Happened to a friend- WWYD?

I would probably find a job where I don't get attacked by these sorts. For the situation at hand, escalating the fight was the wrong thing to do. De-escalate, as was stated. Or do what you have to do in order to protect yourself and your friends from a wanton attack when de-escalation fails.
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Don, having taken two lives in the line of duty, and wounded an escaping prisoner once: During the first incident, I would draw, seek cover and warn them to leave, and kill them if they approached. I would call the police either way. In the second instance, had the police not arrived yet, I would draw and kill them, beginning with those who were armed with anything that could be viewed as a deadly weapon.

I would suggest, rather than "kill them," I'd shoot until the threat abated, but otherwise, this would be my response. This is a scenario posited for discussion. To cast aspersions on the poster, well, whatever. As for my reaction - given the scenario presented? I'm astonished anyone's reaction would differ from Dresen2001's. My weapon is out and I'm prepared to fire.

Good gracious, someone aiming a car at me is not getting the benefit of the doubt. Gangs of armed thugs coming at me are not getting the benefit of the doubt.
I would think there would not be sufficient time to retreive a weapon at the split second when you figure the car is trying to hit you.
After the impact when they exit their vehicle with the intent to cause harm, the weapon comes out and they are presented with two choices determined by the distance from me to them.
Whatever happens the next step is an immediate call to 911.
about to read every response(I haver read some) - thank you for a very explanatory, interesting thread. 1st impression:

Unfortunately, the three workers stayed to finish their job. About ten minutes later, an old van parked in front of the gas station. Two of the youths from earlier stepped out, accompanied by two thugs built like gorillas. They were carrying baseball bats and knives.

this is unacceptable in my point of view. the scene should have been vacated Immediately after the caddy slowrided away. no problems with cops being called - that is a choice these people needed to make on their own+it seems like a very prudent idea. Staying at the scene was not a good idea in the least. these people hit your friend/worker with a vehicle&laughed about it. I would've known it was an automatic they would return. By staying and not calling the police, things stayed at the assailants level - just as they wanted it. I am glad none of the workers were killed. It is probable(though speculation) some form of drug(s) and/or alcohol were present. The scene should've been vacated immediately. At the very least the cops should have been called while you waited, but my instinct would've gotten me out of there.
southern guy

just read your edit - I am glad your buddy admitted it was stupid to stay. Only he can use that strong of a word. I wouldn't say that about him. Stuff happens!

I would've drawn in a heartbeat in this situation(going by exactly how it played out in southernguy's original post). they come back with their buddies after a MAJOR altercation/incident, they have weapons such as baseball bats and approach. Absolutely I would draw to defend myself and stand my ground. And this is another example of the fact that one does not have to draw every time they draw their weapon. The cops would have killed many perps having a bad day if that was true.

all the best

(1) Control anger. Getting clipped by a car is no laughing matter, but getting into a shouting match and kicking someone's car is escalation, even if you feel it was emotionally justifiable. An armed person needs to seek to de-escalate confrontations. It is part of the discipline of carrying.

this is a very good point. I have made my side known, But there are two sides to every story. It would have helped to have seen the actual, first hit w/car with my own eyes. Basically, this is hard to explain but there was like a "college fight" after where everything stays between the people involved. is it possible he was lightly tapped and they got out in the not so sympathetic mood before it Escalated further? not sure, I'd still do the same later on but maybe southernguy can add more sometime? it can be really funny the varying ways one would respond @ 20, 30, 50 yrs of age as example...
Mistake #1 was escalating the situation.

Mistake #2 was not calling the police at the first reasonable opportunity.

Mistake #3 was staying there when there was a VERY high probability the assailants would return with reinforcements of some sort.

When you become legally justified in drawing and/or firing a weapon depends on the laws in your area but the short answer is you are morally justified when the choice has been removed by the attacker.

To some members it seems rather easy to take a life from the comfort of their home or office banging on the key board.
Yes, it is very easy to make comments from behind a keyboard. I can only answer for myself but the more of a threat someone poses to myself or those I care about, the less value their life holds to me. I have never had to fire on another person and I sincerely hope I never have to but I have been in more than one situation where I had to choose whether or not to shoot. Thankfully, the individuals posing a threat didn't remove that choice and force my hand but their lives held little value to me at that point.