Has the XD fallen out of favor?

I measure value differently. I bought my XD 45 when they were first introduced.

It has never, ever, had a failure of any kind in my shooting. (except a user-error induced one when I let someone else shoot it: not properly inserting magazine or racking, the rather stiff racking being the one bone I'd pick about the gun, but no big deal for me)

Despite my generally poor technique and bad eyesight--it generally puts the bullet close to where I aim--with consistency.

It's still my chosen first line of home defense--despite the many other handguns (many of which were more expensive) I've purchased since I bought it.

And that's about all I have to say about that.;)
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Never liked the XDs much at all. Stopped shooting Glocks and went to M&Ps and would gladly sell the few I have left if I could get anything for them. CZP09 fan these days.

Kahrs, Glocks and 1911s are the fall backs that I'll always have a few of each.
precision shooter said:
Springfield can’t design nor produce a pistol that is not 1911 pattern so they bought a well designed Croatian-made gun, slapped their name on it, and yes increased the price 300% over what the same pistol sold for when it was known as the HS2000.

So, you stuck to your claim as they increased it 300%, even when others have provided dollars to donuts they actually may not. The price at the retailer isn't necessarily up to Springfield. Therefore, the water is pretty murky to begin with to support your assertion.

precision shooter said:
300% in my example may be an over-exaggeration, but the fact remains of a ridiculous price hike once Springfield put their name on it.

...it appears you just proved my point.

Glock never offered their pistols under any other name except Glock.

So? Consumers spend roughly the same amount of money on a Glock as they would an XD. They're either paying for Glock's R&D or Springfield's efforts in importing a platform and making it a success over here. Capitalism at its finest, eh?

You say Springfield were upfront, and maybe they mentioned it at some point. We will just have to agree to disagree about what being “upfront” is... Anyway, I digress. You seem to like the XD, I don’t and stated why. You, nor anyone, have to agree with my view.

When you have the Reece family and their staff openly explain at our gun shows/stores the history of the HS2000, how they spent a lot of capital to import and market it, and how they bolstered careers in Croatia as well in Geneseo, Illinois, I pretty much think that's "upfront". I used to live a stone's throw away from Springfield. Pretty much everybody within a several hundred mile radius of the QC area that visits the local gun stores and frequent gun shows were full aware when they bought an XD, Springfield isn't the manufacturer.

The crux of the matter has nothing to do with convincing you, me, or anyone else the validity of Glock/Springfield, etc. It's about providing honest information on this board. In the end, I'm not so concerned with whether Springfield was "upfront" about their source as much as people making a false assertion to pass off as truth which misleads those that are seeking actual facts.

Maybe I outta add to my original statement that the XD might be falling out of favor due to dismissive "misinformation" that may cause others to shy away from them...
First, the consensus here is that the XD platform is super reliable...Personally, my interest is in auto pistols that function, as intended, ALL of the time. Accuracy, ergonomics, ease of maintenance, while very important, are secondary concerns to reliability/durability and the XDs are iron clad in this. This, of course, is an opinion based on MY experience.

Second, the OP asked "has the XD fallen out of favor" My question is, when was it ever in favor, by whom, and compared to what??... except by me and other individuals who actually own and shoot the pistol.

I could be wrong, but to my knowledge, it hasn't been adopted by LE to a great extent except maybe Croatian military and police...so the fine XD probably never was "in favor" to a great degree.
Insert Slow clap here. You’ve worn me down to idgaf what you say status.
Find this vast marketing material and post it. Find where when people brought up the XD they were made aware, by Springfield, they were purchasing a $200 pistol for $500. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Fact is, the XD didn’t become popular until 2005ish and by then Springfield already owned them for several years. So you’re telling me Springfield continued to tell everyone how they are buying a rebranded hs2000 even years after buying the rights? No, no I don’t think they did.

It's about providing honest information on this board.

Pot, meet tuttle...
I've got a few XD's and Glocks.
M&P's, CZs, Sigs, etc.
I like them all.
I shoot the XD's better than the Glocks, but I still like my Glocks.
My guns are for fun mostly, and variety is the spice of life.
I'm too old to go to war, I'm not likely to become a vigilante, police officer or soldier of fortune.
Right now, I kinda like my CZ P-09 for punching holes in paper, but the others get used too, even the night stand Glock will see a little action once in a while.
If one gun worked for everybody, they'd just make the one.
Why should I spend anymore time with someone being caught asserting embellishments as facts? You admitted you don't care what I say. So, why should I continue to provide evidence that supports my claims upon which you refuse to accept. Instead, you want to imply I embellish as well?

No, thanks. You've already been taken to the wood shed. It's high time to redirect this thread back to the OP's intent.
Better, cheaper, or more popular pistols came along, but make no mistake, Springfield and their stuff involving the Illinois gun dealer licensing hurt them bad, so IMO it's a combination of several things.

Personally, I think the grip safety is dumb, but I've never liked grip safeties. The only Springfield's out now that interest me are the XD-E pistols with the DA/SA trigger, but they're pricey. When I can get an LC9s or PPS M2 for under $300, a Mossberg MC1 for $350, dropping $450 on an XD-E just doesn't sit well with me.
Better, cheaper, or more popular pistols came along, but make no mistake, Springfield and their stuff involving the Illinois gun dealer licensing hurt them bad, so IMO it's a combination of several things.

Personally, I think the grip safety is dumb, but I've never liked grip safeties. The only Springfield's out now that interest me are the XD-E pistols with the DA/SA trigger, but they're pricey. When I can get an LC9s or PPS M2 for under $300, a Mossberg MC1 for $350, dropping $450 on an XD-E just doesn't sit well with me.
"Better" in what way?

The grip safety on the XD never bothered me in the least, has never caused any problems and has never caused the pistol NOT to fire. I too, am real interested in the XDe but I have other pistols that are DA/SA and would rather not add another.

Nuthin's perfect :)
They have no more fallen out of favor than any other handgun on the market. I wonder when firearm owners will quit focusing on most popular or what the internet crap produces.
Most popular among whom? The vast amount of Newbie shooters that are in this crazy market or the people that buy guns and do not even make it to the range once a month?
All firearms are unique in their own way. Not everybody should buy the most popular or the most advertised. Most of the comments that go negative on a fire arm are from people that have never even shot one.
Then some internet know it all, just like the Parrots they are, repeat the same crap.
Ever go to a LGS? Walk in there and listen to the nonsense from customers that buy guns. And most likely they will buy the cheapest or the most advertised and then get on the internet to tell everybody how great their gun is and bash anything else.
And most likely they will buy the cheapest or the most advertised and then get on the internet to tell everybody how great their gun is and bash anything else.

This goes both ways. Face it most semi-automatic pistols these days are BORINGLY reliable. When is the last time you had a non-induced failure with ammunition that was known reliable in that pistol? For that matter when is the last time you had a duty style pistol that was finicky on ammo?

Somehow the collective we takes this as a sign that the pistol that is currently their favorite is the greatest pistol of all time and all other pistols must be inferior.

Take the XD for example. The "normal" striker fired crowd that prefers firearms that are carried without the striker tensioned will argue the "single action" system of the XD is inherently unsafe. The XD crowd will argue that the grip safety makes the pistol fundamentally safer. Yet 99% of those carrying either system will not have a negligent discharge and nearly all negligent discharges will be operator error. Neither gun is likely to show any difference in actual use. Yet look at the amount of defending (and attacking) that will go on in regards to any pistol discussed.
"Better" in what way?

The grip safety on the XD never bothered me in the least, has never caused any problems and has never caused the pistol NOT to fire. I too, am real interested in the XDe but I have other pistols that are DA/SA and would rather not add another.

Nuthin's perfect :)
You got me. I guess better is a relative term and I was using it in a way to say that other people found other guns "better", for them, than a Springfield XD.
One more thing, and I've been wanting to bitch about this for a long time :) and since we're on the subject of XDs.

Some of the posters have mentioned marketing...why in the world would Springfield print "GRIP ZONE" on the grips of the MOD 2 ??...I know it doesn't bother some in the least and that's great but it completely turns me off from an otherwise excellent pistol.
US Marketing rep to Croatian engineer: We need to change something about the HS2000

Engineer: Is there something not performing to expectations?

Marketer: Well.. not exactly. Its just an old design and we are having a hard time selling it.

Engineer: So what do you want changed? What can we make better

Marketer: Something to let people know this is a NEW model

Engineer: But its not a new

Marketer: Can we print "Grip Zone" right here?

Engineer: Stupid American...