Have we lightened up on 1911 shooters finally?

They work .
Worked in 1911 and work today..... If something works...use it.

A gun maker said he sell every 1911 he produces....every one of them, they are popular and they sell .

Only those who can't shoot a 1911 in 45 acp go with the 9mm Luger....the rest of us go 45.
They work .
Worked in 1911 and work today..... If something works...use it.

A gun maker said he sell every 1911 he produces....every one of them, they are popular and they sell .

Only those who can't shoot a 1911 in 45 acp go with the 9mm Luger....the rest of us go 45.

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While many of these arguments are...well, less-than-serious, I'd like to point out a very real consideration for why you should carry whatever you want:


In a real-life confrontation, not having to worry about your gun's performance, or your ability to use it, will allow you to focus on managing the threat, instead of worrying about your gear. It will (I believe) also show in your demeanor, which in itself can help prevent an attack, or deter its continuation.

Think of it this way: "What weapon would I LEAST want my adversary to be carrying?"

For me, that would be, "The one he REALLY WANTS to be carrying right now."

My primary carry is my Colt 1991A1. Of late I was was carrying my P238 because of a back problem. It was the most weight I could tolerate. Now I'm about over the surgery I had 2 months ago I will try going back to the 1911. I also own a XD in .45ACP. I found it to weigh more than my 1911 when they are fully loaded with 230 gr. GDHP. I'm not quite as accurate with the XD either. Maybe it's the sight radius. It is what it is. Back to 1911s. I recall a quote by Col. Cooper, " If you can't get it done with 7 from a 1911, you don't need more ammo, You need air support." Mine has 8. 7 in the Mag and 1 in the tube. Condition 1.The again it could be the 1911 is what I used since '63 in the navy. Over 50 years with the same pistol will get you comfortable with it.
There's always somebody itching to contradict you, on the internet.
Whatever you say, whatever you do, it is wrong. Despite tons of
empirical evidence of the dependability and effectiveness of
1911s, you're always going to find some Guns & Ammo subscriber
who lives in mom's basement, got a beat old glock 17 from a
Pawn Shop for a couple hundred dollars, with half a box of WWB thrown in,using Birthday and Christmas checks he's been saving for years, who spends his days polishing 23 bullets, repeatedly cleaning the as yet unfired by him gun, who spends the majority of his productive time surfing the
internet, taking out the family trash, and dumping all over everybody
who doesn't possess the Ultimate Wisdom to do it all His Way. After all,
he saw a u-toob of some gun tester who mashed 1911 into a bunch of mud,
in the most unrealistic firing test possible, which he now takes as Gospel, right?

I've carried 1911s, probably will again, they're a fine gun. Right now,
I like revolvers, for personal reasons. 9mm is a great ammo choice.
Wanted to do something to protect myself from the crime in the
neighborhood. I MOVED to a better neighborhood.

Nils carborundum bastardi. Peace, my brother. Know that you,
in your place, at this time, are right, in what you choose to do
for yourself. Enjoy the holidays.
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SIGSHR wrote..."Charlie Askins once said his editors told him to write provocative articles to rile people up and get readers to write to the magazine-and presumably buy it."

You mean Askins might possibly have embellished a bit to get attention, build his reputation, cause controversy and sell magazines??? Oh do tell!!

The 1911A1 is a good gun. My 1987 Springfield .45 is one of
My favorite plinkers. Very reliable. The previously mentioned CPL instructor should stick to Paintball... nothing wrong with a 1911A1. Served our troops through several major conflicts.
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It's interesting that in the other thread you said we should just move on, yet here you are continuing that conversation in this thread.

Indiana? Let it go.

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SIGSHR brought up new information I had not read before that supports what I have long suspected pertaining to Askins and probably several other much beloved writers. Contraversy sold magazines. Remember E. Keith vs. J. O'Connor in the 70's, the ongoing debate over calibers for African big game? Or .357 vs. 45 in the 70's? Or 9MM vs.45 in the 80's? Or the timeless "What is the "best" deer cartridge"? E. Keith's 400 yard shot with a .44 revolver? Compound vs. Recuve bow? One has to look far beyond what was printed and ask "Who, what, where, when and why". If magazines don't turn a profit, they go under. That being said, one should take what one reads with a grain of salt.
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There must be at least twenty companies today making (and selling) 1911s. When I attended the SHOT Show in January of this year, I had a list of all the 1911 manufacturers I knew of, and an agenda to stop by each of their displays for at least a few minutes. I spent three full days wandering the exhibit hall, and I did visit every 1911 maker on my list. I also encountered three more whom I had never even heard of -- didn't know they existed, but there they were. Next year I won't be surprised if I find at least two more I've never heard of.

If Glock's patents were to expire tomorrow, do you think twenty-plus companies would be tripping over each other to rush into production of Glock clones? It's possible, but I don't see it happening.
Glock's patent expiring??? Clones??? They ALREADY exsit... there may be internal differences, but after Glocks tremendous initial popularity, look what arrived on the market. Springfield XD, S&W MP, Sig, H&K, Ruger, Taurus and various others all came out with weapons offering a similar design, feel and appearance... AFTER Glocks arrival and widespread appeal with shooters, LEO's and its glorification in the entertainment industry. Just look and you can see the obvious influence Glock already has had on the marketplace. High Capacity Tactical plastic... regardless of personal love or disdain for polymer frame weapons, they function and sell in volume.
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The future is now old man, polymer wonder 9’s shall inherit the earth!!!

Now on a serious note, lots of people still carry 1911’s, from officer models to the full size 5 inch government models. I find them to have low recoil, great triggers, and tons of customization options available. Now personally, they’re a bit on the heavy side for all day carry, but they do conceal very well due to the flatness. Would I feel under-gunned carrying one? Absolutely not. A lot of the single stack 9mm’s out right now have the same capacity as the 1911(and an extra magazine makes it a moot point).