Heads Butting

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I think Pax nailed it - its a peer issue with her. She is probably subjected to "anti-gun" noise from her friends, might even join in a bit. From her perspective, how would it look if they found out her husband not only has guns, but carries a gun with a small child in the house!!

If you haven't been married long, these kinds of things (assuming you have a strong marriage) tend to iron themselves out over time. My wife was a little that way too - still is. She doesn't want other parents knowing anything about her husband's guns. And, actually, this is a good policy for many reasons. Over time, however, she's discovered that most of our kids' parents are gun owners, hunters, etc. As long as I keep most of my guns locked up, or concealed from ordinary view (including around the house), she doesn't have any problem. We're happily married, we do lots of things together, but we also respect each other's autonomy when it comes to things like "concealed carry" or things that are specific to her hobby.
You have yourself a huge problem. You married the wrong woman. Ok, all kidding aside. I'd listen to Pax. She seems to know more than most of us here.

Just a note, if you truly love her, no gun should stand in the way of your marriage.

I'm lucky, my wife loves guns and carries. Good luck bud.
If you knew my wife you would clearly see its not peer pressure. Several of the teachers in her school have cc or have talked about taking it. I just don't know, I think they just make her uncomfortable. She is afraid that the mere mention of the word "gun" will ruin her teaching future. It isn't anything to do with her coworkers, she doesn't want a permit or purchase showing up on her yearly background check/fingerprint the state requires. Nothing I can say or do will change her mind.
Honestly I would just continue to carry and tell her to get over it, your needs and wants should be just as important as her's. Neither of you should be forbidding the other from things they firmly believe in or enjoy, as long as those things aren't hurting the other. If you told her she cant wear makeup or nice things when shes not out with you because there's no reason to look good for anyone else I'm sure she wouldn't be too pleased.
Dangit Dragline45,,,

If you told her she cant wear makeup or nice things when shes not out with you because there's no reason to look good for anyone else I'm sure she wouldn't be too pleased.

You just caused a coffee all over my monitor moment! ;)


I think I'd have to let her go and maybe she'll marry another teacher and live happily ever after. No really all kidding aside. Not saying you but some people just need to Nut up.
I'm curious about how she understands you and guns in general.

Does she think that you are obsessed with them? I've been obsessed with things in the past; the wife takes an instant dislike to what ever that thing is.

Do you have an attitude about guns that she dislikes?

Do your discussions leave her frustrated?

I ask these few, basic questions to cause you to consider if there is a prior disconnect between you and your best friend that needs addressed before you resolve the CC issue.

Maybe she doesnt really understand your fuller role as protector or maybe sh thinks you act like Rambo. I dunno. But many times it's about the perception rather than the substance.

I remember when my family were visiting a national cemetary and guns were not permitted; she was slightly shocked o realizing I was pocket carrying. Over time I showed her that I took gun safety and training very seriously.

I wish you wisdom. List her concerns and ponder replies to put her concerns to rest. Because in the end she needs to know that you are going to CC.
When you're with family members is the most important time to carry. When you're alone, you have options that you don't have when you are with family members. This situation didn't turn out too badly because the husband was armed.


The case of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom turned out very badly but might have been much different had at least one been armed.
No advice here, just hope that you can work things out. I fear that this marriage may not end well. Not just because of this issue but things like this are often harbingers of future issues.

My ex-wife once called and told me "If you don't quit drinking, I'm leaving and I want an answer when you get home."

I walked in, set a twelve pack on the counter and said "I'm gonna miss you."

The fact that she was basically cuckoo contributed heavily. ;)

I have now been very happily remarried for 16 years to the true love of my life. We get stronger together all the time because we figured it out. (I still enjoy my beer) and when I get dressed in the morning my gun goes on my hip and is always within arms reach. I don't go to stupid places, don't hang out with stupid people, don't do stupid things and avoid being out at stupid times.

However, if we did decide to go to a midnight showing of some new blockbuster movie, because you should be able to do that if you so desire,
I would be prepared to defend her. Regardless of what the sign says. I would hope that you could also.
Thank yall for all of the advice. I guess I'll just have to stick the 642 in my pocket and let her think im happy to see her for now.
Wish you luck. See we on Firing Line can help anyone! We can help people choose guns, ammo, council marriages, help legal disputes, we can probably even fix Global Warming and everything else. Need advice? Just post it on here and there's many eager to help. LOL. Seriously, just curious. How long y'all been married - to the OP if you don't mind me asking.
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5 Loooooooooong years. Lol its been good though. I just go with the flow. This is my 2nd marriage, just a piece of advice, don't ever bring up your first wife in a fight. I found that out the hard way. She's a good one though. She puts up with me and that's sayin a lot. And as for marriage advice, yall aren't to shabby. She'll come home one day and I'll be packing a 629 in shoulder holster, that'll teach her.
1hogfan83 said:
. . . . just a piece of advice, don't ever bring up your first wife in a fight. I found that out the hard way. . . .
Ouch! :o

I guess it's probably better that you brought up the first wife in a fight than in the bedroom, though . . .
yep them women have memories like a elephant. i hear about a woman from the past When you get in the doghouse thats just more the reason to grab a gun and a couple boxes ammo and go shooting.
She is afraid that the mere mention of the word "gun" will ruin her teaching future.

Why would she have any need to mention it? No need to tell anyone at all that she or you has a CHL. If you were an open carry activist, I could see the need to be concerned, but she really needn't worry so much.

I work with the public and lots of kids in my job. I also talk guns with some patrons "in the know" about my guilty little weekend pleasures;) As it's a small town, I know the residents all talk to each other. But if you are not creepy and do not carry yourself as a future serial killer, no one is likely to be overly concerned.
Personally, I wouldn't allow another to interfere with my capacity to defend myself in a lethal situation.

But there have been times when this subject has been brought up by women (family, friends, and those that I was dating).

I repeated the following quote:

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing." - Edmund Burke

They know that there are evil men in the world and that I'm a good man. I carry to protect myself and those I love. To not do so when I had the opportunity would be a gross failure on my part.

They know the reasoning behind my actions. And that the decision to carry is not negotiable.
jimbob86 said:
Some people can't help being a "Chatty Cathy"......

Yeah...there's that...gave my girl my ASP to carry with her when she works her night job - secluded area, off the freeway...yeah. She thought it would be a good idea to ask permission from her boss to have it in her purse...in the break room....

Said boss said it was fine....then added it as a note in her jacket:confused:

She apparently missed the part about concealed...
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