handgun for home protection

I've seen the tip-up barrel Berettas mentioned a couple of times. While those may be viable options, remember these designs do not have extractors. Because of this, they have to be kept pretty clean to operate reliably as gunk in the chamber can cause FTE's.

My first choice for HD would be a shotgun...A woman should have no problem with a 20ga pump.
If you go handgun, stay away from semi-autos...A 38/357 revolver like the Ruger 4 inch GP100 would be a good choice.
Take her to the range and have her try semi-autos and revolvers. I would tend to recommend the revolver in 38 or 357/38 with a 4 inch. But you said she does does not gripping the K frame. You might let her try a Ruger Police Service Six. I have one as well as K frames Smiths. The grip on Service Six is like the K frame but is some what different. Also, as some posters said the Ruger SP101 3 inch is a good option. So is the J frame Smith but try to stay in the 3 inch range on the barrel. Its all a matter of what she would be comfortable with. You might even have her try a semi-auto in 380. She might be able to rack the slide easier depending on brand of gun. The 380 can be used as a home defense round. The recoil will be light. Beretta makes one of the best.
Good luck,
380 can be used as a home defense round. The recoil will be light.
Not necessarily. I have a Kel-Tec P3AT and its recoil is worse than any other gun I own because it is so light. It is downright painful to practice with.
Its hard to go wrong with a 6" .357 magnum for a lady.

No worrying about racking the slide or limp wristing it.

Get her some training and practice so she can step it up to something else, but a .357mag is no slouch by any means. Slow reloads and low capacity are its largest draw-backs. And the ferocious recoil for new shooters. But in an emergency, its better to have a wheel gun with 6 guaranteed shots than a semi-auto that she may limp wrist and not have the strength to clear a stove pipe malfunction.