Has your weapons MO changed to meet the threat?


New member
Times are changing a bit and some may see an increased threat level whether real or perceived.

Has anyone changed to a bigger more powerful weapon(s) or gone from low to higher capacity mags, etc. ?

Or in what way, IF ANY, are you adapting to this new threat level if you see it as such...or maybe we should quit watching the news :rolleyes:
Has anyone changed to a bigger more powerful weapon(s)

Oh, yes. I didn't own a rifle until April, when I got an AR. I also stopped being one of those people who only carried when I thought about it to being someone who carries every time I leave the house.
I haven't done anything yet altho I did buy a couple 30 round mags for the AR. Will start keeping all mags loaded. I live in a small town in Texas, I wouldn't expect trouble here but we are only 30 miles east of Dallas and Dallas is now a democrat controlled cesspool. I wish I had moved about 50 miles further east but can't now.
Obviously people are reacting to the strange and uncertain times we live in. Gun sales are skyrocketing, most models are unavailable or at least significantly backordered... popular ammunition is largely unavailable. No telling what future Administrations have on their long term agenda... although most of us already know. Not good.
I suspect most of us are rethinking what we carry and or have at the ready. If not already stocked up on ammo and food, heating fuel, medical supplies, etc., it is a good time to start.
JJ45 said:
Has anyone changed to a bigger more powerful weapon(s) or gone from low to higher capacity mags, etc. ?

\The question is not limited to semi-auto handguns, so I'm moving it to Tactics and Training.
Strange times, indeed,

Have been gathering reloading components and press replacement parts as well.

CCW switched from AMT Backup to SIG.

Picked several 30-round mags for my Ruger mini 14.
I prefer a bolt action rifle’s
Sold the AK and the AR that I had To finance more bolt guns.
With the current difficulties I regretted that decision.
A month ago someone gave me an AK.
The last three weeks have been spent upgrading and purchasing magazines.
I have a lot of 7.62 x 3 nine ammo as I have a bolt gun in the caliber also.
Sometimes you luck out.
I prefer a bolt action rifle’s
Sold the AK and the AR that I had To finance more bolt guns.
With the current difficulties I regretted that decision.
A month ago someone gave me an AK.
The last three weeks have been spent upgrading and purchasing magazines.
I have a lot of 7.62 x 3 nine ammo as I have a bolt gun in the caliber also.
Sometimes you luck out.
Interesting Jim...one of my favorites is a Custom US 1917 IN 30-06...it has a Lyman 57 receiver peep and post front. It is still cock on closing and is fast for a bolt gun.....

Obviously heck for stout and quite accurate.
I haven't changed my EDC. I was probably already "overarmed" in the opinion of many.

Primary with spare mag, secondary, three knives, light, multitool, phone
I am afraid at some point suppressive fire will be important—
Otherwise it would still be all bolt actions.
Love US 1917s!
Yea bolt guns mine are mauser's k98's and gew98's. The 7.92x57 or 8mm mauser is a hard hitter. Go's well with my ak's, sks & m76 semi in 8mm.
I havent changed what or how i carry due to the current situation. I think the current situation justifies what ive been carrying for so Long.

Just sad to see in this great Country of ours. This is the kind of crap we saw in Libya, A-stan and Iraq.
Memphis---not only the suburban areas, is like a Very different planet compared to downtown Portland and Seattle (and Seattle is much calmer than it was). Memphis has nothing in common, neither do most other cities' various districts.

JJ45: At least you are one of the people certainly intelligent enough (and more) to realize that staring at the news is the main problem.
* No, to answer your question about my basic, imported (all-matching) AKs and Czechpoint VZ-58.

If were to be taken to provinces of Syria or Afghanistan, then possibly aperture sights would be nice.
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I had a customer tell me this summer that his wife and daughter were accosted in the car by a group of protesters in the small town close to where I live. They painted the side of the cars with graffiti and screamed obscenity's.
After that I stopped carrying a 380Lcp in favor of a G19 and added some non-lethal stuff to my truck to discourage protestors from damaging the outside in case I'm accidently caught up in something.
Remember that avoidance is the first line of defense, you have to have constant situational awareness, a traffic jam may not be an accident.
The situation with my customers wife happened during daylight, 10am, who would have thought that could happen that time of day?
Ignorance is not bliss in 2020 btw, tuning out to what's going on could be very dangerous.
Remember that avoidance is the first line of defense, you have to have constant situational awareness, a traffic jam may not be an accident.
The situation with my customers wife happened during daylight, 10am, who would have thought that could happen that time of day?
Ignorance is not bliss in 2020 btw, tuning out to what's going on could be very dangerous.
The range where I shoot is in a suburb on the other side of the city from where I live. The most direct route runs through the city, and through the fringes of a neighborhood that has long had a reputation for being a bit "sporty." Even before all this BLM Ppeaceful protest" craziness erupted, I made it a practice to take a more roundabout route in order to avoid that part of the city. If we start seeing protests in the small city I have to traverse, I'll adjust my route yet again.

Unfortunately, even if I get on the Interstate west of the city, the Interstate goes through the city. If they start blocking the highway, I'll have to find a different range at which to shoot.
Yes I have. Went to carrying a M&P 45 with extra mags from a Ruger 9mm. Added a Panzer Arms Bullpup 12 gauge with 10 round magazine for the house. Wife now has a 380 EZ and a SP101. If I could know where the bad guys where I would stay away or stay home. Crystal Ball is in shop for repair.