Have I missed the boat?

if you want cheap, try the frankford arsenal with walnut media. they are around the $50 to $60 mark. I bought my media at the pet store, crushed walnut shells as lizzard bedding. A tad cheaper and no shipping. I leave my brass in for about 3-4 hours, comes out looking great.
Have I missed the boat on reloading? Seems there isn’t a primer/bullet or powder in my neck of the northeast. Do you guys think things will settle down and manufacturers will be able to catch up?

I take it this is your first shortage? This too, will pass .... maybe into something worse, or better .... but there is no time like the present to learn something new (for the past is ....past, and "new" isn't there....) .... Knowledge Trumps Ignorance, and and skills are much better than ineptitude ....

.... you have picked a hard time to acquire components, but a fine time to learn- when I started, I had no internet ... and did not know anyone that reloaded ..... people that I met that did reload were not exactly helpful .... it seemed like it was some secret society that nobody wanted to talk about .... there is so much more information out there for free these days ....how to videos, even .... keep at it, and you'll find stuff to work with ..... I will caution you - you won't save any money .... but you will shoot so much more .... you won't think of a "box" of 308 Winchester as 20 rounds anymore ..... but 50, or 100 .... or a 50 cal ammo can full of loose rounds ..... and you will learn so much along the way ..... I can't imagine why everyone does not handload, just for this reason ....
Thanks. This isn’t my first shortage, but it’s one I’m taking the most seriously.
As for the interwebs-double edged sword. Incredibly helpful but you have to be able to filter through the useless bologna.
As for the saving money thing-I tossed that idea out the window long ago!

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...when I started, I had no internet ... and did not know anyone that reloaded ..... people that I met that did reload were not exactly helpful .... it seemed like it was some secret society that nobody wanted to talk about...

And we waited patiently for next month's issue of Guns & Ammo and Shooting Times magazines. Sorry, couldn't resist.:D

Not to go off topic but that’s one of things that has drawn me to start this venture. Seems today everything is about instant gratification, where as this and my other hobbies require dedication, patience, and so forth before you see results, but once you do.....

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Any suggestions on affordable yet effective tumblers?

I reloaded for several years without one ...... the Lee trimmer set up chucked in a 3/8" drill combined with their wax based case lube and a rag cleans bottle necked cases better than any tumbler ....
Seems today everything is about instant gratification, where as this and my other hobbies require dedication, patience, and so forth before you see results, but once you do.....

Life's a journey, not a race ...... we all end up in the same place, but .... "how you get there is the worthier part."
Welp, I scored a set of Hornaday 9mm dies today from Midwest shooters for $48 + shipping, better than the $80 set I had been watching!
Welp, I scored a set of Hornaday 9mm dies today from Midwest shooters for $48 + shipping, better than the $80 set I had been watching!
Nice, I have the Hornady 9mm dies as well, for over 12 years now! Fantastic dies, the carbide makes sizing the casings super easy, no case lube needed. loaded several thousand rounds with them so far. The lock rings are the best as well.
Have I missed the boat?

Boats are a lot like busses. You miss one and another will eventually come along. So figure it this way. You are really late for the last boat but also very early for the next boat. May take awhile but hopefully things will return to normal.

Till then my advice is just keep a watch on several suppliers of what you want or need. Retailers do receive small amounts of product but it also goes fast.

Tumblers, I 've had two Harbor Freight tumblers in the past few years, neither lasted a season. Get a brand name and save yourself some grief.
just scored 1000, bullets! 55g hornady FMJ in .224 (for my 223). I paid $119.99 for 1000 instead of $83 like previously, but that is ok, that was 2017 and they were on sale. Had a product notification put in for Midway usa. Got the notification, bought the bullets. Again, you have not missed the boat. You just have to be patient and plan ahead.
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