Has your weapons MO changed to meet the threat?

Enlighten us, what state allows you to kill someone for damaging your car?
What about someone trying to break into your home??

AS far as me, I haven't changed weaponry but my alertness has upped.....

As far as violence committed by RIGHT wing extremists, if that was true, the lame-stream, leftist media would be all over it so bad they wouldn't talk about anything else!...the only lazering of cop's eyes, burning, looting, molotov cocktail throwing, etc. has been done by marxist left-wing terrorist groups.
Zoo, where do you live, Syria or Chicago?? I'll avoid that area. That does seem like quite a bit of gunfire to endure. Sounds kind of like a Mel Gibson movie.

The events occurred in the seventies and eighties in Southern California, Nevada, and Arizona. It does sound like a lot of terrible events to have endured and something out of a movie. Even as if I'm trying to spread tall tales! But sadly, for many active law enforcement officers, it wasn't a particularly aberrant set of experiences, either back then or even now for many people in that line of work.

It is also not something to brag about. I'm not anything resembling a hero, in fact I seriously doubt I'm the kind of guy you would have liked for your daughter to have brought home for dinner.

In fact, considering our current national social and economic situation in this country, I risk throwing salt on already festering wounds by talking about some of this stuff. It even looks like the proverbial you know what is about to hit the fan once again. We have our President apparently attempting to further radicalize an already radicalized right wing group in this country telling them to "stand back, stand by."

I'm curious where these attacks by right wing extremists occurred and who were they? KKK, Arian nations?, didn't see anything on the news about it and that's usually headline news.

They occurred in the seventies and eighties and some did make the news. In one particular case, the national news. Sadly, if it weren't for my failure to have effectively engaged a right wing white supremacist "survivalist" back in 1985, the death of the first female agent killed in the line of duty in the history of the FBI might not have occurred (at least not iin that year). In my defense I did take two bullets in that engagement.

I apologized to the OP and forum staff if it appears that I'm trying to hijack the thread or cause the thread to drift off into unwanted territory.

There are castle laws that effect how an intruder can be dealt with, people tell me that here in Colorado where we have the "make my day" law you still cannot shoot anyone unless there's evidence your life was in danger even if they break into your house.

I put a roll-eyes emoticon at the end of my reply to Stinkypetes post that right wing extremists were threatening him, it was in jest.
As far as I know the only time there's been any confrontations it was people trying to defend there property from looting and burning by BLM.

I was pretty young back in 1975-1985 and didn't watch the news much, didn't realize there was a problem with right wing extremists in so-cal, nevada and arizona and confrontations with law enforcement.
You said "But sadly, for many active law enforcement officers, it wasn't a particularly aberrant set of experiences, either back then or even now for many people in that line of work."

Understanding the definition of aberrant I'm not sure what your trying to say, what did you mean?

If it was not that unusual of circumstances you encountered surely you remember the groups responsible, they're usually not shy about there group identity's especially if they're still active.
Understanding the definition of aberrant I'm not sure what your trying to say, what did you mean?

I thought what I said was actually fairly clear, at least for anybody who knows what aberrant means.

Violent interactions, including those with right wing extremists, weren't 't particularly unusual back then any more then they are today.

Yes, I could give you names of groups/organizations. Some are no longer around, others have morphed into new entities. And YES they ARE shy about taking public responsibility for their criminal activities (for obvious reasons).

Also, many of the offenders are fringe elements or wannabes of these groups. They are/were not unlike current and past left wing radicals who claim affiliations with ideologies like "ANTIFA" and organizations like BLM but are instead falsely representing said ideologies/organizations in a violent and criminal manner.

Until I get an ok from TFL staff to speak further on this topic, I think I'll leave it at that.
Let’s start with Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995...

An interesting report on the rise of domestic terrorism can be found at CSIS.ORG

I think it’s a scholarly report.
Looking at the topic thread I believe it's more about current events and specifically the riots by the far left, doubt any personal weapon could have helped anyone 35 years ago in Oklahoma city against a bomber.
The point being Trump supporters aren't the problem and everyone knows it.
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Looking at the topic thread I believe it's more about current events and specifically the riots by the far left,

doubt any personal weapon could have helped anyone 35 years ago in Oklahoma city against a bomber.

The point being Trump supporters aren't the problem and everyone knows it.

Oh really?

"Has your weapons MO changed to meet the threat?"

Say good night, Gracie.
I'll admit that having the Proud Boys march around with ARs dangling from tactical slings has encouraged me to carry an extra magazine for my CCW autoloader. They and the 'Unite the Right' types show up looking tactical, hoping for an excuse to open fire.

I won't defend ANTIFA, but they are more likely to throw Disani bottles, and annoying as that is, it isn't of the 5.56mm variety.

The Bundy family comes out looking like scholars and gentlemen when compared to the Proud Boys/Unite the Right.
I have news burnout so have not been following it closely the last couple of weeks, have the proud boys shot anyone?
I don't trust either side, extreme right or extreme left on the political spectrum. They are exactly what our Veterans fought against in WW2 & Korea. We are better than that.