I came over to TFL,after having a particularly hard time with one guy on another board.
Bookie made the invite, as a jesture, to search for information to back up what I'd confronted this "fella" with.
Since then, I've went back to that board once. And that was to post the informatin I was having difficulty finding elsewhere.
BTW, thanks again bookie!! As to everyone else here.
We, like Family, don't always agree on everything.
But heh, that's what makes ideas flourish, an open environemnt!
Has anything I've read, or seen here changed my opinion of anything?
NO, it hasn't. That's good, and bad. But it's what I feel is right.
Have I been made to look at things from another perspective? HEll yes!! And that's the first step to making someone a smarter, wiser person. And it's that wisodm that I hope to pass onto my progeny.
And for that, I thank you!
"Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation ... in the several kingdoms of Europe ... the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms" (James Madison, the Federalist Papers, No. 46).