HD plan- stay guard at top of stairs?

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You seem determined to continue confuse the role of the home defender with those of persons engaged in in combat or law enforcement.

Nope, no confusion here, if someone enters my home illegally the situation has instantly become one of combat for survival. The same tactics apply anywhere.

the battle analogies and house-clearing tactics are not applicable here, and someone who has engaged in one or the other is not automatically considered an expert in home defense.

If that is your opinion, you are certainly entitled to it, as for me, the empirical advice of seasoned veterans is much more convincing, and logical than anecdotal advice from other sources.
the thing is our weapons are in the bedroom/saferoom as well as my wife & I sleeping next to the phone. once the alarm signals a breach(at onset no way to tell if it is motion detector in home, window, or door), I would have to head to the stairs and setup shop if I went that route. I would probably be loading 00 buck into my mossberg so these clowns got that instead of hollowpoints if push came to shove....
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