Handgun Brands I Don't Like:

Handgun Brands I Don't Like:

Any guns made from plastic, Zamak or aluminum; Any guns made in Turkey.
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I don't have a quantitative answer other than grip fit.

I just got back into owning guns this last December. I am up to 3 and my wife is up to one.

This single criteria is the one that matters 1st and most. It isn't getting through the gate if it doesn't feel right.

Now brands, for the most part, do tend towards similar grips, but I don't discount a brand by only a few examples.

Bersa - Love my Thunder 380 and Mini FireStorm 40, absolutely hate the BP9CC
Taurus - hate my son's PT840C, but I like the 24/7, and these are very similar
Colt - like everything I have touched, except the Mustang
Glock - with you there, but I'll find one I like someday
Tanfoglio (EAA) - have yet to find one I don't like except color (they are getting crazy with that part)

As far as my wife..... darned near nothing got through her gate, except my Witness and her DB9. Size got them looked at, grip got them through the gate, able to rack was next, simplicity last. Took 3 months to finally get her one she liked. Darned thing is even referred to as a 'baby Glock', though it isn't near as homely.
i dont like glocks. never have. that being said my next purchase is going to be a glock 20 lol 10mm FTW...

i love my smiths. hated my rugers.

love my sig p250 and taurus pt92.

did not like my hi point. (not many do) but it went bang everytime. just looked ugly as can be

...Any guns made in Turkey

Just curios as to why (outside of politics which I'd rather not discuss here).

One Regent R100, two Sarsilmaz shotguns, and one Kirrikale Walther PP copy:

To wit: One .45 assembled with shoddy, handmade parts which required replacement of all internals to make it work properly and safely, two shotguns that required modification of the feed tubes and the follower to work correctly, and one .380 that was a complete jam-o-matic from day 1.

Four experiences were enough to keep me from getting anything else made in Turkey. YMMV
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Rifles. I've never had much interest in or use for one. I've owned several, but other than 22's never even fired them much. I'll use a 22 for squirrel hunting but that's about it.

You're welcome to them, I just don't want them.

In handguns I prefer revolvers, but can't say I dislike semi-auto's. I don't own but one these days, a Walther PP, but I've liked others I owned.
Thankfully there are plenty of choices. I'm leery of some ''entry level'' models which are made by all companies. I understand why they make them, just not a fan of a lot of them.
I don't like Glocks, as they don't point and shoot naturally for me. I have not doubt I could learn to shoot one reasonably well, but my favored Walthers did not take this extra effort.
I also am partial to Ruger's GP100 and their SA revolvers, while I wouldn't own one of their autos even if it was given

I would agree with you 95%; However, the Ruger Standard .22 and it's descendents can't be beat.
Don't like cheaply made excuses for weapons, ergo, Rohm, Raven Titan, F.I.E. cheapies, Hi Point, and others of that ilk.
We all pretty much know brands that are of questionable quality.
Better to spend 2X the bucks & get 10 X the weapon.
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There are several brands that I don't like because of their poor quality control. There are also several quality guns that just don't work for me (personal tastes). ;)
I have several I don't like (more model-specific than solely make-specific), but number one, in terms of lowest value going, and highest hype-to-performance ratio, is of course the ubiquitous Glock. It's just a glorified Hi-Point with a nice finish. Very junky (except for finish), but runs good. Just like a Hi-Point (albeit with better materials). I've had them and still do have one left. They're a decent pistol - for about $300. The actual prices they fetch are hysterical, given that the competition in same *general* price point territory blows them away in quality, ergos, and innovation (S&W, Walther, many others). Extreme failure to innovate, and the list goes on and on as to why. Never ceases to amaze me how the loss-leader-sales-to-LEOAs-makes-people-think-they're-great marketing scheme continues to pull the wool over the public's eyes, year after year. More power to ya, Glock - that's capitalism.

Me, I'll stick with CZ, BHP, 1911s, Kahr, and S&W (old and new), in auto pistols. Only plastic-framed guns I have liked are CZ, Kahr, and S&W, although I'm sure I'd like Walther if I got one - high quality and innovation points. And the XD for that matter - pretty reasonable quality. I also like the metal-framed Bersas and the lower-prices CZ clones (Tri-Star, etc.). The plastic-framed Tauri auto-pistols are innovative & feature-packed, to be sure, but the mag releases are touchy and there's always that Tauri reputation.
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