Happened to a friend- WWYD?

When the bats and knives appreared, they would have been warned once to leave. If they did not leave, they would have been shot.
To some members it seems rather easy to take a life from the comfort of their home or office banging on the key board.
Don, having taken two lives in the line of duty, and wounded an escaping prisoner once: During the first incident, I would draw, seek cover and warn them to leave, and kill them if they approached. I would call the police either way. In the second instance, had the police not arrived yet, I would draw and kill them, beginning with those who were armed with anything that could be viewed as a deadly weapon.
Come on don.... These guys already ran your buddy over with a car. Then got out of the car with intent of causing more bodily harm. These idiots made the decision easy.
When the car turned and basically tried to play chicken with me I would have drawn my gun while getting out of the way, the latter being most important. When they stopped and bailed out they would have been met by Mr. gunpoint and I would have asked that police be called by my partners. If the thugs responded appropriately, stop and retreat, and if they weren't armed, I would simply make the best witness possible.

The second part likely wouldn't have happened due to LE presence however if it did, I would be forced to draw and in this case defend my vehicle. I know its not the wisest choice however having the advantage of gun vs ball bats allows me to save some money in copays.

My life is worth more way more than the copay, the bad guys live not so much. Attack a man with a bat who is armed with a gun and get what you deserve.
I guess I was thinking along the same lines as Don. I'm not accusing anyone of anything... I'm just saying I get a bad feeling about these kinds of scenarios because it has a Bernerd Goetz feel to it.

People who seem eager to have the opportunity to employ a firearm. I can see how it'd be a great story to tell your grandkids.

I think it's possible for someone to have a slightly skewed view - to lump people into the bad guy category and to think that by pulling their pistol they are going to be coming to the rescue and that when the police arrive they are going to be congratulated for dispatching the scumbags, and they will be seen as heros. But it really might not go that way, especially if there was escalation on the part of the shooter or someone in his party. Might be facing a very expensive and prolonged legal battle to try to avoid a conviction and jail time. Not to mention the civil suits...
To some members it seems rather easy to take a life from the comfort of their home or office banging on the key board.

When you are being run over or threatened with death or grave bodily injury it is very easy. Not to take a life but rather to end the threat. The alternative is the hard part. Being beaten definitely isn't fun and I'm sure being run over is pretty awful as well. Just as quickly as you jump away from the approaching vehicle, you will draw and fire when threaten with death. If you don't think you can do this, you might as well be victimized.
I think it's possible for someone to have a slightly skewed view - to lump people into the bad guy category and to think that by pulling their pistol they are going to be coming to the rescue and that when the police arrive they are going to be congratulated for dispatching the scumbags, and they will be seen as heros.

As easy as it was for you to presume to know our intent in defending ourselves?
The proper use of a firearm could have influenced this situation in a number of ways. Had I been Tim, depending on the exact circumstances, I would have drawn as soon as it became apparent that the vehicle had adjusted its course to hit me. Depending on the speed of the vehicle, the driver would have had but a second to readjust his course before I fired. Where im from, attempting to run someone over is attempting to kill them. Your opinion may vary.

Had I been Chris or the co-worker, again dependent on the exact circumstances, I would have immediately retrieved Tim while telling the other to call the police. I would have retreated back toward the work truck/van, and drawn when the vehicle pulled back into the station.

I cannot see a way the second situation would have unfolded if the police had been called.
After the brush with the Cadillac, I'd be on the phone with the police, reporting a pedestrian downed by a vehicle followed by an armed assault. License plate, color, year, description of occupants, etc.

My bet is the cops would have shown up PDQ and the second act would never have followed.
Well fist of all, If some yahooo clipped me with their car.. I would be on the phone with poilce and trying to give info on the car, tag and occupants.
At what point would they have been justified in showing the weapon, or even using it in defense? What if the attackers had first targeted their vehicles instead of splitting up to chase them?

When they were first approached by thugs with knives and baseball bats without waiting to see if they were going to target their vehicles first.:cool:
I've yet to see a thread of this type where calling the police as soon as possible wasn't the best answer.

So I would have called the cops with the cars license number as soon as possible. I would then collect my stuff and find a safe place to wait.
After swearing out a complaint I would happily anticipate my chance to appear as a witness against the people who hit me with the car.
If you feel threatened,especially from someone wielding a baseball bat which can SERIOUSLY injure or even KILL you,you have every right to pull out your handgun,rifle,knife,2x4, or chair etc and defend yourself,End of story!
C0untZer0 said:
to lump people into the bad guy category and to think that by pulling their pistol they are going to be coming to the rescue and that when the police arrive they are going to be congratulated for dispatching the scumbags, and they will be seen as heros.

This is precisely what happened with my brother. He came to the rescue of a neighboring businessman, shot the thug through the leg with a .45ACP Black Talon (was trying to hit center mass), when the police arrived he was congratulated for trying to dispatch the scumbag and he was hailed a hero in the local media.

Righteous shootings are just that, righteous. Questionable shootings are usually accompanied by the shooter being evasive.
What do the pressure wash guys have in mind when they return to the same business to wash again? Or near by businesses? The thugs are going to attack again given their willingness to return in the 1st incident.
As I read the scenario,and if I found myself in the same situation...

Once the initial fist fight was over I would of insisted my work crew leave immediately cause I would of anticipated a return from the youtes.

We would leave job site, call and report info to police and take friend who was hit with car and those involved in fight to hospital for check..
Not all of us are 23 years old, 6'3", 240 # and Navy SEAL trained.

Absent the details, many are jumping to conclusions.

Some of us are 50+, in less than perfect health, etc. Those details matter, often quite a bit...and your options may be dictated by those limitations.