Has your weapons MO changed to meet the threat?

Yep, traded up to a S&W 9MM from a 5 shot Charter. May start carrying both. Also have a S&W M 66/357 if the need is there.
As the old Boy Scout adage says, "Be prepared".
Yes, I ordered a S&W m&p 9mm which I’m still waiting for, as well as a S&W m&p sport II AR15. Stocked up on ammo and extra pmags for the AR. Don’t know if I’ll order more ammo as prices are kinda high but I have enough on hand to fend off a few hundred zombies give or take.
I was mostly carrying a Shield9. Now I'm carry a S&W M&P9C or the .40 S&W version. And always a spare mag now.

And I live in essentially a riot-less city.
In warm weather I often pocket-carry a Ruger LCP or Kahr CM9. The last three or four weeks, I've switched to mostly carrying my SW M&P Compact because of higher capacity.
I'm not changing a single thing about my EDC. Why? Because that's what I'm most comfy with. And I'd rather have confidence in my weapon. Also, I'm making a conscious effort to avoid sticky situations. Just because I want to be prepared for these kind of situations doesn't mean I should actively seek them out. There's nothing wrong with taking a different street just so I don't put myself in a predicament where I'll actually have to discharge my firearm.
Up until the first of this year my EDC pistol was a Sig 365. Since the world has sort of tilted now. I carry a Glock 19X. I switched so I would have a few extra rounds. And I always make sure I have an extra magazine, for whatever I'm carrying.
Still carry the same on person but the last few years I take a CZ75 about everywhere my vehicle goes with 4 mags.
Nope. The danger seems to be from vigilantes, biker gangs, and right wing extremists. My mom taught me when I was 6 years old- “keep your wits about you, keep away from trouble, and make good friends.”
The country is full of right wing extremists right now shooting people, attacking police, burning cars and buildings, pretty scary.:rolleyes:
I had a customer tell me this summer that his wife and daughter were accosted in the car by a group of protesters in the small town close to where I live. They painted the side of the cars with graffiti and screamed obscenity's.

After that I stopped carrying a 380Lcp in favor of a G19 and added some non-lethal stuff to my truck to discourage protestors from damaging the outside in case I'm accidently caught up in something.

Remember that avoidance is the first line of defense, you have to have constant situational awareness, a traffic jam may not be an accident.

The situation with my customers wife happened during daylight, 10am, who would have thought that could happen that time of day?

Ignorance is not bliss in 2020 btw, tuning out to what's going on could be very dangerous.
So... Question. Something that I've been struggling with since the beginning of this whole mess; what do I do if I'm boxed in? Any direction of travel leads me to running someone over. Getting out of the vehicle is obviously not acceptable. Shooting out of the vehicle could end just as badly for my family, and endanger other people. Driving forward and running over people is legally shaky depending on their permits, which most people would have no clue about reasonably, and possibly morally shaky depending on the situation. Sitting there is... Fine... Until a window breaks, then it's almost too late.

So what do we do?

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I have large container of Sabre red Pepper gel and 5lb fire extinguisher. Either one should discourage them, I wouldn't use them unless the attack was imminent. I thought the fire extinguisher was a great idea, dual purpose, put out any fire and stop an attack.
I’m not saying it can’t happen with left wing extremists but in civilian life I’ve only had to deal with gunfire directed at me by drug dealers, street gangs, and right wing extremists.

On the other hand, one time when my home was getting shot up i got backup from some one percenter bikers.
I’m not saying it can’t happen with left wing extremists but in civilian life I’ve only had to deal with gunfire directed at me by drug dealers, street gangs, and right wing extremists.

On the other hand, one time when my home was getting shot up i got backup from some one percenter bikers.
That sounds like an unfortunate number of gunfights to have been in. Glad to have you with us.

If you were answering my question; I'm not so much worried about being shot at while being body blocked, but rather I'm worried about yanked from the car and beaten to death.

I don't know if proper gel is the answer there. It requires you to opens window which could lead down a bad road.

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Zoo, where do you live, Syria or Chicago?? I'll avoid that area. That does seem like quite a bit of gunfire to endure. Sounds kind of like a Mel Gibson movie.

I'm curious where these attacks by right wing extremists occurred and who were they? KKK, Arian nations?, didn't see anything on the news about it and that's usually headline news.
The only rioting I've seen this year was from antifa and BLM.

Your already on a bad road....

Unless your driving the batmobile with tear gas vents on the side your going to have roll down a window to spray attackers. At that point it's not about being unharmed it's about survival and pretty much everyone on here has a gun as the nuclear option, "I sprayed the guy with pepper gel and he continued his attack, he forced me to shoot him"
I don't have one in my vehicle but those air horns in a can they sell for boats might not be a bad idea either.
Your already on a bad road....

Unless your driving the batmobile with tear gas vents on the side your going to have roll down a window to spray attackers. At that point it's not about being unharmed it's about survival and pretty much everyone on here has a gun as the nuclear option, "I sprayed the guy with pepper gel and he continued his attack, he forced me to shoot him"

I don't have one in my vehicle but those air horns in a can they sell for boats might not be a bad idea either.
Avoidance is obviously the best possibility.if I can avoid the situation and not be there that's the best way to stay safe.

My question is about if we find ourselves already having failed at that situational awareness.

I think that it's best to think hard about what actions we would take, how and why we would take them, and possibly points of action ie: if they don't try to break my windows I can just sit here, turn the music up loud and let them pass. If they break a window I do something else.

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You can't justify shooting anyone for property damage, you'll end up in prison. Non-lethal weapons should be your first response.