Carrying a gun is like driving a huge truck, making up for something peoples are short of in other departments

Feeling all smug and superior is well and good... until they need a truck. Then who are they gonna call on to help them move? (you know exactly who they will call)

It's actually a better analogy that I thought. :)
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