Blasphemy? BAH! Now, I grant you that once you get a gun you don't want to part with, you shouldn't part with it just because some other sweet young thing catches your eye, but I've only had a couple of those. My shotgun's a Merkel 147E boxlock, and I will have it til the day I die. But, not being a handgun shooter til a couple of years ago, and therefore having no idea what I would like and not like, what was I supposed to do? Trading has allowed me to sample the great variety: Rugers, Glocks, Berettas, Brownings, Walthers, Cimarrons, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields -- and still remain happily married.
Or, it could be that my eye wanders to that sweet young thing and loyalties to my previous favorite disappear.
Actually, I only have one gun at the moment that I'd even consider trading (Springfield "Loaded") ... and I have a Freedom Arms 97 .357/.38 4.25" fixed sight single action on the way.
That's pretty good for me.